I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1287: Invincible

Anlin doesn't have to look at people at all. He hears those words and knows who it is.

Sure enough, a squat, a pink-blue sailor suit, a charming girl, a magical girl holding a six-legged staff, appeared not far away, the purple sparkling with excitement.

"Blasting ghosts, armored dragon turtles, don't panic, I will save you!" Liu Qian smiled and said hello.

An Lin stunned for a few seconds, and this reaction came over. He said with great anger: "Your sister's armored dragon turtle, don't say, I am the Promise Juggernaut!!"

Michael the Holy Angel frowned slightly, and some of the monks in front of him were saying something, he could not understand! ? However, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it. Just cut them all.

The light is stirring.

A hundred-meter-long circular sword, swaying at a very fast speed.

Liu Qian magic rushed between the use of the sticks on the side of the body, Jianmang and the staff collided, bursting out sharp humming, the majestic force and the sturdy swords swept in the moment, the woman flew.

"Blasting ghosts, armored dragon turtles, what are you doing, come and protect the back row!" Liu Qian's screams rang.

Anlin slowed down the gods and rushed to Michael with the sword of victory.

Liu Qian illusion is balanced in the air, the snow-white symmetrical legs slammed on the ground, barely stabilized and regressed his body shape. At the moment, the six-legged staff also danced more than a dozen energy **** that could distort the air. Extreme speed rushed to Michael.

Michael and Anlin were on a move, and the small and strong Anlin flew again, when the energy ball had come on the scene. He frowned, using a light shield to cover the whole body, letting the energy ball explode around his body.

On the ground, Xuanyuan Cheng also followed a few violent swords.

The attack continued, and Michael was quite annoyed.

"You can't waste any meaningless time with you anymore." Michael sighed, holding a holy sword in the void, and the white aperture continued to expand.

A white feather in the six wings escapes from the wing and floats toward the white aperture.

Suddenly, in the distance, a beam of light with extremely hot energy tears the air.

"The ultimate flash!" Liu Qianyan put a big move on the feathers.

Intuition tells her that the feather is not simple.

Michael had no choice but to release the sword again, tearing the intermediate flash of Liu Qian's illusion into two halves from the middle. Liu Qian is right, and the feathers are not simple.

Anlin and Xuanyuan saw it and immediately attacked the feathers.

However, Michael held the holy sword and drew a tight net of swords, blocking the three men's attacks.

In the end, the white feather fell into the white circle.

"Feathering the kingdom!" Michael's voice just fell, white feathers smashed, the aperture expanded hundreds of meters, and the condensed almost substantial light began to shine in the world.

An Lin, Xuan Yucheng, and Liu Qian's illusion, all on the ground, smashed the bones.

The gravity of terror, the three people can't stand up!

Yes, this is the repression of the kingdom of heaven. No one can escape this power.

"It's over." Michael waved at Anlin's single sword, and the light broke through all things, pulling a sinuous and unstoppable trajectory in the void.

Anlin’s eyes sank, and he finally decided to use his killer, black and qi!

In the case that the fire cannot be completely transferred, the Vulcan pattern of the explosion can not be used, and the black source is his strongest explosive means.

However, once the use of black qi source gas, the repair of the ten sections of the body of the Tao, absolutely can not hold, will have strong side effects.

The price is likely to be completely out of force, no longer fighting!

In other words, this is actually a useless method. When it is used up, it means exiting the activity. It is no wonder that Anlin will hesitate for so long.

But now, he has no choice.

If not, not only him, Cheng Ge and Liu Xuejie will also be defeated here!

The light swordsmanship carries the horrible edge of the face, and Anlin’s resolute color is trying to mobilize the power of the body. Another hot and dazzling sword mans occupy his vision and collide with the holy light sword. together.


Energy collides with the explosion.

Anlin was bombarded by tens of meters, rolling on the floor, but his heart was full of ecstasy.

"Xiaolan!" He blurted out and debuted.

Yes, this kind of sword, the power of this holy inflammation, he is familiar with it.

It’s Xu Xiaolan’s shot!

Michael turned his gaze to Tsing Yi, not far away, and the woman who stood proudly, his face changed again: "You are back."

On the void, suddenly screamed.

Michael seemed to have noticed something, and immediately swept the sword toward the void somewhere.

A crisp collision sounds.

A blue moon with a speed that is difficult to capture with the naked eye, so it falls on the Holy Light Sword, bursting out a sharp cold!

"The timing of the sneak attack is good, but I want to hurt me, I am delusional." Michael waved a force, and the moonlight wheel was rolled up and flew.

A woman dressed in a blue palace dress, like a fairy under the moon, turned a hand, and the blue moonlight rounded back to her where she was, warning the six-winged angel not far away.

"Susu, you are here too!" Anlin surprised.

The arrival of one friend's strong support has greatly increased his confidence.

"Anlin classmate, you are here too." Su Xiaoyun smiled with a sigh of relief. "Great, but you are there, or Xuanyuan may suffer."

"How is the peach tree?" Xuanyuan asked in a hurry.

"Fortunately, not to be insulted, killed three white feathers, through the lost, found in the top of the snow mountain." Xu Xiaolan compared to an "OK" gesture, said with a smile.

"What, you also got a peach tree?!" An Lin squinted his eyes and looked at the two women not far from the shock.

"Thanks to the honest brother to fight for the opportunity for us ah ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xu Xiaolan said with emotion.

Above the sky, Michael's face sank completely.

"Zuo Luo, they are all out of the game? How is this possible..."

He knows that the two women not far away, the real cultivation is the beginning of the transformation of the gods and the return to the virtual.

And Zhuo Luo three, before entering the world, all are returning to the virtual world!

Whether they are fighting consciousness or using the technique, which one is better than the two women who are opposite, how can they lose?

Michael couldn't figure it out.

However, when he saw Su Xiaoyun's strange and unpredictable light wheel, and Xu Xiaolan once again sent him a terrible sword, he understood it.

The two women in front of me are much stronger than the realm! !

In general, the strongest players who can be challenged more and more, when they become the tenth section of the Tao, can more exert their power beyond the realm!

Michael is like this, Anlin is like this, so is Xu Xiaolan and Su Xiaoyun.

Michael's hand reached out to the void, and the power of the feathered kingdom broke out completely. The three explosions of the bombardment, Anlin, Liu Qianxuan, Xuanyuancheng, were all crushed by the giant force.

He immediately swayed with a sword, and the light shone across the heavens and land, and Xu Xiaolan flew up to a kilometer and crashed into a cliff in the mountains.

In the next moment, he disappeared in the same place and escaped the sneak attack moonlight.

Su Xiaoyun had not returned to God, and he saw a white shadow appearing in front of her. The finger was empty and the light shone. Her abdomen was like a heavy blow. She spit out a blood and fell to the ground.

Michael's eyes closed his fingers, and between the blink of an eye, he lost five people!

"You are very good, but for me."

"I can beat you five people by myself, more than enough."


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