I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1288: What is spike?

This sentence is very rampant, but no one can refute it.

Michael showed the strength of the tenth section of his Tao, which is indeed terrifying to despair, and worthy of the identity of the Eden.

Liu Qian phantom lay on the ground and gasped fiercely. Desperately said: "Well, it's over, the trial angel Kyle hits five, and we also kill us! Magical girl Lax, blasting ghost, armored dragon turtle, 皎The goddess of the moon, the Promise Juggernaut, no one is his opponent!"

Micah looked at the five people who fell to the ground, the sacred voice, the rainbow light gathered, attached to the holy sword, no longer say a word, facing the recent Xuan Chengcheng is a glimpse.

The light of the Holy Sword replaces the light of the sun and the moon, and is ruthlessly fallen.

Xuanyuan Cheng was just suppressed by the feathered kingdom, and could not stand at all. He could only watch the attack fall, but there was nothing to do.

However, it is just in time.

A familiar white back appeared in front of him.

The whole body is surrounded by black air, and the breath is so terrifying that it makes people feel guilty.

The man held a black sword and waved at the light of the Holy Light. The darkness replaced the light, as if it was alternating day and night, and the night came to the world.

The light sword was swallowed up by the dark swordsman.

"how is this possible!"

Michael's blue pupils shrank slightly, and he was exclaimed in shock.

"An Lin..." Xuanyuan smiled.

Standing in front of him is the use of the black source of An Lin!

"You forced me, Michael, I will let you understand, how terrible you are to be able to deal with the enemy." The blade of Anlin gently flipped, and the light of the heavens and the earth seemed to be sucked. general.

"Tumble it, the armored dragon turtle!" Liu Qianyan saw hope and shouted loudly.

An Lin: "..."

"A strong and powerful breath..." Michael's face became heavy, and even if he was arrogant, he could not despise this power.

His cultivation has been suppressed in the tenth section of the Tao, and more than 99% of the techniques are incapable of using it. Explosive body secret law, but it is not so low-level but can be used.

Therefore, he did not expect that Anlin had such a terrible secret.

"God of War six swords, shadow tiger."

The heavens and the earth suddenly became dark.

Michael's heart jumped, his five senses were deprived in an instant, and even the perception of God was shielded. This is true darkness!

There was almost no hesitation, and he immediately mobilized the strength of the whole body to defend.

But when the Holy Light defense has not been fully transferred, the sharp blade has penetrated his power barrier and has fallen into his body.

The speed is very fast, and Jianwei is even more detached to another level! !


The blade ruthlessly tore his body.

Heaven and earth restore the light.

What appeared in front of everyone was the picture of the six-winged holy angel falling on the earth.

The white feathers drifted away, and the blood spilled into the sky, and the golden body of the body was extremely bright.

Anlin was born with a wind wing, holding a blood-stained sword and a black sword. He became the only person standing between heaven and earth, like an undefeated war god.

Liu Qian’s illusion saw this scene and could not help but cheer loudly.

The Scorpio Hall was blasted.

The scene of Anlin’s sword and Michael’s sword was too shocking.

"God, Michael lost?"

"Before it was clear that it had an absolute advantage. How could it be defeated?"

"This is a spike, is it so exaggerated??"

Many people's faces are burning, looking at the scene in front of them with shame and shock.

After all, most of the big energy, I feel that the loss must be Anlin, but also on the spot asserted how many minutes Anlin could not support...

"No, how can Michael the Holy Angel be defeated, fake, all fake! I must be dreaming!" Some Michael fanatics, unable to accept this scene, have begun to refuse to accept reality, loudly Denied.

Especially the white feathers of the creatures, the face is incredible.

They thought that they were the biggest force in the hope of winning the peach tree.

I didn’t expect that a peach tree was not captured, and almost all the troops were wiped out!

Still planted in the hands of the same forces, four nine sects! !

Shirley looked at the picture on the screen.

A few minutes ago, Anlin’s words were still in his ears. Going outside to see him beat Michael?

Shirley is going to wait for Anlin to be beaten out. With this sentence, he used to ridicule him in the past. Didn't he think that Ann Lin actually won?

She couldn't help but pick up a few golden hairs in front of her eyebrows. A delicate smile appeared on her delicate white face. She sighed and shook her head. "He is really invisible. Even Michael the Holy Angels are in this way……"

The place where the Forty-nine Immortals are located is a happy day.

"Haha! The owner is great, the best in the audience!"

"The only move that Anlin’s lord has just made is really horrible. Is that a move that can be used in the stage of the Tao? It’s unbelievable!”

"Master is so powerful, even what Michael is not an opponent." Ye Ling looked at the man on the picture, the beauty is full, the eyes are full of pride and yearning color.

She listened to the younger brothers Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu, and Michael was comparable to the existence of the Emperor of the Kyushu. What a supremacy. Unexpectedly, Master did not miss the mistake, but really gave it a win, which made the little girl admire and could not add ~www.readwn.com~ Tiandi seat.

The Lagerstroemia Emperor smiled and said: "I, Lagerstroemia, Peaches come out!"

The other four emperors were depressed, and they turned in their peaches. They were still in their mouths. Anlin was really so powerful. They killed Michael in less than ten minutes, and they didn’t give them a little face...

The Ziwei Emperor was almost blindly trusting the strength of Anlin, and he won 20 peaches. The most happy of the audience, except for Anlin, I am afraid it is him!

Qiankun enlightened in a day.

Xuan Yucheng hugged An Lin who had fallen off.

Anlin felt the warm and strong chest, and his heart was full of practicality.

Xu Xiaolan ran from a distance, saw this scene, his footsteps were slightly, and then continued to run in the direction of Anlin: "Anlin, are you okay?"

"I have something, I am so tired now, I can't move at all. I need a beautiful young lady to hold it back..." Anlin smiled and looked at Xu Xiaolan.

Xu Xiaolan originally wanted to take An Lin from the hands of Xuan Yucheng.

But after hearing this sentence, she felt that Anlin was a bit cumbersome and changed her mind.

"Oh, then Laofan Xuancheng classmates take care of it." Xu Xiaolan patted the body stained with dust, revealing a warm but unquestionable smile.

An Lin’s heart is stuffed: “Xiaolan, you will lose me like this!”

Xu Xiaolan looked at the other side and did not hear it. He ran to the other side and raised Su Xiaoyun.

"Thank you Xiaolan." Su Xiaoyun smiled sweetly and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"You're welcome, unfortunately, it is forbidden to use medicinal herbs here. We have to recover for a while..."

Xu Xiaolan's gentle face, caressing the back of Su Xiaoyun, the vitality surging, dredging the meridians of her body.

An Lin was lost.


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