I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1290: Out of breath

"This big chaos, too many forces, we can not act impulsively, have a good plan of action!" Xuanyuan sincere face.

"The Promise Juggernaut has the strongest strength and opens the road ahead. The stone is thick and fleshy, and it also attracts firepower in the front. The goddess of the moon is an assassin, responsible for concealment and one-shot killing. The blasting ghost and me stand later and are responsible for the output..." Liu Qianyi analyzed the road with great interest.

Everyone: "???"

Seeing the look of everyone, Anlin finally explained the meaning of each character.

For example, the Promise Juggernaut is Xu Xiaolan, and the goddess of the moon is Su Xiaoyun...

When everyone heard it, suddenly realized that the lineup of the heart seemed to have a little truth!

They all said that Liu Qian’s battle arrangement was no problem, and the biggest protest was the red fight.

"I don't accept it. Why do I only have the effect of absorbing damage?" Red Fighter protested, and his face was not convinced.

Xu Xiaolan glanced at the red bucket: "Would you like to attack me better than me?"

"Or is it more terrible than the explosion of my people?" Xuan Chengcheng's eyes narrowed.

At that moment, the red bucket felt an unprecedented danger, and could not help but tremble, nodded and said: "I am meat, I am meat!!"

Dreaming wants to kill the red fighting of the Quartet, the people under the pressure to yield, and chose a position to absorb the damage.

The red bucket thing is perfectly solved.

Xu Xiaolan continued: "We must not only be careful about the major forces, but also be careful about the peach forest where the peach trees are located."

"Peach Blossom Forest not only has strong enchantment, but also terrible fascination and killing. I just saw eight creatures broke into the peach blossoms, five were directly out of the big bang, three Still wandering in confusion..."

Behind Xu Xiaolan, An Lin heard a sigh in the coffin. If his strength is restored, what is not a finger, but unfortunately...

"We give priority to Xuan Yucheng and Liu Qianmag, who are good at the formation, to create an opportunity to enter the Taohualin." Xu Xiaolan arranged.

Everyone has no objections.

The battle is still going on, and there are people who are out of the game, and some people break into Taohualin.

They know that they can't drag on any more. In order to avoid other forces' first move, Anlin and others decided to officially start fighting!

In this way, the forces of the Forty-nine Xianzong appeared on the battlefield.

Xu Xiaolan rushed to the forefront, Jianguang was like a dragon, and the flame was covered with clothes. It was like a Suzaku dance for nine days. No one could approach her range.

"Ha ha ha ... stupid people, come hit me!" Red bucket excitedly patted his chest, madly screaming at the enemies rushing to his teammates, extremely ridiculous.

Not to mention, there are a few temperamental ones, which are attracted by the appearance of the red bucket.

Their final end, naturally, was smashed by Liu Qian, and was smashed by Xuanyuan.

The strength of the forty-nine sects is in harmony with each other, organized in an orderly manner, like a sharp knife, breaking through all obstacles, clearing all enemies encountered, and constantly approaching Taohualin!

"Everyone is careful, it is the people of the Forty-nine Immortals coming over!"

"No one can stop my spider star spirits, everyone is killing him!"

A green one-eyed spider with eight legs and two sharp-pointed knives, screaming.

The other four spiders also screamed with excitement, and they rushed out to the forty-nine sects and other rushing spiders.

The spider web is dotted with blue stars. This is the net of the power of stars. It can not only prevent fire but also resist the attacks of various swords!

That's right, this is the high-intelligence race, the spider star spirits take the surgery, the star spirit net! Even if the spirit beast of the spiritual environment is here, it is impossible to escape the offensive of this wave.

As soon as a group of spiders and stars are confident and full of their own nets, they will pour a sacred fire to the sacred fire of the sacred sacred sects.

"What?! Our nets can be fireproof and burned out?"

"A terrible flame!"

The spider star spirits were shocked.

"Quickly let go!" The most powerful green one-eyed spider screamed, first jumped to the front of the spiders, and both hands slammed forward toward the front!

At this moment, Qingying rushed to the front, and the Dragon Spider Sword took the hot flame and fell.

Bang! The land of more than two hundred meters is torn by the riots!

"The patriarch!"

One by one, the spider who was flying was shouting.


Xu Xiaolan holds the dragon bird and draws a singular sword. The strongest spider patriarchs use their hands like a knife to resist, and the collision between the two blasts.

Xu Xiaolan is extremely fast, and his body is superb, leaping, rushing, stopping, and flowing.

The patriarch of the Spider Star Spirit gradually became unsupported.

Xu Xiaolan is having a bad time, but she forgot, she is carrying a coffin behind her, and there is an Anlin lying in the coffin. Anlin is still in the state of ordinary people!

At this moment, Anlin, who is lying in the coffin, is sitting on the most horrible roller coaster, rushing, rushing, turning sharply, and sometimes turning a circle in the air...

The weightlessness of horror, overweight, collision, and rotation make him feel like he is going to die.

The mortal body ~www.readwn.com~ How can you keep up with the battle of this horrible Xu Xiaolan?

"Seek ... murdering a husband and wife... vomit!"

An Lin turned his eyes and turned out to be spit.

Not long after.

The fire bursts.

The spider star Ling clan screamed and his body was smashed into the air, and the body golden light came out.

"The patriarch!" Some spider star spirits shouted desperately.

The patriarch of the Spider Star Lingzu is the top power of the late returning period. After becoming the body of the Taoist tenth, even a female practitioner who had just returned to the virtual stage could not beat it.

This completely refreshed their perception.

They don't know, Xu Xiaolan can hardly return to the late stage of power in the early days of returning to the virtual. Now, when she is repaired to the same level, how can she lose?

Not long after, Xuan Yucheng and Liu Qianxuan, also cleaned up the rest of the spider star spirits.

Xu Xiaolan smashed the sword, and the Qingyi danced like a dusty green lotus, and the shadows of the shadows were brilliant, and the gesture of the peerless sword fairy was unveiled.

This scene, let the great powers who watched the battle in the Tianzhu Hall look at it for a moment.

Xu Xiaolan is about to move on, a soft voice, suddenly ringing in the ears.

Su Xiaoyun, who was lurking in the dark, spoke up: "Xiaolan, you are going to look at Anlin, and his status seems to be wrong."

Xu Xiaolan heard the words immediately moved the blood soul behind him to the front.

I don't know how to look at it.

"God! Anlin, what's wrong with you?!"

To deal with the super power of the road, Xu Xiaolan, who can calmly and calmly, is eclipsed at the moment and almost cried.

An Lin was soft on the coffin, his face pale, his eyes turned white, and he was vomiting.

It was a break! !


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