I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1291: 1 big opportunity

This scene is really frightening Xu Xiaolan and Xuan Yucheng and others.

"An Lin, An Lin!" Xu Xiaolan frantically picked up the coffin and took Anlin out.

She stretched out the white jade hand and first held the heart of An Lin. It was a "squeaky". It seemed to be electric shocking the heart of Anlin. At the same time, the vitality surged, and the pure inflammation quickly nourished An Lin's body.

"Fortunately, he just stopped breathing, now it is alright." Xu Xiaolan sighed with relief, and smiled a little easily, and easily removed the filth from Anlin.

"Respiratory sudden stop?" Red bucket looked blank.

"It means that you don't slow down in one breath." Xu Xiaolan explained.

The red bucket was shocked: "What did you do to him, so he almost didn't even breathe!"

Xu Xiaolan's face was slightly red, and there was no explanation.

Anlin is like this, most of her pot.

The rapid movement, drift, and rotation of the coffin made Anlin nausea, and even suffered a huge shock. Finally, it was not relieved, and almost went...

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaolan was afraid for a while.

Anlin really died like this, and she will die.

Soon, Anlin woke up and had tears in his eyes.

He knew that he almost became the first person in history to be deceived by the Taoist priests. At that time, even the coffin was saved, but it was dead in the coffin...

"An Lin, it's okay, everything is fine, oh..."

Xu Xiaolan quickly leaned down, and the jade hand caressed An Lin’s chest, comforting softly.

At this time, the strong forces of other forces around have attacked.

The battle broke out again!

"I am tired here, don't worry about me, go ahead." Anlin spoke to the crowd.

Xu Xiaolan: "Impossible!"

Xuan Yucheng: "How can we leave you."

Liu Qianmag: "Don't think about it, I won't do anything to sell my teammates!"

The people immediately vetoed Anlin’s proposal.

"Don't forget what our purpose is to win the peaches! It's not a matter of death, I am the most out of the game, what's the matter?"

"Big big, after you go back, give me a few more peaches!" Anlin still insisted.

Xu Xiaolan heard the words and shook his head extremely firmly: "It's not a problem with peaches. I don't want to see you with the power of a hand-free chicken. I am being bullied by others. Even if you don't want to peach, I have to protect you, that's it."

Anlin heard the words and stared at the Tsing Yi woman in front of him.

His woman’s face saw an unquestionable firmness, and her heart was inexplicably touched.

Nothing about peaches, no power, no life or death, just don't want to see you being bullied...

Although Anlin is cumbersome at the moment, the feeling of being unwaveringly protected by others still makes him feel happy.

Xu Xiaolan put Anlin back into the coffin and turned his eyes to the red bucket: "You come to carry Anlin to move, behind me."

Her speed and body are too fast, Anlin can't stand it, then let the steady person be responsible, and the red bucket is obviously the most suitable candidate.

The red bucket is being moved by the words of the people. At this moment, the words are not hesitant: "You can rest assured, I will protect the friends of Anlin!"

After all, it carried the coffin behind him and straightened his chest, as if carrying a very sacred mission.

They rushed to the peach forest not far away.

I have to say that the strength of their small group is very strong. God blocks the killing of the gods, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha. The advance can be described as invincible.

The red bucket followed behind Xu Xiaolan, and no longer served as a meat shield, but a porter, said it better, called the lord to protect the law!

It feels that this profession is very suitable for it, high enough, and has a sense of sacred honor.

Running, suddenly a voice was introduced into the ear.

"Red bucket, red bucket!"

The red bucket trembled and replied along the line of the voice: "You are... Ramen Saint?!"

This sound can't be wrong, it is the returning power of the creation hall, the ramen holy king!

"Yes! It's me, hehe... I didn't expect it, you actually mixed up with the people of the Forty-nine Xianzong. Yes, it's really good..." The pleasant voice of the Ramen St. Jun came and was mixed with "哧溜" The sigh of screaming.

The red bucket thought that the Ramen Saint was taunting it, and the face was stunned. He said: "Only temporary cooperation, you don't think too much."

"Of course I didn't think much, I know, you are the great spy of our creation hall!"


The red bucket slammed.

"Yes, don't forget what it is, what is the activity of the peach, no matter what you do, it is for the sake of the peach, isn't it?" The voice of Ramen Saint was coming again.

"The words are like this, but what does this have to do with spies..." Red Dojo.

"Don't forget, what is on your back? It is the lord of the forty-nine sects, Anlin! I secretly heard your conversation. There is a peach tree in the ring of Anlin's hand. He is just a force. Mortal, you can take away the nectar tree in the sacred ring!"

"Then, let him take the blame, let the people of the forty-nine sages take out the second peony tree, so that we can get two pecan trees!"

"Red bucket... I didn't expect you to be a resourceful man!"

Ramen St. Jun speaks eloquently and seems to emphasize something.

The mind of the red bucket blasted open, as if to see the moon, a bold idea, involuntarily floating on the heart.

Yes, arguing for the activities of Tao, what am I doing so stupidly behind the Sijiu Xianzong?

There is now a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get two peach trees! Method Ramen St. Jun has been said, theoretically completely feasible!

"Red bucket, what are you still hesitating? If you are afraid of revenge from the people of the Forty-nine Xianzong, I can help you with the black dog. When you come to the peach tree on the peach tree, how about our five or five points?" It is very tempting and keeps red fighting.

The red heart is moving ~www.readwn.com~ It was originally the people of the creation hall. The reason why it is with the people of the Forty-nine Xianzong is not to make peaches? Now there is a better way to get a peach, why not do it?

An Lin, Xu Xiaolan, are you not looking down on my red fight? This red bucket will give you a big vote and scare you!

The red bucket immediately wanted to put down the coffin and take out the Anlin inside.

However, the hand hangs in the air and pauses, the hot eyes, a little restored to the Qingming.

"Red bucket! You are still hesitating, hurry, no time!" The eager words of Ramen's holy prince urged the stone man.

A bowl of ramen and a black dog have entered the battlefield.

"Haha, look, there is a bowl of noodles here!" A stone-twelling creature laughed, and put away the knife, and cut it toward the ramen.

Ramen St. Jun fluttered from the bowl and flew out a soft, curly-shaped noodle in front of him.


A violent collision.

The stone-twelling spirits have widened their eyes and their faces are unbelievable.

The sharp blade is cut on the noodles, so it is impossible to cut it off if it is cut on the most tough things!

It has not yet reacted, and a poached egg will hit like a cannonball, hitting the chest of the stone-twelling creatures and blasting.

As if something burst, the stone-twelling spirit spit out an old blood, his eyes turned white, crashed to the ground, the body golden light appeared in the whole body, it was directly out!

Eggs hit the stone, the egg wins!

No way, this is a fine poached egg.

"Red bucket!!" Ramen Saint Jun has approached the red bucket.

The red bucket is shaking, knowing that there is no time, when you are about to put your hand on the coffin!


Third, ask for a monthly ticket...


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