I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1292: Red bucket's choice

Ramen Saint has appeared behind him.

As long as the red bucket opens the coffin and takes out Anlin, they can take the peach tree very smoothly, and take Anlin as a hostage, threatening the other people of the Forty-nine Xianzong and letting them surrender another peach tree!

The script has been written, just waiting for the red bucket to execute!

The red bucket is short of breath, and the heart is constantly urging himself.

"The stone man is careful!"

Liu Qianyan suddenly screamed and kicked a red bucket.


A red sword ran over and divided the earth into a long gully.

The man holding the red-colored sword could not see a single shot and retreated quickly.

But when he quickly retreated, his footsteps on the ground, the ground was so strangely raised, and it became extremely hot, as if there was any horrible energy to break through the shell.

"Not good!" His face changed and he was trying to escape.


The horrible explosion suddenly picked up.

The earth trembled.

The man was blown like a rag, and he still had a look of horror when he was fainting.

Xuanyuan honestly smiled: "Everything is adjustable, and it can be turned into a yang thing..."

"The blasting ghost is great! Isn't this mine? I know!" Liu Qian is excited.

Xuanyuan’s face is dark, and he said: “This is the application of the Wanling Taiji Road!”

Liu Qian, ignoring him, stood out against the red bucket that had been tripped to the ground. He said: "Get up, stone man, be careful later, don't go away! Our Sovereign's life safety But confess to you, don't let us down!"

"Ah? Well... rest assured, I will definitely protect Anlin." Red Dou took Liu Qian's hand and stood up. I don't know why, my heart is warm.

Is this the feeling of being trusted?

Give the safety of a lord to it.

The heart of the red bucket trembled fiercely, as if he had thought of something, and suddenly blamed himself.

They trust me so much, I thought I would sell Anlin before I reddood. !

Red bucket, are you the kind of person who sells teammates? The most hateful is not the pit, but the betrayal!

"Red bucket! On!" Behind him, suddenly there was a big drink.

Apparently, Ramen St. Jun couldn’t hold it anymore. He planned to put the cards directly on the table, and this also made the Red Doo have no retreat.

"Desert lava!" The red bucket screamed and the backhand slammed the ground.


The ground rises from the ground, and the hot lava is like a tumbling meteorite. At the same time, the Ramen and the black dog are smashed!

Ramen's face and black dog's face changed at the same time.


Not far from the ground, turned into a lava stalwart, high temperature and explosion is extremely horrible.

This is the strongest blow that the red bucket can use.

The smoke and dust scattered, there were two quite embarrassing figures, they were not prepared for the red bucket, so they really did not care.

"Red bucket, are you crazy?!" The angry voice of Ramen St. Jun came.

"You are a pit! Wang!" The black dog is also screaming with anger.

"If you do this, you will never prove yourself, you are the loser! The plan is for you. Now there is still a chance to change your mind and start working on Anlin!"

The red bucket heard the words but looked blank and slowly closed the boxing. Shen Sheng said: "In this way, you can really prove yourself by getting the peach tree? No, that will only make Anlin look down on me even more! I am fighting, not this kind of person!!"

The black dog smashed: "To the people of the forty-nine sects, prove themselves?"

"Hell, this red bucket is the creation hall, or the four nine sects? What fascinated soup was poured?" Ramen sacred king never imagined that there would be such a situation.

The red bucket straightens up to the chest, like a man standing in the sky: "I am doing things in red, naturally I have a scale!"

Black dog: "..."

Ramen St. Jun: "Ma Mai Batch!"

A strip of ramen tears the air and entangles the coffin behind the red bucket at a very fast speed. The ramen is intended to be strong!

The red bucket ran out and ran out and shouted for help: "Help!"

"The **** of light."

An aperture with a strong imprisonment rushes behind the red bucket, and the ramen that is attacked in the future is imprisoned.

The main output of the magical girl Liu Qian magic shot!

"The ultimate flash!"

The white energy column tears the earth and slams into the face of the Ramen.

Ramen noodles are not afraid, from the noodle soup, suddenly appeared two gold chopsticks.

The gold chopsticks exudes the fluctuations of the fairy, they are staggered and rotated, and a light shield is condensed in front of the ramen.


The energy of the light column bursts, turning the earth of several tens of meters into dust.

The ramen did not suffer a trace of damage and continued to pounce on the red bucket.

Liu Qian's face changed, and the ramen in front is not easy!

Red bucket has now ran to Xu Xiaolan's body, Xu Xiaolan is the strongest in the audience, with a sense of security behind her.

"Just your reaction is very good." Xu Xiaolan opened the road in front, smiled shallowly.

"Oh... basic operation, um." The red bucket nodded politely.

No one knows what kind of mental struggle and sublimation it has just experienced.

In the coffin, An Lin looked at the back of the red bucket with a glance, and nodded slightly.

What happened just now, and what he said in the red bucket, he actually heard it, and probably knew about the thing between Ramen and the Red Dou, and the choice of the red bucket~www.readwn.com~ Red Doo can make this Kind of choice, to be honest, Anlin was somewhat surprised, but also very gratified, he did not believe the wrong person.

Ramen St. Jun and Black Dog are still chasing after the rear.

Liu Qianxuan and Xuan Yucheng kept on making the law and delaying the offensive of the two strong men in the World of Creation.

"Let's stick to it, we have already entered the entrance of Taohualin!" Xu Xiaolan loudly.

As soon as you enter the Taohualin, the powerful fanatics and killings are enough to make the enemies who are chasing cautious and dare not be so crazy.

After all, there is a place where most of the imaginary powers are hard to protect!

Xu Xiaolan stepped up and stepped out of the two trees in front of him.

The entrance to the peach blossom forest has already appeared in front of the eyes. It is a small road covered with petals, and there are numerous trails criss-crossing inside.

At this moment, suddenly she stepped forward and suddenly stopped running.

The extremely terrifying sword suddenly fell from the sky.

The earth in front was smashed by the sword in an instant.

"Call..." Xu Xiaolan felt relieved with a sigh of relief. "Good insurance..."

Run a little faster, she said that it is impossible to recruit!

"Who dares to attack me, give me out!" Xu Xiaolan sighed and regained the arrogance of the arrogant swordsman, the dragon and the sword, and the fear of fear.

A man with a detached posture walks from another direction. Every step seems to fall on a certain rhythm. It is like a sword, and it looks like a cloud.

Behind him, followed by five powerful blue robe monks.

"It's me, Liu Mingxuan, this Taolin, you can't enter."

"It was contracted by my swordsman!"

The man's hands were behind him and he whispered.


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