I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1293: These 2 people may have hatred

Liu Mingxuan of Tian Jianzong, the first sword fairy of Kyushu, the super power of the road!

When he suddenly announced that Taohualin had been contracted by him, the first reaction of the sentient beings was not to laugh at, but to fear and unwillingness.

"Well, Liu Mingxuan is here, what can I do?"

"Don't be afraid! He is not invincible. We have many people, even if it consumes, it can kill him!"

"Depleted? When we are popular, we can fight!"

"What do we do now?"

"Or...you go first?"

"Roll, you are going first!"

Those monks who had already rushed to the vicinity of Taohualin began to hesitate and fear.

After Liu Mingxuan looked at the red body with a blank expression, An Lin, inside the coffin, did not speak, but the person had already blocked the entrance to the Taohualin.

Obviously, he made it very clear.

Want to enter the peach forest?

Yes, beat him first!

Liu Mingxuan just stopped like this, and instantly shocked most of the creatures.

Even Xu Xiaolan and Xuan Yucheng and others stood still, apparently not planning to die.

"Tian Jianzong wants to get the peach tree, but also must enter the peach forest, we are not in a hurry, wait for them to enter the peach forest, then look for opportunities to enter!" Xu Xiaolan whispered.

Everyone heard a nod and it was a good idea.

Liu Mingxuan wants to force it, let him install it, can he not enter the peach blossom forest to seize the peach tree?

Once he enters the puzzle, who still manages the outside?

Liu Mingxuan turned around at this time, facing the five people behind him: "The creatures in the peach blossom forest are basically out of the game. You go in and take the peach tree. I am guarding outside."

"Yes!" A group of Tianjian sects respectfully bowed and walked into Taohualin.

Member of the Forty-nine Immortals: "..."

Waiting for Liu Mingxuan to enter the Taohualin, why don't you go in?

However, in doing so, it just happened to put an end to the situation of suddenly taking out the dark horse and taking away the peach tree. After all, Taohualin is a disciple of Tianjianzong. Who is the Taoist tree?

A beautiful woman did not enter the peach forest, but stood next to Liu Mingxuan, sneer at Anlin and others.

"At the peach meeting, my husband did not take the shot because he took care of the face of the heavens."

"Now, my husband can shoot, and you are as timid as a rat. Where did you go before yelling at us? Hehehe, a group of rats."

Zhu Shan said with disdain, the look of the arrogant, as if to release the previous grievances.

As soon as the voice fell, a terrible energy beam suddenly slammed into the door, and the speed was extremely fast.

Her face has changed dramatically and it is too late to make any defensive measures.

At the crucial moment, Liu Mingxuan unveiled the bronze long sword and released the sword gas to scatter the energy light column.

"Fantasy, what are you doing?!" Liu Mingxuan sighed.

"There is a dog in the chaos, I let it shut up, can't it?" Liu Qianyan raised the agile purple, and the voice was cold and strong.

Zhu Shan’s eyes widened and pointed to Liu Qian’s illusion. The body shivered a little: “You...you...”

The relationship between her and Liu Qian's illusion is not good, but it will not reach the point of confrontation in public. But now, Liu Qian’s behavior can be said to completely tear the face.

"Fantasy, you are too much, how can you marry her in public?!" Liu Mingxuan face angry.

Liu Qianyan pointed to Zhu Shandao: "I am jealous of her? She told me that I am a rat, why don't you say her?"

Liu Mingxuan heard a word and was told that he could not speak.

Apparently, Zhu Shan had come to a map cannon when he was smashing a group of rats to the people of the Forty-nine Xianzong.

But in this regard, Liu Mingxuan is indifferent, there is no indication...

Liu Mingxuan was born and looked at Zhu Shan.

Zhu Shan was stunned and bowed a few steps.

Liu Qian's illusion is a chilly light: "Don't think that you have saved my life, you can be unscrupulous here, insulting my friends! Whoever licks my friend, I will swear!"

"Ming Xuan..." Zhu Shan looked at Liu Mingxuan with pity, and there were tears of grievances in his eyes.

"You go in, I can block them." Liu Mingxuan said helplessly.

"No, I am going to be with you, I want to go forward with you." Zhu Shan looked at Liu Mingxuan affectionately and said with a firm voice.

When Liu Qian’s illusion saw Zhu Shan’s appearance, he felt nausea, and the scallions and white hands repeatedly rubbed on the ring and seemed to be thinking about something.

Zhu Shan has turned his eyes to the rest of the players on the field and sneered: "You have to give me a good stay outside. If there is a husband, no one can enter the peach forest!"

An Lin couldn't help it: "Does this woman have a hatred with Liu Mingxuan? Don't stop giving Liu Mingxuan a map cannon, how is it to pull hatred?"

Liu Mingxuan: "..."

“Hey...” Liu Qian’s illusion couldn’t help but laugh, and it’s hard to accumulate the anger, and it’s been broken by An Lin’s sentence.

Zhu Shan was annoyed: "An Lin, lying in the coffin, can't stop your mouth?!"

"I am not bragging, if I can come out of the coffin, what Liu Mingxuan, Kyushu first sword fairy, Tianjian Zongzhuzhu, I can be a sword!" Anlin is not slow.

Zhu Shan’s face is dark. Isn’t this the same person?

Liu Mingxuan is also a slap in the eyelids, a little bit of a sword to cut people.

A magical girl in a sailor suit is laughing and unhappy, and the flowering branches are swaying, as if she is not talking about her.

"Ming Xuan, An Lin said this on the ~www.readwn.com~ You don't want to give him some lessons? I heard that he also has a peach tree, we can take the opportunity to seize it..." Zhu Shan said to persuade Road.

"Four Jiu Xianzong not only has a peach tree, but two trees!" At this time, not far away, he continued to attack the unsuccessful Ramen Saint, and shouted loudly. "Luo Mingxuan Road Friends, it is better for us to join forces to deal with the 49 , we are four or six points!"

"Wang! I am six of you." The black dog is very excited.


A ramen directly slaps the black dog off the ground and swells the ground.

"We are four, how are you six, how?" Ramen noodles.

If they can't win, then they will join forces with Tian Jianzong, so that the four or nine sects are so powerful that they can stop their joint attack.

Zhu Shan was bombed at the time: "What do you count, and also cooperate with my swordsman? If you don't want to die, give me a roll!!"

"Hold the grass! This girl is licking us!" The black dog grinned.

The soup in the ramen noodles bowl is boiling: "Dare to insult me ​​Ramen St. Jun? Look for death, kill her!"

The power of the two creation halls, the momentum will be transferred to the Tianjian.

"Look, I said, this woman has a hatred with Liu Mingxuan." An Lin spread his hand in the coffin.

Xu Xiaolan and Xuan Yucheng and others couldn't help themselves, and they laughed directly.

The red bucket is also the laughter of the tractor.

"Ming Xuan, I don't mean this. I think we can all have the peach trees. There is no need to give them to the two creation halls..." Zhu Shan explained in a hurry.

"I know." Liu Mingxuan nodded lightly.

Although Zhu Shan spoke too much, but he thought about it, he still knew.

At this time, Ramen St. Jun and Black Dog, have begun to pounce on Liu Mingxuan!


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