I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1297: Hang up Anlin

Xu Xiaolan, Xuan Yucheng and others also went to join in the fun.

Liu Mingxuan is still very powerful, struggling to throw out a few extremely scary swordsmanship, hurting the yak and Zhu Xuze, and also directly out of the ten strong.

Then, he was swallowed up by a lot of horror techniques.

The golden body of the body appeared on him.

I don't know who made up the last knife. Anyway, everyone is a murderer...

"No... Ming Xuan saves me... ah...!"

A painful scream came.

Zhu Shan lay on the ground, his hair was scattered, his mouth was still bleeding, and his appearance was extremely miserable.

The golden body of the body shrouded her body. If there was such a thing, she was afraid that it would last for a second.

"Oh, that's pitiful, it wasn't very arrogant before, is it awkward?"

"I also said that we are a rabble, have a backing and think that they have a lot of temper?"

"Not cool, this girl is too weak."

The crowds were stunned with scorn.

Zhu Shan looked at the injured body and looked at the power in front of him with pain and fear.

She was really scared. I didn't expect that the hatred of this group of souls would be so strong, and the group would not stay.

Sometimes, people who are full of guns are even more guilty.

"Goodbye, Liu Mingxuan, Zhu Shan, I will continue to move forward with your efforts." An Lin, who was lying in the coffin, said aloud and waved.

It doesn't matter if you don't speak.

As soon as she spoke, Zhu Shan was so angry that she spit out a blood.

She hated An Lin, who hated her teeth and was crying. When I think about it, it seems that every time I have a conflict with Anlin, she has not taken advantage of it, and she has left her face.

Especially this time, Anlin didn’t do anything, just moving his mouth in the coffin, and Liu Mingxuan and her were beaten to death...

"An Lin, you give..."

Zhu Shan pointed to An Lin in the distance, and was about to let go of her words. A very strong space force wrapped her whole body and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, she appeared in the healing circle of the Temple of Heaven.

"...I remember!"

Zhu Shan’s fingers are still hovering in the air, opposite to a pig demon looking at her with no expression.

The pig demon licked the **** nostrils: "What do you remember? Do I have a story with you?"

Zhu Shan cried: "Hey!"

It’s too tempting to force the mouth to say a complete encounter with a chance.

Qiankun enlightened in a day.

Everyone cheered and began to rush to the peach forest.

Because everyone worked together to get through Liu Mingxuan, so at the moment it is not too good to fight for the priority to enter the Taohualin entrance, or to eliminate other opponents.

The previous scene of playing outside the peach blossom forest was gone.

The strong people walked into the peach forest very harmoniously.

"An Lin, enter inside, we are the enemy, you give me some care, hahaha..." The yak laughed loudly, and his face was eager to try.

An Lin’s face is dark: “The yak predecessor, I am just a person who can’t move in the coffin. Are you so embarrassed?”

"Of course, I am so embarrassed. I will not bully you now. I will not bully it in the future." The yak sang, and thundered, scared Anlin, and jumped with one foot and one foot. Entrance.

"Anlin boss don't panic, I will protect you!" Lan Xiaoni secretly rumored, a pair of blue-eyed eyes also sneaked at the Anlin in the coffin.

An Lin was relieved.

There is also the protection of the Taoist and the protection of the younger brother. This is a good day.

Even when lying on the coffin, the hands are not tied to the power of the chicken, still full of happiness.

"Anlin Road friend, you can rest assured, I will protect you." Red bucket patted the coffin with a thick palm, turned his head and revealed a smile that he thought was very reliable.

Then he turned and left Anlin with a burly back.

"So, thank you for your red bucket." Out of courtesy, Anlin was very grateful, but he was grateful.

"Follow me, there is another mystery in the peach blossom forest in front. We obviously can see the people inside. The people inside seem to have completely lost their direction. They are wandering around." Xu Xiaolan holds the dragon bird sword and walks in the most In front, open the red bucket.

Red Dou nodded, carrying Anlin, and stepped into the peach forest.

As soon as I stepped into the peach blossom forest, the scene in front of me suddenly changed abruptly, and at the same time, there was a strong space force, which made the world twist and twist.

"Not just the killing and killing, there is still a lot of space!"

The red face changed a lot and was scared to exclaim.

It looked at the front again and found that Xu Xiaolan’s figure could not be seen.

"Well, looking inside from the outside is a spatial dimension, but inside is another space dimension..." Red Dou feels that things are not good, the front of the array is higher than the imagination, at least A large array of space at the level of the road.

A large array of space at the joint level, used to deal with only the ten sections of the Taoist body...

Too much! !

"An Lin, don't panic, I... I will protect you!" It seems that I realized that the task is not simple, the red bucket and the Anlin behind him.

It wants to reach out and take a coffin tied behind him to show comfort.

As a result, it photographed its own ass.

Red bucket: "???"


It seems to be thundered to the general ~www.readwn.com~ Red bucket almost shouted: "Ah...Anlin! Where are you? God... I lost him!!"

At this moment, it is Anlin who is more collapsing than the red bucket.

On a path covered with peach petals, a coffin made of blood jade is quietly placed.

An Lin is lying in the coffin, and his face is in love.

"Let me go out... save me out!"

Anlin collapsed, and his strength has not recovered much. He can't push the coffin cover of this fairy level. In other words, he is trapped in the coffin! !

In a crisis environment, he can only lie in the coffin, this is not a joke!

It’s really desperate.

"Into this peach forest, how to cross into the outer world, every living body has been separated, this is too exaggerated." An Lin complained.

The red bucket was carrying a coffin before, and suddenly the red bucket in front of him disappeared.

Anlin naturally trages with the coffin on the ground.

"Oh, it seems that this battle for peaches, I am destined to be a melon."

He sighed and sighed, and there was a good play to eat. He said strictly, he didn’t even have the qualification to eat melon, just hang up.

Ten minutes later.

"Master, Master! Look at it, there is a **** coffin in front!"

The crisp but excited sound sounded.

"Be careful, this coffin must be a certain magical object sealed in a large array. It is an extremely dangerous trap. Let us not alarm it!"

A rather old voice sounded, and the head was right.

An Lin’s heart is abdomen, you are a monster, your whole family is a monster.

Sealed in the coffin, it is obviously a handsome and unparalleled teenager!


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