I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1298: Is it Anlin?

The two talking people are approaching carefully.

There is only one road, they still have to walk past the coffin.

An Lin also finally saw the face of the coming, it turned out to be two strong stone people!

"Ah! Master, I think of it. Isn't this the coffin of Anlin? It's Anlin!" Younger, the stone-twelling young man with a stone-grained road is not so vicissitude.

An Lin was relieved, and the other party finally had no flaws.

The old Shitong strongman gave the Xiaoshitong people a slap at the time: "Fake, all fake, is this illusion known? This is a trap, all this is a peach flower array to attract you, And created the illusion!"

The young Shitong people rushed to the top, and suddenly realized: "Master said it makes sense!"

It makes sense to your sister, obviously it is nonsense! Anlin in the coffin can't stand it.

At this time, the old stone Tongzu has smugly caressed the moss beard, slowly said: "You are too young, follow me to learn more."

"Yes, Master!" The young Shitong people were happy.

At this time, Anlin didn't want to talk, let them leave like this, lest they have no power, and they would be bullied by these two fools.

If the peach trees in the Nasdaq are taken away by them, they are really losing money!

Shitong people often like to think about this, think about it, live like a philosopher, which makes them nervous all day long, easy to think too much.

In fact, this kind of brain supplement of Shitong people is still a good thing for Anlin’s safety.

Good things for heaven!

Let me roll, Anlin thought silently.

"Oh, Master is not right. You know, I am naturally very savvy about life, I can feel it, there is life in the coffin, and there is no difference between life fluctuation and Anlin!" Young Shitong people said excitedly. .

The old stone family has a footstep.

An Lin was a heartbeat, and his mind turned sharply. He suddenly smiled and turned his head. He looked at the two stone clan creatures: "Come on... friends... come on..."

His voice is erratic and very tempting, as if to welcome the cherished spring girl: "I am the lord of the forty-nine ancestors, An Lin, you just help me to open the coffin cover, I will give you a whole peach tree... ”

After that, Anlin’s face showed a smile that was unclear.

The two stone clan people were shocked and quickly retreated.

"Master... Master! He said that he is Anlin!"

The young Shitong people shouted and quickly returned to God: "No, Master, if the other is Anlin, how can he persuade us to open the coffin, he wants us to leave! So, this is part of the illusion, Is the trap right?!"

Anlin was very pleased and couldn't help but praise it.

It’s really a clever Shitong clan, and the brain is completely correct!

The young Shitong people said with emotion: "I have to say that this peach blossom forest is really horrible. It is disguised as Anlin, who can't move. No matter the language or the breath of life, there is no flaw. I believe that when I open the coffin, it will trigger. The trap, I almost got it."

"The first trap is so horrible, no wonder so long, there are no creatures who have won the peaches on the three peach trees inside."

Anlin lay in the coffin, resisted not laughing, silently praised his wit.

Sure enough, sometimes, acknowledging something is more likely to make others feel that it is a fake than not acknowledging something!


Just when Anlin was complacent, a vicissitude of life seemed to contain a voice of wisdom, suddenly appearing in his ear.

The old stone Tongzu pointed to Anlin in the coffin, and the expression was excited: "Don't be confused by the appearance, Anlin in the coffin is true!"

"What is the solution? You said that this is a trap before the Ming Dynasty." The young Shitong people did not understand.

"That was before! But it is different now!" The old stone Tongzu waved his arm and said awkwardly. "You must know that according to our original idea, after you noticed the fluctuation of Anlin's life, our original trajectory is very It might be to open the coffin and find out."

"The man inside the coffin suddenly lets you open the coffin. Isn't this all the more? It's just to mislead you and make you think that this coffin is a trap. After all, the reason he did this is that he doesn't want you to open the coffin. !!" The old stone family is endless, and the two sides contain wisdom, as if they have seen the truth.

The young Shitong people trembled, such as 醍醐 醍醐 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I can hope that we will leave. I was almost deceived! Master is very good, and I have been taught!"

Anlin is dumbfounded.

This story is wrong!

Say good brain confession two fools?

How is your IQ suddenly online? !

At this time, the two Shitong people have already laughed and walked to Anlin.

"Hey, I heard that there is a peach tree in the ring of the Anlin lord."

"Master, let's five or five points."

"Well? What do you say? I will give you another chance to reorganize the language."

"June 4, we are six or four points!"

"Oh, only twenty-eight! The truth is what I found."

"Oh... three or seven points, three seven twenty-one, nice."

"Okay, then three or seven points."

An Lin: "???"

Suddenly, the young Shitong people suddenly stopped their steps: "No, Master!"

"What's wrong?" The old stone family curious.

The young stone Tong ethnic road: "How do you know that the inside of the coffin must be Anlin?"

"The trap of Taohualin is unpredictable. Maybe the trap is to know. You will think that the man inside is the inducement. This makes the man inside say this, in order to let you relax your vigilance. For the man inside the coffin is Anlin is convinced that..."

"Let's get close to the trap with vigilance and become a relaxed and vigilant approach to the trap..."

"This is also part of the trap!!"

The words of the young Shitong people made the old stone Tong people tremble, and their eyes burst into the light.

"It makes sense." The old stone family is alive.

An Lin: "???"

Two Shitong people decided to leave.

Anlin has not breathed a sigh of relief.

"No!" The old stone Tong people said.

"What's wrong?" Young stone Tongdao.

"Do you think that what you think must be correct? How do you know ~www.readwn.com~Anlin's approach is not to make you think he is a trap, let me think this is not a trap, then let you think This is a trap, so let us decide to stay away from him?"

"Where the sect of the Four Nine Emperors, the talents, the talents, the strategy is unparalleled, he probably has guessed what the old man and you are thinking about, yes, very likely, he has already thought of this step! In fact, he is An Lin!" The old people of Shitong are excited.

The young Shitong people indulged for a moment and worshiped: "Master wise!"

An Lin took a breath.

What are they saying?

Not before the coffin, the young Shitong people stopped.

"No, Master, if this formation is a highly intelligent array? It deliberately made me think that it was Anlin, and that you thought it was not Anlin. Through the unique atmosphere of life, I thought it was Anlin, let it be through words. I don't think it's Anlin, let you infer that it is Anlin, and then let me think that it is not Anlin, and finally let you think that it is Anlin, so that we think that when we finally know the truth, we completely relax our vigilance..."

"This is actually part of the trap!!"

The young Shitong people made a reasonable inference, and both eyes reflected the wisdom of wisdom.

The old stone Tong people meditation for a moment, nodded: "What you said makes sense."

The two stone people are moving away from the coffin.

The old stone Tong people suddenly stopped their steps: "No, how do you know that Anlin didn't think about this layer? He may just want to pass the mistakes you think, I think it is right, what do you think..."

The two stone people are still analyzing.

Blood soul inside the jade.

Anlin's eyes are blurred and he looks at the sky.

I only think about one thing in my heart.

Am I still Anlin?


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