I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1299: Not the worst, only worse

Anlin is now said that he even starts to doubt himself.

Um... Actually it was fainted.

The more the two stone people of the coffin are not far from the discussion, the more in-depth the content.

The depth of their discussion has exceeded the imagination of Anlin, and it has risen to an extremely mysterious and strange point.

The dispute was discussed for a while.

The young Shitong genius was excited: "Master, you mean, what is inside the coffin, is Schrödinger's Anlin?"

Old Stone Tongzu: "Yes, Schrödinger's Anlin!"

An Lin: "???"

The discussion between the two has changed the style of painting.

The old stone Tong nationality waved a hand and began to explain: "Life is unrooted, floating like a dust. Anlin in the coffin is actually in a state of true and false, he may be Anlin, or maybe It's a trap. These two states of existence are likely to be superimposed! We can't determine what kind of state Anlin is in the coffin before we open it!"

The discussion topic went around and finally came to a conclusion that was almost nonsense.

Anlin is speechless, and now he is absolutely sure that the two stone people in front of him are the stupidity of the brain!

"That Master, what should we do now?" The young Shitong genius was nothing.

"This depends on our choice. Is it worthwhile for us to take the risk of a peach tree?" The old stone family opened their mouths. "Once the coffin is a peach blossom trap, we are likely to be out!"

"In the peach blossom forest, there are three peach trees waiting for us to fight for it. Why do we hang it on a tree?" The young stone Tong people expressed their feelings.

An Lin shouted, this young genius, very brain!

"But you can think about how difficult it is to compete for the three peach trees? We are not even in the right way. Is it really not to go there? But now, there is an opportunity to appear in front of us. This is a test. It is also God's will." The old stone Tong people muttered.

"Master wise!" Young stone Tong people are happy.

In this way, after a short discussion, the two fools are still planning to open an autopsy!

An Lin is about to cry, and finally can't escape the fate of teasing?

On the main hall of the Scorpio.

The picture of the battle is still live.

Many great people noticed the dilemma of Anlin and they were amused.

"This is the most embarrassing player in the peach game."

"And the worst player, can only lie like this silly, waiting for the extremely tragic fate."

"There is a bit of pain in the Anlin lord, he can not turn over."

"The flip of the fart can be turned over and turned over. Now suddenly jumped out of the coffin and scams?"

The public can talk hotly.

The Michael the Holy Angel of Eden couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed: "I can’t think of your ending. It’s such a desperate fight with me. It’s not a wedding dress for others... You finally exit the way, than me. Still wronged..."

Zhu Shan is even more happy, can not help but laugh out loud: "An Lin, why don't you continue to be crazy, why not continue to cross? Oh, I see what you do now!"

"Nothing can be done, just sit and wait, wait for the enemy to get closer, fear? Desperate? Finally you can see how you are tortured. I really want to be excited..."

Zhu Shanyu looked at Anlin with her eyes wide, and seemed to be able to see the pain of Anlin’s suffering, which is her greatest source of happiness.

The two stone people used the defensive technique of the body to condense a white light film to protect the whole body, which carefully pushed the coffin.


The coffin cover was pushed open to reveal the inner Anlin.

"Oh... this is true Anlin!" The young Shitong genius was excited.

Anlin was desperate, but still insisted on keeping the smile of the hook, in a seductive tone: "Come on, my baby... You have successfully helped me open the coffin cover, my pass is you Come on, come over and take it..."

The young Shitong genius was so scared that he was worried and worried.

"Apprentices, believe in their own inferences and reflections, stick to their beliefs, don't get caught!"

The old stone Tongzu could look at Anlin, and snorted, and the big hand went straight to Anlin: "There is one person who wastes, and there are few ghosts in this place. I must not only take your ring, but I will marry you. How can you treat me?"

At this moment, An Lin’s eyes became fierce and glanced at the Shitong people.

"Hey, I am so scared, come and cut me!" The old stone-trucks laughed. The more the other party is, the more certain it is that the speculation is correct.

Hey! A golden sword, smashing the sky, smashes the peaches of the trail into powder.

Wang Wei's promising swordsmanship shrouded every corner of the space and allowed the people to surrender.

The creatures of the two stone-Tong people felt a very horrible sword at the same time, and the threat of death filled the whole body.

"Be careful!!"

"It's too late, ah!"

The golden swordsmanship is not only horrible, but the speed is even more embarrassing. In an instant, it has been smashed from the bodies of the two stone Tong people, and the blood and gravel splashed out.

"How... How could this be... I was really cut?" The old stone-tweller looked at Anlin with a shocked look~www.readwn.com~ The brain could not turn.

"Master, this is a trap, a trap of terror!" The young Shitong people screamed, and the body broke out of the golden light.

"No, it’s not a trap..." The stone-powered Shitongs looked like they were behind them.

Anlin also looked forward to the direction of the sword.

At the most critical time, I shot.

Save him between dangers.

Is it a teammate?

A beautiful woman in a black dress appeared in front of her eyes.

Her snowy skin is reflected in the peach blossoms, revealing a touch of pink, and the cold and gorgeous face is quite charming because of a smug smile.

The two stone clan people suddenly realized.

An Lin sucked a swig of cold air and his face was pale, such as a death test.

"Anlin Road friend, we are waiting for you outside." The old stone Tong people laughed.

"The peony flower is dead and ghosts are also romantic, and I am waiting for you." The small stone Tongzuo's heart is also balanced, and Anlin's cordial and friendly farewell.

The reason why they say this is not really friendly.

But because of the big bang...

It is a black snake! !

I finally escaped from the wolf's nest, but the result fell into the tiger's mouth?

Lying in a coffin, you can be so frightened, ups and downs...

"What kind of blood mold is this? Is there such a bully?" Ann Lin is about to cry, not the worst, only worse, this is perfectly fulfilled in him.

Really, falling into the hands of the black snake, it is better to be hammered out by the two idiots of Shitong! !

At this time, the black snake has come to the coffin, looking at Anlin with a smile.


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