I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1300: Rest assured, my shot is very gentle

"Anlin's lord, don't come innocent?" The black snake smiled with a smile.

It’s only half an hour before it’s separated. What kind of ghost is it?

An Lin was in a panic, but still stood up.

After the coffin cover was removed by the stone family, he could already get out of the coffin.

"I am, well, thank you to the black spirit snake friend for help."

Anlin was very polite, and then the style of the wind turned, the look continued coldly:

"In fact, if you shoot a slow one second, they can't live, it will be even worse!"

The battle can be lost, and the momentum cannot be lost!

The black snake smelled an eyebrow, and the perfect and delicate face was a smile that could not be concealed: "Wow, the Emperor Anlin is really amazing, or else, let's talk about it?"

"Let's talk about it later, it's not the time. Isn't it time to find a peach tree?" Anlin looked up and stood upright.

"Yeah, I have found the peach tree now." The black snake snake looked at the ring in the hands of An Lin, and laughed that it was a meaningful one.

An Lin: "..."

Can't install it, what should I do...

The black spirit snake silently took out the golden sword, saying that it is a big sword may be a common point, Anlin knows that it also has a very domineering name, artifact, creation of evil sword!

An Lin’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

Dealing with me as a waste person, what are you special about? !

掏 artifact is a few meanings, killing chicken cockroaches have not heard of using a slaughter knife?

An Lin kept his belly in his heart, but his face did not show it. Instead, he naturally took out his own sword of victory and sneer. He said with sneer: "Do you really want to fight a battle? You will regret it!"

"Oh, Anlin, don't pretend, I feel distressed for you." The big sword in the hands of the black snake broke out with a golden light. "Do not worry, I will be very gentle..."

Anlin looks a glimpse, the ferocious black snake is gentle?

The black snake twisted the slender black snake tail, and the corner of the mouth curled up: "I won't cut you out with a sword. I will slowly and gently cut your skin with a sword and a sword, let the blood cover your body. Let you slowly taste the pain and let you feel like you have never felt before..."

The woman smiled softly, and the words were introduced into Ann's ear, but they blew into the bones, making him fall like a hail.

God is gentle! !

How much hatred this is! ?

An Lin can no longer stretch, and he will definitely be abused in this way. The woman in front looks like that, but it is not a joke!

She really wants a sword to slowly cut Anlin.

"I tell you, if you really come over, I will be rude to you..." Anlin clasped the sword of victory and said with excitement.

"Okay, you should never be polite." The black snake snakes a tail, tearing the air, rushing toward Anlin, while the big sword is shining with the sacred golden glow under the sunlight. under!

Too fast, Anlin could not escape.

Although Anlin couldn't beat it, he still screamed and held the evil spirit sword to the black spirit snake.

"It's so slow." The black snake couldn't help but laugh. At this speed, before Anlin’s sword fell on her, she was able to cut Anlin’s dozens of swords.

Then, the big sword has not completely fallen.

A breeze came.

The black shadow suddenly appeared!

The delicate white jade feet, the petite body, the clear but black pure eyes, the rounded little face...

Yes, this is a very cute little girl.

The girl stretched out the white tender little hand and grabbed Anlin’s hand holding the victory sword. It was like guiding Anlin’s sword. The speed of winning the evil sword suddenly increased by more than 100 times!

It all happened between the electric and the flint.

The black spirit snake shrinks and still reacts in the future, and the smile is still too late to converge on the face.

Jianguang has already passed away.


Blood splashes.

The black skirt on the chest of the black snake was drawn with a shocking gap, and the blood splashed out.

Her face was full of incredible colors, looking silly at the little girl who suddenly appeared in front of her, the tone was difficult: "This... what is this ghost?!"

The girl licked her mouth and said with a tender but domineering voice: "Hey, have you seen such a cute ghost like an old lady?"

After all, she put her fingers together and became a sword. It is a stroke against the sword of victory.


A sword trembled.

"Hey!" The place where the black spirit snake was smashed by the evil spirits suddenly burst into a huge amount of blood.

It turned out that the sword before, not only the ordinary sniper, but also buried the sword seed in her body! Just wait for the roots to sprout, and open the most beautiful blood flowers! !

The golden light shrouded the whole body of the black snake.

Qiankun Enlightenment has already determined that the black snake is out.

" Lost? I lost this way?"

The black snakes are confusing and seem to have not slowed down.

An Lin returned to God from a slap in the face, and there were all kinds of doubts in his heart, but he did not affect his hands behind him, posing a helpless look.

He sighed and said: "All said, telling you not to fight with me, otherwise I will not be polite. You see, I am now killed by me?"

"..." The black snake seems to be mad, and the corners of his mouth are bleeding.


"You won't win...!"

The woman's eyes are red and very angry, with crystal clear water spinning around her eyes.

She did not win once when she fought with Anlin.

Phoenix Little World, her Phoenix egg was taken away by Anlin. On Earth, she was ragged by Anlin’s own nuclear bombs. In the day when Qiankun enlightened, she was even out of the game by Anlin...

Anlin found that the **** snake family was about to be crying by her, and quickly replied: "It doesn't matter, you will get used to it after you lose a few times."

Black snake: "..."

Xiaoxie: "..."

"An Lin... You give me a wait!!"

"The pain of today~www.readwn.com~ I will definitely return it to Japan in the coming days!!"

The unwilling words of the black snake reverberate in the heavens and the earth.

After she left this sentence, she was sent out and disappeared into this world.

At the moment, the Temple of Heaven.

The crowds have already blasted the pot again.

Most of the big men who are watching other battles turn their eyes to the picture of An Lin.

For no other reason, this sudden black girl has completely subverted their imagination and caused a sensation in the entire hall.

"My God, where did you get out of the little girl?"

"Oh... the strength is too horrible, and the black snake is killed."

"I am going, what a bizarre thing can happen to Anlin."

"If you find that you haven't, the little girl is strange, but it's really cute."

"Hey, listen to you saying that I really want to pinch her face."

The appearance of the little girl caused a heated discussion on the main hall of Tianzhu.

There are even a lot of great powers, and the identity of the little girl has been faintly guessed, but I am not sure.

Tian Jianzong's feast table.

Zhu Shan looked at the picture in front of her eyes and did not return to God.

"How could this be... how could this be..."

She clearly expects the black snake to torture the scene of Anlin, but the scene that appears in front of her eyes seems to have beaten her slap!

Torture? If it doesn't exist, Anlin will be a black snake in seconds! !

Liu Mingxuan looked at the little girl in black, took a deep breath and decided: "This is the sword spirit! It is not wrong, Anlin's sword is also alive, and it is a very high level of sword spirit!!"


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