I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1301: Hold the little evil

Sword spirit?

Liu Mingxuan’s words suddenly stirred up a thousand waves.

Among the thousands of strong people in the Peach Conference, the most understandable swords, I am afraid no one has ever had Liu Mingxuan. So when Liu Mingxuan said that the little girl in black is the sword spirit, many hearts have speculations and affirm the thoughts in the heart. No one will question.

"Sword Spirit? In that world, how can you use the power of the sword spirit? Isn't all the power suppressed? Ordinary fairy does not say that the power of the sword spirit is transferred, even the fairy is ninety-nine percent. The power of the power can not be used!"

"Yeah, like this kind of complete birth, there can be no power to jump out of the weapon, why can Anlin use it?"

A lot of people can't understand.

Zhu Shan jumped out excitedly and spoke to the five heavenly emperors: "The emperors, Anlin has violated the rules of the activity and used the power of the sword spirit without authorization. He should be punished!"

"But, we have rules of activity, and we have not said that we are not allowed to use sword spirit." Ziwei Emperor faint.

"My husband's sword also has sword spirit, but he is useless." Zhu Shan is not convinced.

"Qi Kun enlightens the power of self-control, he does not need it, it is because he can not use it, not want to use it." The longevity emperor replied mercilessly.

Zhu Shan: "..."

There was some embarrassment between the atmosphere.

Zhu Shan looked at Liu Mingxuan aside with some slyness, as if to say, sorry, I provoked this thing not to let the topic bring you here...

"Why, on what basis he can use it, my husband is stronger than him, and there is no one to use the sword. The sword spirit is the ancient sword spirit of tens of thousands of lives, which is not as good as him?"

Zhu Shan was very wronged and still said with conviction.

The Emperor’s hand stayed on the black artifact and made a small sense. This is the way: “I feel the breath of the little girl in that space, it is indeed the unique breath of the sword spirit...”

"But she is very special. Ordinary circumstances, generally the small heaven and earth in my artifacts, have a repressive force against the creatures in the heavens and the earth. She is powerful, but has a repressive power to the world of my artifacts..."

"It is precisely because of this that she can transform into a physical form with the power of non-conformity of the power of Shinto, and my heaven and earth will not be able to control her."

When the words of the Emperor of Heaven fell, the scene could be heard.

Zhu Shan is even more stunned.

The words of the Emperor of Heaven creaked in her mind.

Anlin’s sword spirit can reverse the heavens and the earth in the Emperor’s artifacts?

Heavenly Emperor cannot lie on such occasions.

In this way, the amount of information revealed by that statement is a little scary...

Countless strong people, once again turned their eyes to the little girl who looks cute. This time, no one dares to speak out. After all, in front of them, but a sword spirit that surpassed common sense! !

As for Zhu Shan and Liu Mingxuan, there has been no big concern, even if they are occasionally concerned, they are also concerned with the gloating.

This battle between Liu Mingxuan and Anlin ended up with Liu Mingxuan’s defeat, and it’s really a shame.

As for the sword spirit, people rely on strength to reverse the world, who can give appropriate reasons to stop? Have the ability, you also let your spirits come out? Can't put it out!

Qiankun enlightened in a day.

Anlin was very happy to pinch the little girl's round face and said, "Small evil, are you coming out? If you come out early, where do I still need to be so scared?"

"Oh, I was analyzing this world before..."

The little evil skin laughs and laughs, and the dead fish eye looks at An Lin.

"Hey?" An Lin looked blank and couldn't understand.

"Nothing, don't want to talk to the fool." Xiao Xie put his hand and did not continue.

An Lin: "..."

Anlin is now able to transfer a trace of vitality, and finally managed to get the coffin into the ring.

Xiaoxie looked at Anlin’s weak body, and a bold idea suddenly sprouted.

Yes, evil is born to the gallbladder!

"Xiaoxie, it is really good that you can come out. I am here, the only thing I can rely on is you." Anlin clasped the little hand of the little evil pink, and looked sincere.

Xiaoxie felt the warmth in his hand, opened Zhang Xiaozui, and finally nodded: "Oh."

Somehow, her bold thoughts, with the words of Anlin, gradually faded a lot.

Anlin saw a sigh of relief.

Tete is thrilling!

Fortunately, I stopped...

There is no source of the gods, the little evil is a live bomb, a little accidentally will burst!

Not only that, but An Lin’s current military strength is so low that he is most likely to be bullied. If the little evil thinks of something unpleasant before and wants to take the opportunity to retaliate, the scene will become very tragic and bleak...

Anlin took the hand of Xiao Xie and carefully walked on the Taohua Road.

In the sun, the pink petals fall on them, with a touch of peach.

The picture is very harmonious and natural, just like the big brother walks with the little sister to enjoy the flowers, and the warmth is accompanied by the unspeakable beauty.

"Xiaoxie, you are just too handsome, and the black snake has been smashed by you!"

"Secret is only a black snake in the tenth section of the Tao. Is it worthy of pride?"

"Of course I am proud, as long as I can bully her, that is pride!"

"..., no wonder the black snake is hating you..."

"Hey, what is your current strength, what is the level?"

"Well..." The little evil brow wrinkled slightly, and seemed to think very seriously for a while. This is the way. "Although I can suppress this world, I can only play the strength of the spiritual world in order to maintain the stability of this space world. Ok..."

Anlin has some concerns: "I am afraid this is still a little dangerous. When Michael was energetic, the spirit of the Holy Spirit could be combined to play the role of half-step and even the gods..."

The evil spirits do not squint: "The spiritual environment I am talking about refers to the spiritual environment in which you are the reference system."

"Then we are invincible!" Annlin was ecstatic.

"We? I am invincible, what is it about you?" Xiaoxie rolled his eyes.

"The same, the same." Anlin was very happy.

Xiaoxie, this little short leg, he is holding, holding the little evil!

In this way, Anlin has been following the back of Xiaoxie.

"Be careful, there is a peach poisonous land in front."

Xiaoxie suddenly said, then a sword will turn the peach poison into two halves.

The two men flew forward from the smashing gap of the drug smashed into two halves~www.readwn.com~Xiaoxie 666! "An Lin crazy to call for a small evil."

Not long after.

"Be careful, this is a ruthless array of flying flowers, a terrible killing." Xiaoxie suddenly said, and then a sword will smash the front of the killings extremely violently.

An Lin: "Xiao Xie 666!"


Five different trails.

Xiaoxie stretches out the lush jade finger and points to the fourth trail: "This side!"

"Why?" Anlin did not understand.

Xiao Xie reveals a pure smile: "I have heard the fight from there, and there are enemies who can bully."

An Lin: "Xiao Xie 666!"

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