I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1302: Very simple group

"Kill! This channel must be my Shennong!"

A man in Tsing Yi yelled, and the other three members followed suit.

"The Shennong royal family is a fart, and I am never afraid of the East China Sea Dragon Court!" A majestic appearance, slightly old-fashioned, and a man with a double horn on his head screamed, followed by four dragon members followed by Dagu, and Shennong royalty The people fight together.

They are five, four Shennong royals, and their odds are relatively large!

"Hey, isn't this a friend of Yimeng?"

When Anlin saw the leader of the Long Ting, he could not help but say hello.

He glanced at the five people in Long Ting, and the little dance did not participate in the activity. The four people in front of him returned to the virtual, one person turned into a god, and Qi Qingyu also.

Anlin’s heart is a bit unbalanced.

Why are they all gathered to teammates, where did my teammates go?

Yimeng saw that Anlin was a big jump, and then his face turned into a ecstasy color: "An Lindaoyou, I can feel it, you are in a bad state. Otherwise, you put the peach tree in the ring." Give it to me, we protect your safety, you know, the Shennong royalty is very fierce..."

An Lin’s face is dark. How do anyone know that I have a peach tree in my hand?

Also paying peach as a protection fee? Really when I am a fool?

Anlin’s belly was awkward. Looking at the greedy look of Yimeng, he knew that he couldn’t change his diet. He simply ignored him.

Yimeng has not yet acted, and the strong men of the Shennong royalty have become excited.

"It's Anlin, Anlin has a peach tree in his hand!"

"Ha ha ha... 蟠 peach tree is ours."

"Get him!"

The four strong men of the Shennong royal family have already rushed toward Anlin.

When Yimeng saw it, he was not willing to show weakness. He shouted directly: "Fast, grab Anlin, don't lose his protection fee for the peach tree!"

Long Ting and the Shennong royalty were two waves of people, so they rushed to Anlin.

As for the little girl beside Anlin, it looks very cute, but there is no cute peach tree, so they selectively ignore this goal.

Xiao Xie naturally does not account for these, just smiles and mentions the sword of victory, standing in front of An Lin, and then disappears in place.

In an instant, Jianguang turned into a black afterimage, and the blood was blooming like a flower!

The petite body is like a thunder, and the blade is like a devil. A scream of painful sounds! The speed is too fast, the sword is too horrible, they have almost no resistance!

Xiaoxie was very quick, and he returned to Anlin’s side again. In front of her, the nine strong men were bloody, and six of them were directly shot out of the body.

Yimeng, Yan Qingyu and another man of the Shennong royalty, they are the only players who have not been thrown out of the body, but they are also hit hard at the moment, looking at the front with a shock.

They never imagined that the little girl who had chosen to ignore it would instantly become a terrible existence that could kill them. This contrast made everyone feel ridiculous.

"This... Where is this enchanting?!"

"A good horrible sword, you, who are you?"

"Black little skirt, is it a black snake?"

In the face of the questions of the people, Xiaoxie just wrinkled the small nose and said: "Black snake? She has been cut out by me."


The crowd took another breath of air.

Qi Qingyu was exclaimed: "No, I think of it. Isn't she the little girl in the early Gulong domain?"

Yimeng also suddenly realized: "Yes, she is the sword spirit!"

"How can the sword spirit be so strong?"

"Sword spirit is not here, can't it be shaped?"

Everyone still has doubts.

At this time, Xiaoxie disappeared again in place.

"Flee!" Yimeng shouted.

Qi Qingyu still has some action in the future, and a black blade has appeared in front of him, with a chilly light.

He is also a good time to return to the late stage, Long Ting's first sword fairy, the reaction is still rapid, immediately to the sword to go to the face of the sword light.

But the black blade was on the way, but it was very strangely changed. The air was twisted and the blade was also twisted. The sword of Yu Qingyu penetrated the sword of victory.

not good! Yan Qingyu is not good, and is about to retire.

But the evil sword becomes a real entity at a faster speed, and it slams down!

Hey! Yan Qingyu’s body was once again smashed.

The golden light of the body is in motion.

Without this golden body, his body may have been split into two halves by the evil spirits.

The gap is too big, not a level at all...

Xiaoxie did not stop, and he stepped on his body and rushed toward him.

A scream came.

The five people in the East China Sea Longting were wiped out.

The man in the green robe madly released countless vines and stingers, stabbing the girl in black.

The girl's body ghosts, turned into a burst of shadows, unscathed to escape all his attacks, rushed to his face, and a sword fell.

The Shennong royal family of four people, destroyed!

When Anlin saw this scene, he looked at it and couldn’t help but swell.

"Xiao Xie, 666! A knife, a child, is there invincible in the world?"

Xiao Xie proudly snorted and sang the sword: "Go."

"Hey! Anlin, you open this thing!" Yimeng screamed unwillingly.

"What kind of hero is it by woman? Eat soft rice, little white face!" Yan Qingyu is also very angry.

An Lin looked at the two people in Jinguang, and immediately he was happy. He took a small evil in his arms and smiled. "She is my sword spirit. You have the ability to cultivate such a powerful sword spirit!" ”

This shameless look is so mad that the nose is smashed.

They will continue to speak in the future, and space forces will pass them away from the world.

"Hey, the opponent who can't be beaten." An Lin's face is lonely.

The little evil in the arms struggled for a moment, and a pair of dead fish eyes slammed into Anlin, and said with no expression: "Are you enough?"

"Oh..." Anlin let go of his hand and turned his gaze to the road ahead.

This open space is connected to six peach blossom paths. The first road in front has a few words composed of petals, which reads "Five people chaotic flowers."

At the entrance of the trail, there is also a faint array of enchantment fluctuations, and the void floats five dots, one of which is already lit.

"Five people chaotic flower road means that only five people can go in? The bright representative has already entered a person?" Anlin guessed.

Xiaoxie also thinks this is the case: "No wonder ~www.readwn.com~ Long Ting and Shennong royalty will fight, it seems that the quota is limited..."

Without any hesitation, the two entered the chaotic flower.

The mentality of Xiaoxie is that the old lady is invincible and no one is afraid.

Anlin’s mentality is that my family is invincible and I am not afraid of anyone.

They walked into the chaotic flower.

Just passing through the enchantment, the scene began to change, the road became true and illusory, and then like the big tree opened branches and leaves, divided into numerous criss-crossing roads.

There was a light voice in the sky.

"The strongest sleepy, squandered flowers are fascinating, start!"


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