I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1303: Squandering flowers

Hundreds of criss-crossings, the peach blossoms that do not see the end, appear in front of the eyes, like a labyrinth, do not know where the road leads, do not know where is the end.

A piece of petal flutters in the void, as if it is a dream, it is fascinating.

Xiaoxie saw this scene, and his face changed slightly: "Be careful, the peach blossom is poisonous!"

An Lin heard the words immediately holding his breath and shocked: "What poison? Is this poison bad?"

The little evil face is a little weird: "Well... there is a poison that aphrodisiac..."

An Lin: "..."

Is this poison in the big array, do you want to do something?

On the main hall of the Scorpio.

The powerful people are able to watch the play while eating the rare fruit.

"At present, the four ninth sects have won two peony trees, the creation hall has won a peach tree, the Wanling sect has obtained a peach tree, the spring **** tree community has obtained a peach tree, and the phantom madman gets a peach tree. There are still three peach trees left without ownership..."

"The three peach trees are now in the deepest part of Taohualin. There are only a hundred participants in the event, and now there are only a hundred people left, and most of them have discovered the peach forest, entered it and made the final battle. ”

"The most intense battle is finally coming!"

The people who eat melons are a little excited.

But soon, some people couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hold the grass, what do I see!"


On one screen, a man saw a female stone family, excited to take off his clothes, and the female stone family also faded into a moss, and got up and greeted!

Everyone was shocked, did this kind of thing in the peach forest?

In an instant, the two creatures were shrouded in golden light and transmitted.

After coming out, I also presented a set of clothes on my body.

"Detected two creatures, the heart defense has fallen, deprivation of qualifications." Qiankun enlightened a piece of heavenly artifacts, the mechanical sound began to sound.

The man who undressed, only then returned to God, looking at the stone-tanning woman not far from the face, only to feel the soft legs, sitting directly on the ground.

Scared to death! I almost did that to the stone! !

Not only the two of them, but some even took off their clothes in the peach forest.

A male disciple of the Emperor of Kyushu in the Kyushu area is even more reluctant to pounce on the fairy ball of the World of Creation...

One player was eliminated in Taohualin.

Many of the powers of eating melons began to understand what was going on.

This is the strongest sleepy, and it has a very strong aphrodisiac effect, and it is an aphrodisiac effect regardless of race or gender. !

Half of the more than 50 players who entered this most difficult camp were directly eliminated because of their mental defense. Among them, there is a big white dog excited to chase the butterfly.

That's right, it's white!

"The emperors of the heavenly courts dared to come up with trials in this area."

"If there is a mosaic of disharmony, and the mechanism of immediate defense to get out of the game, I have to call the police!"

"Oh, the evil taste of hell..."

The public can talk about it, and it will not be very contradictory, and some will still be interested.

Love and desire are actually things that must be faced by those who practice the Tao.

Whether you can stick to your own self and stabilize your heart is a compulsory course for every monk.

Therefore, this trap is basically a good trial.


Falling on the colorful trails.

The little girl took the man's hand all the way, no matter what the obstacles, was shattered by her strong body, not without exception. The aphrodisiac flower is so, the same is true of the hidden murderous petals.

"Xiao Xie, you are a girl who feels safe." An Lin couldn't help but continue to export praise.

"Shut up." The little evil language is cold and cold.

This is the first time that Anlin praised her.

I still feel good at first, and it’s annoying to listen.

Anlin immediately did not speak.

He has now become a salted fish, and if he doesn't speak, he really has no sense of existence.

Where did Xiaoxie go, where did he go, and he was in danger of a small evil, and he stood by.

If even the opportunity to call "666" is deprived, how can he live?

Xiaoxie walked and walked, suddenly stepping forward and stopped moving forward.

"What's wrong, Xiaoxie?" Anlin curiously said.

Xiaoxie’s small eyebrows are slightly pointed, pointing to an obvious scratch on the ground, and the residual of Jianqi: “This is what I planned before.”

Anlin was shocked: "We are back to the original place? Is this a maze?"

He has heard of this scene many times, but it really happened to him, but he still felt incredible.

You know, the direction they just walked, although twists and turns, but it is a deep way along the way, how to return to the original point?

"Is it right now?" An Lin was a little bit guilty.

Xiaoxie glanced behind him, and the road behind him did not know when it had become straight. There were countless mouthwashes beside him, but the end was like the place where they first came in.

Anlin also discovered this situation and was excited: "I understand! Is it the place where you come in, where is the place that is trapped?!"

Xiao Xie turned his eyes and turned his eyes: "Master, your strength has dropped, and IQ has fallen?"

An Lin: "..."

Xiaoxie holds the sword of victory in one hand, and faintly said: "The main road of the exit is the direction, and the end point is at the end of the direction. I will use my sword to open up a real road!"

"You want to marry this battle?" Anlin excitedly said, "What a mess of big battles, can not withstand a small evil sword, domineering!"

"..." Xiaoxie is speechless. "Why do you think that I am a spiritual person who can break through the strength of the strength of the joint level?"

The danger of the array can be adjusted, a small game carefully crafted, you can find various ways to clear the customs, but what do you think, you can smash the big game with a sword?

Anlin was speechless.

Xiaoxie took the initiative to hold Anlin’s hand.

Feeling the delicate and soft touch, Anlin was flattered.

This happiness is too sudden, right? Xiaoxie finally has to be modified to become his intimate little cotton jacket?

"Tighten me, don't blame me if you lose it." Xiaoxie suddenly said.

"Ah?" Ann Lin stunned.

Only then did I know that Xiaoxie took the initiative to hold hands because he was afraid of losing him?

Xiaoxie closed his eyes, holding the black and the evil sword, standing proudly, and pointing the sword ahead: "The squandering flower is fascinating, so if I do, then I don't have to look at it."

"The road is straight, is there my sword straight?"

"I want to use the way of my heart to open a straight road with a sword!"

After all, a powerful sword slashed the earth and spread all the way to the front.

An Lin’s eyes widened and he suddenly understood what he thought in the little evil heart.

Although she can't forcibly break the array, she can use the sword to violently open the way!

Abandon all external interference ~www.readwn.com~ use the straightest sword to open the road, it will not become a detour!

Xiaoxie closed his eyes and walked along the cracks with his sword. All the way to the place where there was no crack, he continued to open the sword.

Kushiro? If it doesn't exist, even if there are countless peach trees in front, she will also slash all the way, along the direction that has already been demarcated in her heart, straight ahead, without a trace of submission.

Yes, this is an absolute straight line, without a trace of a corner.

Various traps have appeared, and the peach blossoms have appeared, but it doesn't matter, the little evils are a sword.

Breaking through the difficulties.

Suddenly open.

The two unconsciously walked out of the peach forest.

The air suddenly became extremely fresh, and the vitality of the atmosphere was floating around, making people feel comfortable.

They did not carefully feel the surrounding environment, but stared at the tree in front of them.

Three peach trees are in front of you!


For everyone to push a good book, the eagle **** "Global Gaowu"!

Yes, it is the global high-powered martial art that has reached the top of the starting point. The aura is resurging. It looks very relaxed and very cool. There is also a point that makes the starting point of the authors unable to match the amount of horror update. Is it horrible to be 20,000 words a day? Anyway, the snail is awkward...

Interested parents can go and see, absolutely will not regret it.

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