I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1305: Who else?

Zhu Xuze was shocked and was stunned.

The other three super powers of the combined environment were also shocked and stared at this scene.

Zhu Xuze is not a cat and a dog, but the super power of the road, even so simply being spiked?

"You" Zhu Xuze pointed at Xiaoxie, his face was full of surprise, and his chest was hard. "You are selling Meng to eat tiger!"

Yes, this speed, this kind of swordsman, has obviously reached a very terrible situation. But Xiao Xie actually pretends to be a cute little girl, let him relax his vigilance!

This is too hateful! !

Xiaoxie licked his mouth: "The old lady is very cute! Need to sell?"

Zhu Xuze: ""

In this way, the sect of Zhuquezong hated the scene.

Xiao Xie turned around and looked at the other three supernatural powers on the field.

There is no communication, the windrunner, the public opinion Emperor, Xuanyuanlun, choose the joint shot at the same time, the goal is the evil! !

I saw the scene of Zhu Xuze being spiked. They wouldn’t be arrogant to choose to fight with Xiaoxie alone. The only way to win the odds is to join forces!

"All things can penetrate the spear!" The public opinion is large and the speed is very fast. When running, it is like a huge shell.

Its arm began to stretch and twist, turning into a sharp spiral spear, and slashing toward the little evil.

Windrunners fly to the sky and spread their hands together: "Gravity winds."

There is a black wind falling from the sky, such as a waterfall falling off the earth.

With the small evil as the center, the ground of 300 meters in the square began to sag and crack. Her body was subjected to all-round weight, and her calf was slightly bent and the bones creaked.

Xuanyuanlun did not speak, but people walked with the sword, there was no trace, it was difficult to detect in the natural, and the posture was elegant, and at an incredible speed, it approached the evil.

Elegant and elegant, come and go like the wind.

Anlin thinks that Xuanyuan sincerity in the future should be like this.

The three major super-powerful shots can be shot at the same time.

Xiaoxie has no way to retreat.

But she does not seem to have to retreat, facing the paradox of the arm into a spiral sharp spear, the body moves one step behind, one hand holding the sword to force, and then stab!


The spear and the tip of the sword violently collided, and the energy exploded.

The spear of the great emperor can penetrate the spear, it seems to contain some kind of will and the power of thought, to follow the spear point on the sword of victory.

That is the thought and will that everything can be broken, and the thoughts in the heart are turned into the power of the essence. In other words, the Emperor used this trick at the peak, and even pierced the weapons of the fairy level!

This time, it uses this trick. Naturally, it is not intended to pierce the evil sword, but to follow the path of the victory sword, and to pierce the little evil that holds the evil sword!

But when the power touched the sword of victory, it was very strangely annihilated by a certain force.

The public opinion has changed its face and is about to retreat.

"Want to escape?" Xiaoxie body slammed forward, and the sword of victory and evil spirits went straight into the sky. It was the supreme sword that wanted to overtake the nine days.

"Give me a break!" The black point of the sword is very strong. With the cracking sound of the hard things, the spear of the arm of the great emperor came to tear the pain.

The public opinion screamed madly and retired, and all the way back to hundreds of meters.

Its arm has half left, and the remaining half has already been crushed by the evil sword.

Xiaoxie still has a sigh of relief in the future, and there is a light voice behind him: "End"

Xuanyuanlun has already rushed to the back of Xiaoxie, his wrists are shaking, the old and the yellowed swords have passed, the heavens and the earth have become quiet and silent, and the thoughts of Wanling seem to be blessed on the ancient swords.

He is very fast at the sword, and with the body that Xiaoxie is suppressed by the windrunner, he can't escape this sword.

What surprised Xuanyuan Lun was that Xiao Xie did not make any action to avoid or resist, but still kept the action of the front stab.

Give up?

Xuanyuan Lun smiled slightly, and the two fists were difficult to attack the four hands. How powerful the enemy is not invincible.

"Ling Tian wins evil and annihilates."

The snoring sounded.

The sword of the evil spirits is dark and deep, and the black light is released.

At that moment, Xuanyuanlun felt the indescribable death threat, and did not know where to come from, but did not know how to hide.


A blood flower blasts in the heart!

Then the golden light protector immediately triggers.

Xuanyuan Lun stared at his chest position, revealing the confused color.

"What is this ability?"

He really didn't know how he was bombed.

Weird, horrible, powerful

This is the sword of the enlightenment after the evil spirits are promoted to the level of artifacts, and the directional annihilation!

Unfortunately, it is not the peak state now, only the targeted damage can be achieved.

Xuan Yilun looked at the blasted chest and looked at the girl who had not turned around or did any extra moves, and became more and more elusive.

The next moment, Xuanyuanlun was sent out.

The public opinion and the windrunners saw this scene and could no longer remain calm.

This strange ability

This is especially open! !

Xiaoxie can not give them the opportunity to react, and the body quickly approaches the paradox.

The windrunner immediately followed the movement of the evil spirits, and at the same time, the gravity winds all the way restricted the movement of the evil spirits. However, under the suppression of gravity and the horror of the wind, the evil spirits are still scary.

The public opinion, as a super power of the road, naturally has its pride and cannot escape in this situation. It also rushed up, and the other complete arm turned into a hard rock shield with a golden energy film attached.

"Unbreakable Shield of All Things!"

The rock shield whistling and screaming toward the little evil, such as a big mountain swaying towards the petite body of the girl~www.readwn.com~ wherever it passes, the atmosphere is distorted.

At the same time, a force of thought and will that "I am the strongest and I have the strongest and can break my shield" began to appear.

Even the little evils not far away can clearly feel the strange power.

"Let me break through your ridiculous fantasy!" Xiaoxie sneered, not only did not slow down, but more fearlessly rushed to the public opinion, the sword in his hand broke out.


A sneak peek of the dark swordsman, tearing the shield of the public opinion arm, and at the same time drawn a dozen large cracks in its body.

Golden body golden light appeared at this moment.

The public opinion is desperate, and the little girl in front is too fierce.

Xiaoxie looks at the windrunner in the air, faintly said: "You have been banging for so long, now it is your turn."

The windrunner trembled a little, and then the voice groaned: "I am a natural elemental body. As long as I am virtual, you can't hurt my body anyway, how can you beat me?"

"Is it?" Xiaoxie’s mouth rose, and he reached out the tender and white hand, and his palm was facing the windrunner. Suddenly, a black whirlpool appeared in the palm of his hand.

The horrible sucking power suddenly acts on the windrunner.

The Windrunner's face is furious.

"The **** is popular!"

It shouted, and the body turned into a blue wind, breaking free from the suction and fleeing far away.

The little evil looked at the direction in which the windrunner fled, and did not continue to pursue it. The dark eyes were looking around and the look was faint.

She lost four of her super powers with her own power. At this moment, she seems to say:

Who else? ! !

Who else! Can you give me a monthly pass?嘤嘤嘤


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