I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1306: Hostage threat

On the main hall of the Scorpio.

The picture of the super-powerfulness of the four evils, and the super-powerfulness of the four people, once again caused a sensation.

Numerous powerful people have turned their attention to the cute little girl who looks like a petite face.

"It is the most horrible thing to have the most lovely existence of this peach game."

"Well, this time our chances of winning the sacred door are zero, such a terrible little girl, who have we played?"

"The sword spirit of the Anlin lord is so bad, can we report it?"

"Before asking this sentence, would you like to communicate with Zhu Shandao first?"

"..., that's it."

All the powers are envious and look at Anlin.

This Anlin is handsome, rich and powerful, and has such a great sword spirit?

I am so angry! !

"Sword spirit can play such power in that situation..." Liu Mingxuan's brows are deeply wrinkled, and his face seems to be puzzled.

Zhu Shan's face was blue, and Anlin and others were successful at the moment, as if a hand was tearing her heart, feeling sore and shy.

But the disciples of the other Tian Jianzong have more or less envious and yearning looks.

They feel that if there is such a great sword spirit in this life, I am afraid there is no regret.

The members of the Forty-nine Immortals cheered for the lord of the body.

"Great, Anggo is going to be against you this time!"

"You can eat peaches so happily, hahaha..."

"Happy, come, let's have a cup!"

The crowd began to celebrate in advance.

Qiankun enlightened in a day.

After a little battle, the small, white and tender face became pale.

"Little evil 666!"

"You are really great!"

Anlin hurriedly asked for help, pinching his stomach and pinching his face.

"You will give me a roll!" Xiao Xie angered.

An Lin suddenly stopped.

Now, he still has no strength to play tricks.

"How are you in the current state, I feel that you are a little empty." Anlin asked.

"Fortunately, I have just used too much force, and I have used some of the power that should not be used in the spiritual environment, so I have been countered." The little evil voice is cold.

Anlin has some distress: "Come, I touch..."

Xiaoxie: "Roll!"

The two came to the knot interface of the three peach trees.

An Lin looks dignified: "Do you think you can break open? Will you have other anti-phagotic effects after forcibly breaking open the enchantment?"

Xiaoxie took the sword and poked the enchantment in front of him. He said: "Even if you will reverse the phlegm, I will not be able to smash the energy of those counter-attacks?"

Anlin has nothing to say.

Xiaoxie took the sword and stroked the enchantment in front of him.

The peach forest in the rear suddenly heard a commotion.

Oh, la la la.


Accompanied by the sound of the peach blossom branches breaking down.

A behemoth began to appear not far away.

Its body is a very thick trunk, the roots of the bottom are like numerous legs, crawling fast, the head has yellow eyes, and then the top is the canopy of the green leaves.

This monster is the **** of the spring **** tree **** vine!

"Ha ha ha...Anlin, don't want your friend to be sinned, just let me go!"

The **** vines laughed happily, and a lot of green rattan on the branches were dancing flexibly.

The most important thing is that the vines are entwined with Xuanyuancheng and Liuqian! !

The **** vine ancestor originally wanted to use these two qualities to exchange the peaches in the hands of the four nine sects, but did not expect that even the three peach trees that captured the peach blossoms also played a major role.

Liu Qian illusion opened purple, and said: "Anlin, you don't care about us, get the peach tree first, we are big, it is out, it doesn't matter!"

Even if Xuan Yucheng was in pain, he still nodded in agreement: "Don't hesitate, the latter will come one after another, we have a chance to win the opportunity, don't waste it!"

"Are you sure you want to do this? I will release a toxin in their body, they will be very painful, and to be precise, it is painful!"

"But this toxin doesn't hurt much to life, so it won't trigger the golden shield..." Shen Teng ancestors smiled. "Do you understand what I mean?"

Anlin is notoriously short-sighted, watching the members of the Zongmen suffer from such torture. It does not believe that Anlin can do it.

In fact, it is true.

Anlin couldn't do it for the sake of the peaches, and let his friends suffer tremendously.

"An Lin! Don't worry about us! I haven't had a pain!" Xuanyuan Cheng loudly.

He does not want to be the burden of An Lin or the Forty-nine Immortals.

"Take a peach, what is the pain, I want to eat peach!" Liu Qianyan also shouted loudly.

Anlin did not speak, but silently moved away from the enchantment.

Xiaoxie hesitated for a moment, but still followed.

"Don't shoot at my friend, otherwise I will make you die better than death." An Lin said awkwardly.

"Ha ha ha... you can rest assured, I just want to peach." Shenteng ancestors opened the flowers, and the blossoming pink flowers on the branches were very festive.

It’s not a waste of time to get the three peach trees!

It seems that the biggest winner of the smashing peach is the non-Spring God tree world.

This change has made the people of Tianzhu Hall unable to catch up, and the wave of ups and downs has greatly satisfied the eating and eating mood of the people who eat melons~www.readwn.com~ I said how to fight after the war, God's ancestors did not directly get them out of the game, it was originally for such a play. ”

"The big guys' ideas are different, and even this situation is expected."

"An Lin really will make a step backward for the members of the Zongmen. This is really a surprise to me."

"Yeah, with the power of his sword spirit, it is possible to capture the peach without any suspense. I am afraid that in the process of fighting, the gods and ancestors will release the toxins and let the two suffer."

Tian Jianzong's banquet table.

Zhu Shan was very happy to see this scene.

However, her appearance was blinded by Liu Mingxuan, and she had to converge on the smile on her face.

Anlin chose to save Liu and thousands of illusions in this way. It is also what Liu Mingxuan hopes to see. Zhu Shan naturally cannot behave too happy.

The **** vine ancestors sang an unknown song and slowly moved toward enchantment.

The blue-colored tree vines are still entwined with Xuan Yuancheng and Liu Qian's illusion. A stinger hoveres over the edge of the neck of both of them. When Anlin has a change, it will slam into it.

Just then, a sound floated into the ears of Anlin...

Then, another voice came.

"Little evil, I have a bold idea..."

An Lin secretly passed the voice.

Xiao Qing’s clear eyes looked at An Lin and signaled him to continue.

An Lin: "So, like this."

Xiaoxie’s eyes were slightly bright and he nodded.


A sound of earth and earth came.

The **** vine screamed, and a tree vine on his body, like a green long knife, smashed extremely violently around the enchantment, and then tore the enchantment in an extremely violent way.

Just when the **** vines rip the enchantment.


Anlin and Xiaoxie quickly moved! !

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