I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1307: Xiaoxie is worried

Anlin and Xiaoxie’s body shape changed, and Shen’s ancestors reacted.

"Looking for death!" Under the wrath of Shen Teng's ancestors, he was about to put the poisonous thorn into the neck of Xuan Yucheng and Liu Qian's illusion.

Because of the shift in attention, and the sharp fluctuations in emotions, in the rear that it is not noticed, the air is distorted, and a delicate and cute elf begins to appear.

Her fingertips flicked, and the two stingers were shattered by sudden energy.

It was also the moment when a curved blue moonlight wheel penetrated the void and swayed in space, and there was a faint power of space leaps, and the speed was so fast.


The tree vines entwined with Xuan Yuancheng and Liu Qian's illusion were cut off by the sharp outer edge of the moonlight.

Xuanyuan Cheng and Liu Qianyue fell from the tree to the ground. Because of the paralyzing toxins of Shentan's ancestors, they were so soft that they could only get up on the ground.

The **** vine ancestors only knew at this time that the original Anlin and Xiaoxie chose to start because the other places were lurking in the dark!

Yes, it’s the Dina and Su Shaoyun of the Forty-nine Immortals!

It screamed, and the rattan of the whole body flew like a snake, and it hit the crowd.

Su Xiaoyun immediately recalled the moonlight wheel, and the rattan that was attacked in the future was cut off.

Dina also rushed to the side of Xuanyuan Cheng and Su Shaoyun, holding the ice lotus sword, waving a strong sword light, and smashing all the rattan.

But what she didn't pay attention to was that a few black poisonous needles were hidden in the broken rattan, and they went to the Xuanyuan and Liuqian illusion that could not be avoided on the ground at a very fast speed!

"It's bad!" Dina's face changed, the ice sword danced like a moon, and the cold air spread rapidly over 100 meters, freezing everything, and most of the poison needles were frozen by the cold force.

But there is still a fish that slips through the net, a poisonous needle struggling in the cold, finally got rid of the shackles of the cold force, and slammed into the neck of Liu Qian's illusion.

Dina was shocked.

This is, Xiaoxie has already rushed to the front of Shen Tian's ancestors, and the evil spirit sword roared out.

"Ha ha ha... Your friend has already got my poison needle. You don't want her to suffer the pain of life, so I have to listen to me..."

"Ah, ah..."

A horrible swordman fell on his body mercilessly, letting its chloroplast juice splash out, and the tree man screamed wildly.

"Are you looking for death? Even friends are so painful? This kind of poison can only be cured!" Shrine ancestor shouted.

It never imagined that Anlin and others would make completely different choices than before.

Sure enough, the screams of Liu Qian’s painful screams have already come, and the white-faced and delicate face began to turn blue, and the show fists clenched as if suffering great pain.

When Shen Tian’s ancestors saw it, his face began to show a cruel smile: “Look, if you still don’t close, I will...”

The words have not been finished, and the evil spirits that have been turned a deaf ear have once again rushed to the front of the gods and vines. The black sword of horror broke through the heavens and the earth, and the heavens and the earth suddenly became dark.


A small evil sword is thrown out.

The body of Shen Teng's ancestors was torn by Jian Mang.


The sword was raging and the trunk was pulled out of a huge gap.

Finally, the golden body of golden light appeared.

"Insane, you are really crazy, you don't even know how painful the woman is now..." God's ancestor looked at the crowd in front of him in horror.

Xiaoxie didn't pay attention to it, but came directly to Liu Qian's illusion.

"Little evil sister, what should I do now? My treatment is useless to her!" Mina's face is full of panic, and she uses healing, but Liu Qian is still very painful.

"It’s fine to cut her." Xiao Xie faintly said.

As soon as this statement came out, Xuan Yuancheng and Yanna both stunned.

Then, it was painful yelling Liu Qian, knowing what she meant: "I understand... Do you want to cut me out directly, and then trigger the effect of the body golden light? Good idea, fast... hurry up Cut me..."

Liu Qian's illusion is really painful, and the body is curled up, breathing is short, and sweat is dripping.

Xuanyuan Cheng and Luna suddenly realized: "It turns out that Jinguang has the effect of isolating the damage. Naturally, it can also isolate the pain. There are still a lot of powers transmitted to the outside, and can't solve the toxins displayed by the Dao's body. ?"

At this time, Xiaoxie has been tied to the arm of Liu Qian's illusion.

"Ah... you...what are you doing in this place?" Liu Qian screamed.

"This... is a bit outrageous?" Su Xiaoyun, who ran over, screamed and shouted.

Xuanyuan Cheng also shocked: "How to trigger the golden light, stab the heart!"

Outside the Temple of Heaven.

Liu Mingxuan looked at the picture in front of him with a black line.

The other disciples of Tianjianzong did not dare to speak. They also looked at the live video with a nervous look. Liu Qian’s screams screamed, and the pain she suffered was as if she could be felt through the screen.

In such a painful situation, An Lin’s sword spirit still tied her arm. What is the intention? If there is no reasonable explanation, I am afraid that their sovereigns will also go away.

Liu Qianyan also cried, and in such a miserable situation, An Lin’s sword spirit even smashed her, which is more desperate than falling down the stone.

But at this time, the victory sword suddenly turned white.

It is still a kind of ice-clear jade, not contaminated with a trace of white dust.

The sword became pure and innocent, as if the most holy and beautiful things in the world, people are dazzled and fascinated, self-defeating, not afraid to defile.

Liu Qian illusion was stunned and completely forgot the pain.

Xiaoxie pulled out the sword that was tied into Liu’s magical arm. The sword of victory and evil spirits changed from pure white to pure black again. It was faint: “Okay.”

"Well... well?" Liu Qianyan only returned to God at this time~www.readwn.com~ stretched his body and surprised, "Ah! I am really good, so amazing!!"

Liu Qian screamed, a salted fish rolled over and jumped up, hugged the little girl in front, and said happily: "Thank you, little evil sauce, you are my savior!!"

"Oh... you let go..." The little evil is struggling.

Where will Liu Qianhuan let go, her long-lost little evil, and now finally have the opportunity to hold a hug, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, she must not miss it! !

Warm and soft body, light and strange body fragrance...

It feels so good!

On the main hall of the Scorpio, the powerful people do not know why, there is a bit of a thousand illusions.

Liu Mingxuan smiled and looked at the scene in front of him.

Everyone in the forty-nine sects saw this scene and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"The little evil is really powerful, even the poison of the **** vines can be solved."

"Shen ancestor is not saying that no one can solve this poison except it?"

"It’s like a tornado that’s coming too fast...”

The treatment of the Temple of Scorpio is on the big battle.

The **** vine ancestors looked at this scene of the picture and went deep into the deep self-doubt.

"How could this be... how can this be done, shouldn't it..."

Qiankun enlightened a day.

"Xiaoxie, you are the best!" The little evil that just escaped Liu Qian's poisonous hand fell into the claws of An Lin.

Xiaoxie will remove the toxins of Liu Qianxuan, using the second move of Lingtian Shengxie, purifying! When a sword is thrown out, it can purify all the negative effects of the target creature!

"Next, let's pull out the peach tree!" An Lin turned his eyes to the peach tree in the enchantment.

The people no longer hesitate, forcibly breaking open the weakened enchantment, uprooting the peach trees, all into the ring!

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