I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1308: The biggest winner 49 Xianzong

Just when Anlin put the peach tree into the ring.

Above the sky, there was a loud and loud voice.

"Now, the peaches on the nine peach trees have all been taken away."

"All contestants will be sent out."

This voice spread throughout the world.

Lan Xiao Ni, who was also transferred to Taohualin, listened to the voice and said a few regrets on his face: "It’s a pity, I want to grab a peach tree."

Somewhere in the peach forest.

The flames and the thunder roar, the golden light of the Buddha's sounds, the energy of the collision smashes the earth and the surrounding peach trees, completely unafraid of the danger hidden inside.

A woman is separated from a bodhisattva with a good eyebrow.

Xu Xiaolan held the victory sword and glanced at the sky. Some accidentally said: "Is it so fast?"

"Amitabha female donor, we continue to fight is meaningless, just let it go." A bodhisattva who was behind the scenes and released the wisdom of Buddha light, slowly began to open.

He is the super power of the Buddha's country, and the general trend to the Bodhisattva.

Soon, the golden body of golden light shrouded everyone in the small world.

Xiao Xie also jumped into Anlin's victory sword.

The power of space swept through, and in the blink of an eye, everyone came to the Temple of Heaven.

"The king is coming back."

"Congratulations to Anlin Sect!"

"Four and nine immortals are arrogant!"

"So many peaches, is the kitchen **** Anlin having to get a few peach specialties?"

Many representatives of the forces have gone to send blessings.

Forty-nine sects of this time, it was too bright to see the peaches. It can be said that it is the most attention-grabbing force in the whole audience, so countless abilities have gone to congratulate.

More powerful, even raised the idea of ​​whether to hold the evil spirits, which of course was stunned by Anlin. Who can hold the little evil?

There is also a little circle of Xiaolan. In the discussion hot discussion, I know that the team of the Forty-nine Xianzong, even the last three peach trees, can’t be surprised.

She stretched out her hand and held An Lin's arm. She said: "An Lin, how are you so good? I want to eat three peaches!"

"No!" Anlin immediately refused.

Xu Xiaolan has not yet attacked, and Ann Lin said: "How do you do three? You must get thirty!"

The surrounding powers heard a tremor, a bully president! !

Some heavenly fairies are even more peach-faced, showing the color of yearning.

If they are Taoists, it would be better to have Anlin so domineering.

Lan Xiaoni smiled at An Lin: "What? It turned out that Anlin boss got the remaining three peach trees, so I have no opinion."

The depression before the mermaid princess was swept away at this moment.

To the Forty-nine Xianzong, the people who eat melons are full of heroes, cheering excitedly.

The Emperor of Heaven stood at the chairmanship of the banquet and said happily: "Four-nine sects are the biggest winners of this smashing peach activity. Now, please ask the Anlin sect to say a few words."

Nine 蟠 peach trees, four nine xian sects won five 蟠 peach trees, the creation hall won a peach tree, Wanling Xianzong won a peach tree, Chunshen tree world won a peach tree, the phantom madman got a tree Peach tree

Forty-nine Xianzong is undoubtedly the biggest winner of the Taotao activity.

When Anlin heard the words of the Emperor, he was somewhat embarrassed. He had never heard of such a thing before.

However, he did not stop, and stood up directly and cleared his throat.

"Our forty-nine sects are a sect of a harmonious development. Everything is about moderation and modesty. It is full of spring, peach blossoms, and peaches, I only need half!"

The voice fell and the audience was silent.

The five emperors of Tianting were shocked, and many representatives of the forces were shocked. The friends of the Forty-nine Xianzong were also shocked!

This Anlin can really say it!

God is a modest and modest.

What he said, but let the four ninth sects of a sect, and the rest of the mainland's ninety-nine first-class forces equally divided the meaning of the whole world! !

mad! Lawless madness! !

But somehow, many powerful and powerful people, who are shocked, but rarely resentful, are mostly envious or admiringly looking at the man in white.

Without the power of madness, it is not known to be high and thick, arrogant and arrogant.

But there is a strong madness, but it is called Lingyun's aspirations, sharp and unconstrained, and arrogant.

Anlin’s forty-nine sects, who won more than half of the peaches in the smashing peach conference, are indeed qualified to say so. Because of the deeper research, what he said is actually the fact!

Many young top talents can't help but start to cheer.

Their example has been one more, the arrogant man of arrogance! One day they can also say such words in the Temple of Heaven, how exciting it will be! !

The public can applaud with a warm applause, and the sound of cheers resounded throughout the audience.

Anlin greeted the applause and smiled and sat down for the public. Then he sat down.

This forced, he was very happy.

Liu Mingxuan looked at the focus of the audience, the dazzling man, the complex is hard to say.

How did his eyes become so dazzling when he blinked?

Zhu Shan's face 憔悴~www.readwn.com~ The mood is low, and the strong king can't vomit.

In the face of a person who won five peach trees, what else can she say, is it true that there are still four garbage trees that have been taken away by others?

Let’s go out and set her where she is.

Lin Biao looked at the well-behaved Anlin, and couldn't help but smile: "There is really yours, Anlin, and the clothes are loaded into the sky."

However, after Anlin sat down, he began to deal with the problem of peach distribution.

"Except for the thirty peaches that give the red bucket, we have a total of four hundred and seventy peaches!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's breathing became a bit of a rush.

At the banquet, they only had three peaches to eat.

Today, there are 470 more peaches in front of them! !

"The five peach trees are actually a major harvest." Bai Ling laughed. "Although the peach tree is a special product of Tianting, it has to grow in a special sky and peach garden. But I may not be able to use technology to simulate the environment of the heavens. Out of the peaches that are almost the same."

When this statement comes out, everyone is excited!

"This doesn't mean that we don't have to go to heaven in the future, we can also eat peaches? Wang!" Dabai excitedly screamed, and there was a crystal of saliva flowing down.

"Well, the matter is not a day's work, it is handed over to White Sister." An Lin clap his hands and look forward to it. "We will discuss the distribution of peaches first. How about distribution according to work?"

Everyone nodded and there was no objection.

An Lin smiled, and stood upright. He continued: "Then you said, who is the biggest man who won the peach game?!"

Everyone has the same voice: "It's a little evil!!"

An Lin: "???"

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