I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1309: Divided into peaches

This answer made An Lin squat for three seconds.

He is still waiting for the small partners to boast of themselves, and what they said is actually a small evil?

"No... How is it a small evil? The biggest credit should not be me? I am the master of Xiaoxie!" Anlin argued.

"Xiaoxie is a small evil, you are you, the success of the evil spirits is an independent life." Liu Qianxiao said with a smile.

Xiaoxie is so good to hold, she has to brush up the sense of value now, and strive to continue to hold the next time.

The crowd nodded at the same time, apparently agree with Liu Qian’s point of view.

"Even if you have a little credit, in the three peach trees, you have at most half of the tree's merits, the small evils account for two and a half, so it is still the greatest evil." Xu Xiaolan also said.

This sentence is already very fair, and Anlin has to accept this cruel fact.

"As you said, how many peaches should Xiaoxiao get?"

He rubbed his eyebrows and asked.

"Let's say dozens."

"More than a hundred!"

"In fact, two hundred are not excessive!"

The members of the Zongmen have made speeches.

Anlin compromised: "Then a hundred peaches!"

Immediately afterwards, the participating members distributed the peaches according to their merits.

Anlin Liusi Peach, Xu Xiaolan, Su Shaoyun, Xuan Yucheng, Liu Qianxie each twenty peaches, Dina ten, Dabai and clowns are purely water, five peaches.

The remaining 12 members of the cheerleaders, each with three peaches.

This scene makes the surrounding powers see their eyes red.

Even the members who did not participate in the event actually had an extra three. It is necessary to know that the standard that participates in the Peach Conference is each one representing three peaches.

Joined the forty-nine sects and won double happiness! !

In addition, Anlin also sent Wanling Xianzong five peaches, Zhuquezong five peaches, the **** beasts five peaches, the West Sea Union ten peaches, Tianjian Zong a white eye.

The apricots sent by Anlin were to thank them for their support during the event. When the confrontation between the April 9th ​​Xianzong and the Tianjianzong, they stood up and supported the Sijiu Xianzong.

This attitude is also very obvious, followed by the team of the Forty-nine Xianzong, there is meat!

Anyway, they are all their own people, and Anlin does not feel bad.

As for the remaining 145 peaches, they are included in the Zongmen resources to reward those who have made significant contributions to Zongmen.

After allocating the resources, Anlin relaxed and said: "She is still small, so I will help her keep the peaches."

Dina licked her beautiful eyes, and her index finger licked her chin. "How do I sound so familiar?"

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, the victory sword trembled.

A girl in a black dress began to appear in front of An Lin, and the dead fish eyes stared at An Lin, sticking out the white and tender little hands.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaoxie, go back, many people peek at your face!" Anlin saw this scene and whispered.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, picking up peaches, bring them." The little evil voice is cold and very cold.

An Lin: "..., that, you are so small, where are you holding so many peaches?"

Xiao Xie took the sword that beat the evil sword and said: "There is a storage space here."

Ann Lin was shocked: "How can I not know?!"

"This is my exclusive, why do you want to open a cat and a dog?" Xiaoxie sneered.

After all, she also picked up a rare fruit on the table and threw it into the sword of victory. After a burst of space, she disappeared.

An Lin looked at the sight in front of her eyes.

He felt that he had been abandoned by the evil sword... It is obvious that he is the master! !

Why would he not know if he could save the sword? !

As a last resort, An Lin had to move out the peaches and put them in the evil sword of Xiaoxie.

Xiaoxie sat on the chair of the banquet table, and picked up a peach, a fresh and crisp taste, and a rich and refreshing energy of the spirit, which made her enjoy the lovely eyes.

"Well... this fruit is delicious..."

Liu Qian’s illusion is moving, holding a peach in his hand, and trying to find out: "Xiao Xie, my sister has a peach here, you promised me to hug you, I will give you the peach, how?"

"Oh, stupid, I still have ninety-nine, roll!" Xiao Xie immediately gave Liu Qianmag a ruthless three company, and refused Liu Qian's dirty trade.

"Sister, sister, Xiaoxie is not willing to trade, I am not obliged to deal with it! As long as you give me a peach, I can let you hold the old days, the sea is dry!" Snowy days waving small wings, Meng Meng's eyes looked at Liu Qian Fantasy, spoiled and said.

The throne of the first primrose of the Forty-nine Xianzong was already threatened. Snowy Day was still very cynical, and it began to brush up the sense of existence.

"You?" Liu Qian squinted at the snowy sky and picked up a grape vine on the table. "The price you hold once is only worth the price!"


At this moment, Xue Yutian was like a five-thunder, and instantly lost all the spirits, and he couldn't fall in love on the table.

"You guys are new and tired, and they are looking forward to seeing people who have changed their minds, oh..."

At this moment, Xue Yutian finally realized that he had fallen out of favor and suddenly burst into tears.

But nobody cares about it.

Emperor Tian stood up and smiled again and said: "The battle for peach blossoms has come to a successful conclusion. The major forces have once again had a cordial and friendly exchange in this event, which promoted the harmony and unity between the major gates and increased The emotion between the members of Zongmen..."

Anlin looked at the contestants who still had some nose and face swelling, and the sparks of occasional confrontation between different Zongmen personnel. The face was amazed and said: "This bickering peach activity is to promote harmony and unity? How do I see that they are about to fight? ??"

At this time, a clear, flowing spring sound came from behind.

"Where the scene is, do you think that Tianting is doing a peach conference~www.readwn.com~ Is it really to unite the major gates?"

Anlin turned and saw a woman dressed in plain robes and clear dust behind her.

"Giving a girl, listen to you saying that there are other reasons for this peach meeting?" An Lin asked in amazement.

The woman’s face was black when she heard this title: “Call me Tian Yu Fairy!”

"Tian Yu Fairy!" An Lin changed his mouth very skillfully.

"Tianting engages in the Taotao Conference. On the one hand, it expands the influence of Tianting on the mainland, and strengthens my heaven and Kyushu. On the other hand, it is natural to let other forces make troubles and engage in conflicts." Lin Yi Lehe .

"You think about it, the Kyushu world is particularly harmonious, even united, the power is too strong, and it is not conducive to the rule of heaven."

Lin Biao’s words made Anlin and others suddenly open.

"You just told us this kind of thing, really no problem?" Anlin admire Lin Biao.

"Afraid of what, you are not an outsider, then again, this kind of careful thinking, the old monsters of Kyushu Jiezongmen will not know, I am ours, he does their thing, it does not matter." Lin Biao booth He spread his hand and smiled.

An Lin stroked his chin and nodded. "Well, I understand, then what do you do here, it won't just be to tell me this."

"No, I am here to make a deal with you." Lin Biao mysteriously shouted.

"What transaction?" Anlin police shouted, "The flesh trade is free!"

Lin Biao’s chest is stuffy: "Whoever does that with you, thinks beautiful!"

"Is that a trade?" asked Anlin.

"I have an extremely important internal information about the event, a message for two kitchen meals, how?" Lin Biao quietly Mimi.

An Lin: "..."

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