I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1312: Emperor of the heart

Lin Biao is "relishing" to appreciate the identification of other contestants.

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven sent his eyes to her.

She is a little panicked in her heart, and her heart should not be exposed.

Should not, she can not be precise which fruit is Xiantao, even if the Emperor is doubtful, can he suspect something?

"Little purple, do you seem to have something to worry about?" The Emperor suddenly opened his mouth.

Lin Biaojiao trembled and immediately shook his head and denied: "No, I have something to worry about, I just want to think about some problems of monasticism."

The Emperor looked at the fairy of the plain robes not far away, and asked: "Anlin will choose this way to find peaches, is it you..."

"Ah! I am not, I don't have it, don't you say it!"

Lin Biao casually is a denial of three companies.

Emperor: "..."

I don't know why, the Emperor suddenly felt a little bit stuffed, and finally cultivated the most favorite daughter. Did the arm still go out?

However, what the Emperor did not know was that her daughter’s arm did not turn outwards. She was only eating for the sake of eating...

In the orchard.

"Anlin boss is really good, and four pecans in one breath, we have to cheer." Lan Xiao Ni looked at the man not far away, his face raised a smile that could not be concealed.

Compared with Lan Xiao Ni's happy appearance, most of the souls are not the same.

An Lin’s four consecutive crites have already hit the representatives of major forces.

They all say that they have a good eye, and they have a pair of eyes that can perceive everything and perceive the difference of all things, and they can see different peaches.

But is it only Anlin is a glance, are they all blind?

Nowadays, with the fairy of the black snake, half of the peaches have been taken away.

They have not had much time! !

"Hey, I found a rule, the four fairy peaches of Anlin, all found in the purple fruit..."

"You mean, the probability of the peaches hidden in the purple fruit is relatively large?!"

"It should be like this. You didn't see that he has been wandering under the tree of purple fruit? It's definitely like this, let's go."

"Go, go!"

Some of the forces that thought they discovered the law began to infiltrate the trees that had purple fruit, and observed how the fruits differed.

If you are smarter, you should avoid the tree that Anlin once observed and use the exclusion method.

Anlin saw them and couldn't help but laugh.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, purple fruit has been picked four cents, in accordance with the principle of rain and dew, each color must have at least one fairy, so the obvious purple fruit is gone!

The rest is the fruit of other colors.

The yellow pineapple of the black snake is a fairy peach, so yellow can also be ruled out.

Look for the five colors of red orange green blue and blue!

Anlin moved and his goal changed again, not looking for purple fruit.

This scene made the former forces who were smug and self-satisfied because of some kind of discovery, dumbfounded.

Hey, we just found something, you will hit your face at the speed of light?

“Congratulations to the representative of the West Sea Alliance, Lan Xiao Ni, who won a fairy peach.”

Above the sky, the voice of the Emperor was again heard.

One listened to the ally of the Xihai Alliance. The representatives of the forces expressed their sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not the Anlin of the Forty-nine Xianzong who always felt that they still had hope...

This is a very strange state of mind, as if it was abused.

Lan Xiao Ni holds a blue heart-shaped fruit, feels the eyes of Anlin, holds the fruit and waves, and the smile is bright and bright.

Anlin smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

Next, the blue fruit can be ruled out! !

He began to start with the four colors of red, orange, and green, and started a crazy search again.

Lan Xiao Ni looked forward to the continued struggle of An Lin, said: "Thank you for the deduction of the two high priests, you also go to find the peach, do not have to keep the hand because the other is the one."

Gu Yu and the fish and non-fish nodded and continued to use the Dafa method to find the peach.

The rest of the forty-nine sects were not idle, and they all showed their magic.

The light bulb of the clown is adjusted to the brightest state of the wattage. Any object that looks directly at it will be brightened... oh, this is not the point. The point is that the fruit is slightly different, and it is under the high intensity.遁 shape!

Xu Xiaolan's eyes are golden and white, the golden dragon's eye, and the white sacred fire are really eye-catching. The effect is very strong, but the speed is slower.

Xuanyuan Cheng seems to be able to communicate with the fruit.

"Are you a peach?"

The fruit shakes.

"What about you? Are you a peach?"

The other fruit shook again.

"You look better, are you pretending to be a peach?"

The fruit shakes...

Another place.

Bai Ling's eyes flashed countless data gold particles, as if doing powerful calculations.

Xiao Tu is like an old farmer. He stops and looks around, and he doesn't know what to see.


Red orange green

“Congratulations to Xuan Yilun, the representative of Wanling Xianzong, who won a fairy peach.”

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven reappeared in the Wanguoyuan, causing a new round of sensation.

Xuan Yilun smiled and held an orange: "Carry."

It didn't take long.

"Congratulations to the wind demon boy in the Tianhan Ling Temple, and get a fairy peach."

A human doll looks like a monster with two wings and a pair of colored wings, happily holding a cyan fruit.

The Temple of Heavenly Cold is a top-class sacred door named Feiling, next to the Temple of Creation.

Anlinton was under pressure.

There are only red and green fruits left now.

"Well, there are only two left in the fairy peach, we have to hurry."

"Anlin's lord seems to be okay~www.readwn.com~ After getting four scented peaches in one breath, then there are no other scented peaches."

“Is it maybe luck before?”

"The skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse, not to mention the fact that others have got four peaches in one breath. This one achievement alone, who can catch up with the power on the field, is not useful for what you say."

Representatives of the various forces, while discussing hot, continue to search.

Anlin had thought about ten totals. Now the reality and the ideal are a little bit worse. He is very panicked.

But finally, he stopped in the red fruit of a gourd look.

There are other creatures behind him, and he does not say anything, picking up the red gourd!

"Congratulations to the representative of Anlin, the representative of the four ninth sects, and one of the celestial peaches!"

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven reappeared again, and the Wanguoyuan was silent for a while, then suddenly rose up.

Finally, Anlin once again showed great power!

Once again, Anlin proved himself with naked facts. The fairy peaches that are seen by strength are not round to other people's criticism!

"The last fairy is still worse, I have to cheer!" Anlin cheered for himself.

At the same time, most of the power representatives also have the same idea.

But after two minutes, a voice rang again and again.

"Congratulations to Xu Xiaolan, the representative of the Forty-nine Xianzong, who won the fairy-class peach!"

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven has made the people of Wanguoyuan desperate.

The last celestial peach, even the forty-nine sects! !

Anlin looked in one direction, and the woman there just happened to look over.

The two are just looking at each other.

Xu Xiaolan held a big green fruit with his hands in his hands. He smiled very brightly and had a small smugness.

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