I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1313: Anlin’s way of making money

Anlin saw Xiaolan also got a fairy peach, and put a thumb on her, praised: "Xiaolan, doing beautiful!"

Ten fairy peaches were found.

The rest are tens of thousands of fruits and thousands of fruit.

The representatives of the powers who have not chosen the fruit have been dejected and began to choose other fruits.

There are no celestial peaches, and there are good spirits to soothe their wounded hearts.

There are also hundreds of representatives on the election, most of which have already been selected.

Anlin helped the remaining forty-nine sects of the sects to choose the spirits, and all of them chose high-level spirits. No one missed them, so the four-ninth sects were also a good harvest.

Waiting for the members of the Zongmen to choose the fruit, it is also a good thing.

Anlin looked at the representatives who continued to work hard to choose the fruit, and suddenly the flash of light flashed.

The next moment, Anlin’s voice echoed in Wan Guoyuan.

"Please pay attention to the friends, don't miss the passing, invincible Anlin online to help you choose the fruit, one million Lingshi help once, will be high-level Lingguo, fake a lose ten, come on! !"

Hundreds of people were quiet at the same time, looking at An Lin with a shocked look.

Anlin continued: "My strength, everyone knows, the quality of credibility is guaranteed!"

The people of the Forty-nine Immortals: "..."

Many representatives of the power: "..."

The value of a spiritual fruit is generally more than 10,000 Lingshi. It is reasonable to say that if you can really choose the Lingguo.

Now, in addition to the dozens of super powers, who can say that they can choose the spirit of the election? At least half of the people on the field are all bursting with a common treasure.

Now Anlin has opened a service to help choose fruits online.

Have to say, many great powers are heart! !

"I, I, I... Anlin help me!" Xiang Qingya of the Fenghuang royal family raised her hand first and shouted excitedly at Anlin.

Anlin is in need of such a case, Xiang Qingya stood up, had to say that it was really a sleepy pillow, and he cast a grateful look at Xiang Qingya.

Xiang Qingya gave the money, and Anlin casually swept his eyes toward one of the trees, and then said: "Tick it!"

Xiang Qingya heard the words immediately and picked up the crystal clear white fruit.

At that moment, the white fruit gradually began to change, becoming blue-white, while emitting a strong energy fluctuation.

"It is a fruit, really a fruit!!"

"And it's a high-quality spirit!"

"I still hesitate, come on, I will line up later!"

Many representatives of the power saw this scene and couldn’t help it anymore.

The scene suddenly became confused.

"Don't worry, don't worry, one by one, everyone is in good team!" An Lin looked happy.

In addition to those who have confidence in their own identification techniques, or who are more arrogant, the power representatives who have not chosen the fruit on the field are coming.

Anyone who wants to do it! !

In this way, the representatives of the forces, under the leadership of Anlin, have chosen the better quality of the fruit, Anlin's pockets, and they have received the fruit, they are happy.

The rest of the super-powerful people, seeing Anlin's incomparable profit-making operation, eyes are red, I really want to run over and shouted "Help look at the fruit, I will!"

But they didn't have that face to shout. The first is that speed may not have Anlin fast. Second, they don't have An Lin's resume. With only one person's strength, they can see five fairy-level peaches, countless spirits, and no one misses. Can they compare?

These are the big guys who are enough to smash the entire mainland, and they are very numerous today.

An Lin can't compare, can't compare...

The height of the Wanguoyuan.

The five heavenly emperors looked at Anlin’s operation and had been shocked.

"What did Anlin think about this brain, so that can make money?" Ziwei the Great looked at Anlin incredulously.

The eyes of the Emperor of Heaven are about to come out, and gnashing his teeth: "A good Anlin, he is making money, but in this way, we must lose at least one more fruit, and the spirit of heaven will be defeated by him!" ”

"An Lin Xiaoyou really wants to make money without any means. He makes money, but it makes the heavens lose money. It is really terrible..." The Emperor of the Emperor is also gnashing his teeth.

"Can you stop it? I have a bit of pain." Longevity.

Qinghua Emperor bowed a white beard and smiled: "The rules before the eye of the eye are not as if you can't do it. Anlin is also acting within the rules."

The Emperor of Heaven stunned his eyebrows: "I really let the Emperor have a headache!"

Lin Biao sneaked a glimpse of the five emperors not far away, and turned his eyes to the next online help to identify the fruit of An Lin, could not help but smile: "It's a confusing, pit people come to me, even The money in heaven is dare to make money..."

She couldn't help but think of the time when Anlin used the purple star information to extract her own interests. Now she still feels angry, but she can't help but laugh.

Time is slowly passing.

Through a very amazing eyesight, Anlin made the 260-strong force representative, successfully obtained the fruit of the fruit, and was foolproof, and completed all the commissions perfectly.

This time, the representatives of the public were shocked by the ability of Anlin, but also a little more grateful to him~www.readwn.com~ After all, this is a win-win cooperation.

Oh, no, it should be said that it is a win-win situation.

The loss is the event organizer Tian Ting...

Some representatives of the power, even with a little bit of recognition or admiration for the Forty-nine Xianzong, think about cooperation in the future, perhaps this is a reliable force.

The event time is up.

The people were wrapped in space power and returned to the Temple of Heaven.

Anlin paid 2.6 million pieces of Lingshi to the ring, and now the total assets are up to 190.06 million Lingshi! A veritable master of the immortal world! !

The Emperor of Heaven stood at the chairmanship of the banquet, and he smiled and said: "Four Jiu Xianzong is the biggest winner of this eye-catching activity. Now, please ask the Anlin sect to say a few words."

An Lin’s glimpse, there is still time to speak, ok.

The members of the public, the four ninth sects, cheered and pushed Anlin to stand up.

Not only members of the Forty-nine Xianzong, but many representatives of the forces that have cooperated with Anlin have looked at Anlin in good faith, and many have also taken the lead in applauding.

For a while, the applause was thunderous.

Anlin stood up and cleared his throat. He said: "Our forty-nine sects are a sect of a harmonious development. Everything is about moderation and modesty..."

What is the feeling of deja vu?

When everyone heard it, the corner of the mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

The Emperor of Heaven is like a blood in his heart, and he wants to spit it out.

Sure enough, Anlin continued: "This is full of spring, fruity, fairy, I only need half!"

The words came out, the audience was silent.

Emperor: "..."

Representatives of the forces: "..."


The ball is a monthly pass, and the ball is a monthly pass.

The above cravings are in full swing, and the peasant snails at the bottom are also asking for help~~

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