I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1314: Supreme delicious scented peach

Almost exactly the same, it appeared at the Peach Conference.

Last time, the representatives of the forces felt that Anlin was crazy, but very good.

They know that only one activity, the Forty-nine Xianzong occupies half of the country, in fact, it can be accepted, strength, and luck.

But now, the second activity, the forty-nine sects still occupy half of the results of the activities, pressing ninety-nine forces, this is a bit scary.

After Anlin finished the sentence, he stood proudly at the Taotao Conference. He faced more than a dozen super-powers and nearly two thousand reflexive gaze, with no fear and a wide-eyed look.

What an arrogance for this is nine days, and this is dazzling.

The secretive villain like Zhu Shan has been completely ruined by this scene.

Lin Biao sighed a little, she regretted trading with Anlin a little, this kid has been mad to no side.

Many representatives of the power can feel the glory of Anlin's calm look and go straight for nine days.

Ordinary people are forced to force, others may ask, are you not going to heaven?

Anlin speaks here to tell other people that he is going to heaven, and his forty-nine sects are going to heaven!

The atmosphere on the field was silent for a few seconds, followed by applause like a tsunami!

The representatives of the forces, without any applause, cheered and applauded. Especially those who have handed over Lingshi and have cooperated with Anlin.

They admire An Lin and respect Anlin.

No one knows what kind of height Anlin’s future will reach. The only certainty is that he is very good now, and he will be even better in the future!

Now I am still talking to An Lin. I don’t want to open it, it’s a fool.

In this way, Anlin was extremely calm and came to his seat in the applause.

Xue Yantian excitedly threw himself at Anlin: "Master, you are just an example that I have been chasing in my life. The speech just made it shocking people. After I listened to it, I was immersed in the top, and I was able to sit and fly, and almost went to heaven! ”

An Lin slaps the palm of the snow and looks at the Tsing Yi woman next to her: "Xiao Lan, I think I am like this?"

"The same sentence, but even more powerful than the last one." Xu Xiaolan laughed. "Even I have been shocked by your madness!"

"Ha ha ha that is natural, your Taoist monk will be ordinary? That must be the person in the dragon and phoenix, the pride of the sky!" An Lin some proud of the head.

Xu Xiaolan rolled his eyes and said, "Well, let's distribute the fruit first."

"Fruit distribution? Everyone is twenty people, isn't one person a fruit?" An Lin licked his head and said nothing.

"No, the master, like a salted fish like me, is not worthy of possessing such a good thing as Xiantao." Xiao Hong Jiao said with a drip.

Anlin: ""

So, do you have a self-knowledge of the pet, let him say something?

"I think it's still based on credit." Bai Ling said, "An Lin's credit is undoubtedly the biggest. He has two Xiantao. Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone shook his head very calmly.

Bai Ling continued: "Then Xu Xiaolan is a fairy peach, the remaining three fairy peaches, we are eighteen people, and then fourteen spirits, we will confiscate it."

The distribution of Bai Ling can be said to be very reasonable, and everyone has no objection.

At this time, the Emperor began to speak again.

“The following is the third event, the dance of the Peach Blossom Conference officially begins!”

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven was falling, and the white sacred hall of the Scorpio suddenly burst into a ray of light, and the fascinating radiance slowly landed, and soothing music began to appear.

Anlin knows that it is time for free activities.

The eat, the drink, the dance of dancing.

Forty-nine sects are the biggest winners in this field. They are not the same as the fascinating goods of other forces. What they are about to unfold is the activity of tasting the fairy peach, and everyone in Zongmen has to eat!

As the main brain of the Purple Star Laboratory, Bai Ling can be fair to cut each molecule evenly, and everyone naturally let her preside over the knife.

Three fairy peaches are placed on the table.

Every peach is red and tender, like a shy girl in March.

As soon as it is released, the strange fruit fragrance of Xiantao, accidentally sucking a bite, makes people like the cloud is generally wonderful.

It is said that a mortal person can take a bite of a fairy peach and can live for a hundred years! !

Not only that, Xiantao is released because of the rich scent, but also has a white little dragon that swims around the peach, holy and majestic, vivid, such as the flower ambassador, not letting others invade this fairy peach.

This kind of peach is more appetizing!

Bai Ling stretched out his long, slender fingers and moved slightly.


Countless fine mesh cutting, instantly cut three peaches into eighteen.

Three golden peaches were also taken out.

"The peach kernel has a strong essence of wood, which can be used to make alchemy." Bai Lingdao.

"Alchemy was handed over to me, I am doing it." Xu Xiaolan raised his hand.

In this way, all three fairy peaches were arranged.

The crystal fruit petals appeared in front of everyone, so that everyone could not help but swallow.

An Lin and Xu Xiaolan are even more powerful. They eat the full version of the peach.

"Hey!" An Lin bite down.

Instantly, the feeling of crisp and refreshing is all over the body, it is an indescribable cool feeling!

It is the ultimate peach fragrance. Once you eat the entrance, the taste will last for a long time~www.readwn.com~ people can't stop, and they will begin to sublimate as time goes by!

The one-stop massage of the peaches dredges the blood and the meridians, and even the sea is boiling, and the soul is followed by a shudder.

"It's so cool, I feel, I feel like I want to go to heaven!" Anlin exclaimed.

"I am also" Xu Xiaolan snorted and said.

Oh la la la

A white wing appeared behind the two.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan held hands like this, vacated and swayed and danced in the air.

He was ready to eat the black snake of the peach, and the movement stopped his hand.

She looked awkward: "The feeling of shame"

The rest of the forty-nine sects, after eating the fairy peaches, also showed a very refreshing expression, although not stunned, but it is definitely an ultimate enjoyment.

This scene is seen by other big fans on the field, that is called an envy and hate.

The forty-nine sects of the sects enjoyed the blessings, and they could only watch them.

After the completion of the peach, the four or nine Xianzong and others seemed to be weak afterwards, lying on the chair, and eating the fruit on the table was as boring as eating rice.

The next step is to make friends.

Coming to the banquet table of the Forty-nine Xianzong, the initiative to propose the Zongmen forces to establish friendly relations is much more than imagined. If the rest of the sects are more important, they can't pull their faces and line up. Otherwise, they can line up and they can discharge two dragons.

There are also beautiful women who come to invite Anlin to dance, but they are all rejected by Anlin, and silently give them a blacklist.

At this time, he was also invited to dance, clearly wanting to kill by knife! Uneasy! !

In this way, the Peach Blossom Conference came to a close in the singing and dancing.

Everything is back on track.

Anlin thought about it and skipped classes for two months. He should go to class.

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