I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1315: Practice with classmates

Anlin rode his white and flew toward Xianlian University.

Beside him, followed by a small whale that kept spitting bubbles.

The bubbles blast in the air and can display one font.

The little whale spit in the bubble: Hey, with the help of the five emperors, although it can become bigger and smaller, but eating peaches has no taste, hehe...

An Lin said haha: "You have not already had a million Lingshi? High-order blood-staining differentiation Shen Dan needs about three hundred million, you only need to earn another 290 million."

The little whales are more depressed, and they are bursting with bubbles: Is 290 million so profitable? This is an astronomical number! ! I don't know if the monkey year can be reached.

Yuhua Tianxian comforted on the side: "President, rest assured, the years are long, there are so many opportunities to make money, there is always time to raise money."

The little whale is still very sad: I am afraid that after thousands of years, I have become a complete body.

“After thousands of years?” An Lin looked surprised. “Don’t be so long, I can earn 100 million a year. Can I not get it in three years?”

Yuhua Tianxian: "..."

Wang Squid: "..."

The little whale suddenly rushed to the front of An Lin, madly spitting a bubble: the big band took me, and the big band took me with me!

An Lin said without a word: "You are the principal, I am just a small student, please pay attention to the impact."

The little whale is not reluctant, and spits a bubble: Anlin Taoyou is the first person in my school. I was proud of my alma mater yesterday. Today, my alma mater is proud of you, so I am also proud of you. Me, what happened?

It makes a lot of sense.

However, Anlin refused to talk righteously: "I don't want to talk about it, but I have to save my wife's man. After a hundred years, I want to hold a world-wide wedding, which is all about using money!"

Ann Lin said his rhetoric.

Not far away, Xu Xiaolan, who is flying in the sword, has a slightly low head, and his face like a jade is somewhat red.

Others say that the world's wedding, Wang carp will definitely sneer.

But An Lin said this, but Wang Haoyu had to believe. After all, he also used the vision of non-participants, and witnessed the performance of Anlin at the Peach Conference. It is not impossible for such a stunning man to hold a world wedding.

Soon, Anlin returned to school again.

A leisurely and natural life begins again.

Anlin doesn’t need to practice now, just waiting for the gods of the gods and the artifacts of the crape myrtle, two things.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Please inform the novel users: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

As soon as it arrives, it is a matter of course to be promoted.

Oh, no, Xiaoxie is also an artifact!

An Lin suddenly returned to God. In this way, as long as the **** of the gods is made, he can be promoted to the virtual world! !

Suddenly I look forward to it.

Utensil application class.

On the vast lawn.

Anlin holds an ordinary implement and is waving at will.

He is the same classmate Sun Shenglian, one of the four small followers of the Wanshan domain. The temperament is cool and has a pair of chests.

She used to be regarded as the most "fierce" girl by Anlin.

But nowadays, the title of the most "fierce" girl has been taken away by the master sergeant, but it is a F-class powerhouse, and the average woman is not an opponent at all.

Even if Sun Shenglian is not the most fierce, it is also very fierce.

She has a blue slim robes, a tall, bumpy figure, a slender neck and a delicate collarbone that makes her look like a beautiful and proud white swan.

Anlin casually waved the implements in his hand, and Sun Shenglian was forced to retreat again and again. The body was pulsating, and the chest followed, and the scenery was hard to ignore.

Anlin looked at it for a while, and took advantage of Sun Shenglian to reveal a very obvious flaw. He then picked up the flawed sword and the sword was placed on the neck of Sun Shenglian.

"I lost..." Sun Shenglian sighed, but there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

Through the battle with Anlin, she has a lot of new insights into Kendo.

Anlin didn't realize this, just nodded with a smile.

He has already detached from another realm. He does not feel how good his swordsmanship is. He does not know what his kendo means for the students who practice with him.

He was just a pain in his spare time, and the students wanted to practice with him. He played with the classmates.

Not far away, the teacher in charge of teaching the swordsman must sigh.

"Oh... this year, a student playing a sword is better than me. The sword is deep and the sword is simplified. The students and him have no psychological pressure to practice, and the effect is better than my personal teaching. Many times..." The teacher was stunned and sighed in horror.

I haven’t graduated yet, I’m a teacher, is it Anlin’s student?

"It's my turn, it's my turn, Ang, please advise!" A pretty woman with short haircut jumped out and smiled and gave a battle.

Anlin saw this flat-chested girl

---This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Please inform the novel users: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line -

Miao sweet, can not help but sigh a wave.

Sure enough, the big girls are real and more three-dimensional.

at this time.


A few ice-cold darts have been hit by air.

Anlin didn't pay attention to it, instinctively waving his sword in his hand and slashing it toward the ice hockey.


The angle is accurate, the strength of the horror ~ www.readwn.com ~ spirit level ice darts by An Lin Fei flew to the sky.

Miao sweet face blank.

The air suddenly fell into silence.

Soon, Miao Tian was red-eyed and cried: "An Lin, you... you bully people!"

"Sorry, just don't pay attention, the hand is heavy, the spirit is not refining? You can recall them!" Anlin said in a hurry.

Miao Tian’s face was wronged: “The darts are too far away for you, I can’t feel it...”

An Lin: "..."

A sword slashed the classmate's weapon, which is really embarrassing.

As a last resort, Anlin had to release his powerful thoughts and help Miao Tian find the weapon.

The two continued to practice, Anlin did not need a sword, and performed a freehand dart.

I have to say that as long as the realm is deep, things will become simpler, not to be invincible, and all the proficiency is no problem.

Then, he played with Luo Ziping again, and Zong Yongyan played with the wind, accompanied by the honest brother to play Tailing burst, hehe! Play Wanling Taiji.

After cultivation.

Returning to the small attic, you can tease the little red little bones and three little beautiful women.

Xiaona is getting more and more wild, Xiaohong is getting salted fish. In the end, it is still the best bone. The bones are gentle and pleasant, and they are very understanding. From time to time, they become beautiful little butterflies and dance around him. It feels very good. Not bad.

The days passed quietly.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Anlin greeted the sunny day, and Xu Xiaolan strolled on the tree-lined path of the campus and walked toward the classroom not far away.

He has been on time for whatever class he has recently, and he cherishes every day on campus.

But all of a sudden, Anlin’s look became extremely dignified, looking in a direction in the outer space of the campus, and coldly said: “There is something to come over!!”

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