I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1317: 1 sword snow mountain

Students can only escape from the teaching area quickly.

But so many students, where can be evacuated in a short time.

I am afraid that the next step is extremely **** and tragic.

The squid screamed and slammed into one of the huge snow-capped mountains.

Two snow-capped mountains, he couldn't stop it all, he could only do his best.

The whale slammed into one of the snow-capped mountains, and the other snow-capped mountain was ruthlessly degraded.

Students who are fleeing the teaching area have found that the sky has been replaced by a huge snow mountain, like a huge land pressing against them. The huge mountain, huge and huge momentum, makes it difficult for students to breathe.

Their hearts are filled with the color of despair, such a large snow mountain, they can not escape.

Countless students have been fighting for a fight, and they are constantly moving towards the snow-capped mountains in the sky. They can die, but they can't wait without death. They hope they can make a miracle.

Unfortunately, their technique has no effect in front of the snowy mountains.

At this time, two figures appeared above the high altitude of the teaching area, facing the snow-capped mountains.

One person wins the snow in white, and one person is dressed in Tsing Yi.

This is a legendary figure on both campuses and is a living legend.

"It’s An Lin’s senior and Xu Xiaolan’s sister!”

"They are in front of us!"

Some students shouted loudly and excitedly.

"The snow-capped mountains that come here, even if the vice-president of Yuhua is powerless, are they going to die with us?"

Even so, many desperate students still have a flame in their hearts.

The backs of Anlin and Xu Xiaolan seem to be the only sparks that support the desperate students, so that when they run away, they still feel that they can live.

With the strength of Anlin and Xu Xiaolan, I could have escaped the fall of the snow-capped mountains.

But for the students, An Lin and Xu Xiaolan stood up and stood in front of the teaching area. In this way, in case of failure to stop, they have no chance to escape, and they can only be buried under the snowy mountains with the students!

"Believe them, Master Anlin has never let people down!"

Tens of thousands of teachers and students clenched their fists and couldn’t help but turn their eyes to the sky.

Xu Xiaolan did not hesitate to put out the sword, and used the strongest force when he got out of the sword.

Tens of thousands of students only felt that there was a holy fire on the top of the head, the dragon roared, the Suzaku plucked, and the mighty power was accompanied by the supreme sacred power, turning into a sword of tens of thousands of meters, and falling toward the snow-capped mountains.

This type of sword has reached the level of returning to the peak!


With the earth-shattering collision, Jianmang and Xueshan were first stagnation, and then Jianmang seemed to touch what power, and began to collapse and dissipate.

The snow-capped mountains have not lost momentum, and they are still falling fast.

Xu Xiaolan's body slightly shook, his face pale.

Anlin saw that there was no step back, and the black qi source spread, and the breath climbed to the virtual state. At the same time, the evil spirit sword broke out.

The heavens and the earth are shrouded in darkness, without the sky, without the earth, without everything.

Some are just snow-capped mountains and the dazzling white figure facing the snow-capped mountains.

Countless students were shocked by this scene and did not understand what happened.

The squid that just smashed a snowy mountain changed his face and surprised: "This is the field of the soul of the sword!!"

That's right, this is the realm of the artifacts that are realized after the evil spirits are promoted to the artifact.

"Small evil, use Ling Tiansheng evil, can you let the snow mountain disappear?"

"The volume is too big, can't."

"it is good"

Anlin did not disappoint. Instead, he raised the sword of victory in his hand and fell down without fear.

"Evil swordsmanship, ninth style, final style, nevernight!!"

He swayed the strongest sword in his life!

In the dark field, this sword seems to be integrated into the field, making it impossible to see its trace. But what can't be concealed is that it is the power of the heavenly sword that makes everything surrender, let the souls sink, and the power that is enough for the king carp to feel guilty!

This is the sword that comes with the sword before it is promoted to the gods. The evil spirits have been used in the abyss of the evil spirits. The moonlight night king has also used it to win the evil sword. Xiaoxie has already instilled all the nine styles into Anlin.

When Anlin started the war, he used the strongest one!

This sword has already come out, but the snow mountain has no reaction. It still has a great power to fall. It seems that the previous sword is illusory. It seems that the high-altitude Anlin and Xu Xiaolan will be crushed into meat, suddenly between.


A muffled sound came from the snowy mountain.

It seems as if something has been smashed.

The snow-capped mountains are rapidly disintegrated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then swallowed up by absolute darkness.

Heaven and earth are once again restored to light.

In the sunshine, tens of thousands of teachers and students turned their eyes to the sky.

Above the sky, there is nothing left.

Only Anlin and Xu Xiaolan stood with their swords, and they stood tall and sturdy.

As for the fallen snow mountain, it seems to have been broken down into the most tiny particles, and there is no trace in the world.


The snow-capped mountains that were smashed by the king squid fell to the distant land, causing the earth to violently shake.

But all this can't make any changes to the faces of teachers and students~www.readwn.com~ They all gaze at the figure in the sky, and some have never come.

"Snow Mountain Snow Mountain is gone?"

"An Jing actually lost the snow-capped mountains?"

"God, I am not dreaming!"

"An Lin is a great student!"

"Zhu Anlin is really handsome!"

Countless students are venting their emotions.

There are incredible shocks, admiration from the bottom of my heart, passionate reverence, and the joy of the rest of my life.

This scene was even seen by the king carp, and it was shocking to add.

To know the strange snow-capped mountains, even he himself could not destroy it, but An Lin actually smashed it with a sword, which made him not shocked?

Even the party, An Lin, was shocked by this scene.

"I just want to smash the mountain with a sword. How can I directly ruin the snow-capped mountains? Am I so arrogant?" Anlin muttered.

"Oh, it doesn't have the protection outside. It's just an ordinary snow-capped mountain. Is it strange that the ninth style will be annihilated forever?"

"So, I can break through the protection of that layer, it is the most powerful." Xiaoxie Qingqing is cold and cold, and some young voices sound, no mercy.

Anlin: ""

"What is that protection?" Anlin asked curiously.

The ability to penetrate the large array of protection at the joint level can withstand the protection of the super-powerful attack of the joint road, and the protection property makes Anlin very curious.

Xiaoxie said: "It is"

At this moment, the call of Vice-President Yuhua suddenly came again: "Crash!!"

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan looked at each other at a glance and looked into the distance.

In the distance, five black spots began to appear and quickly flew toward where they were.

This time, it is five snowy mountains! !

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