I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1318: I am the wind, also the god

"Is this still finished?"

When Anlin saw this scene, the whole person was embarrassed.

First, a snow-capped mountain came over, and then two snow-capped mountains came over. Now it’s amazing. Just five snow-capped mountains come over at the same time. Do you want to bully people like this? !

The most important thing is, where does the snow mountain come from, whoever lost the snow mountain, why is the snow mountain so strong, why would they marry them... everyone knows nothing.

The students in the teaching area have not been evacuated.

Anlin bit his teeth, and is about to move again to use the black source, use a style forever.

At this time, suddenly there are five gods traversing the sky.

They are as vast as heaven and dazzling like a big day.

Emperor Tiandi, Ziwei Emperor, Emperor Emperor, Changsheng Emperor, Qinghua Emperor, appeared at the same time, facing the five snow-capped mountains.

boom! boom! boom……

An earth-shattering collision.

The five emperors of the heavenly court, while using the most powerful physical attacks, deviated from the five snow-capped mountains.

After seeing the attack of the king squid, they used the same method with great tacit understanding!

"Our heaven is not like the snow girl, are you coming here to find death?"

"This is the territory of heaven, and you are not allowed to scatter here!"

The emperors drank at the same time, releasing a very terrifying momentum and looking at the void in the distance.

The power of the five heavenly emperors will be at the same time, and even if the other party is a super power of the road, it will be scared.

In the distant void, between a burst of distortion, a figure gradually began to appear.

It is also true and illusory, like the wind like a cloud, tall and magnificent, such as the gods come to the world, the foot of the earth, the top of the sky, the wind-like **** ring keeps turning on the top of the head, endless.

It is too tall, and the height is not known.

This is a existence that all living beings need to look up to.

As if it represents, this piece of sky.

All the great powers saw this scene and forgot to breathe, as if to do more movements, that is, disrespect for the existence in front of them.

Many students can't stand the endless power of God, and they have fallen to the ground.

When the Emperor saw this scene, his face changed greatly, and then he slammed it, and the power of Shinto instantly spread into the world.


The top of the sky, the presence of the earth on the ground was scattered like a cloud.

The power suddenly dissipated, and if it was a good eyesight, it would be able to see a human figure in the distance, two meters tall.

It has no facial features, only a pair of golden eyes, the body is still translucent, white as jade, very gentle and calm, but the top of the wind and the wind, but people feel inexplicable heart.

"Who are you?" The Emperor looked very dignified.

The strange existence, looked up, the golden pupil looked indifferently at everything in front of me.

The wind stopped.

Everything has become quiet.

The teachers and students in the teaching area continue to evacuate in the distance. Everyone knows that this is a calm and calm storm. If you don’t leave, you can’t go!

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan also wanted to evacuate.

Join the super-powerful battle, they have not qualified to intervene!

Just as he was preparing to flee, Anlin found the existence of a quiet place in the distance, as if he had fallen on his body.

"My name is wind..."

An extremely embarrassing, extremely nice voice came.

Can't hear gender, very neutral and very comfortable voice.

"Wind?" Tiandi frowned.

He has never heard of this person on the mainland.

Is it difficult to be a windrunner in the creation hall?

No, the gap between the two is too great. If the windrunner dares to come here, the five emperors will not be able to say it, they will be a fool!

"Yes, I am the wind, I can roll up the wind of Wanzhong Mountain." There is a one-handed one, and a small snow-capped mountain appears in the void, and is wrapped in a strange wind.

There is more speculation in the hearts of the five emperors. The strange protective film of the snow mountain is probably because of the wind in the hands of the mysterious man, blessing on the snowy mountains!

"Even the power of Shinto can be isolated or swallowed. Is it sacred?"

"How do we do it, do you want to work together?"

"Wait, it says it's a wind, it's hard..."

In the face of the unknown existence, the five great emperors were extremely cautious.

Just then, the wind had already thrown the snowy mountain in his hand.

Xiaoxueshan will rise in the wind, and soon it will become a mountain of eternal, black as the mainland, and the teaching area of ​​the University of the United States will fall.

Students and teachers are embarrassed.

This snow-capped mountain and the former snow-capped mountains are not an order of magnitude.

If the snow-capped mountains are really degraded, let alone the teaching area should be razed to the ground, even the entire school's floating space may be smashed! !

The five great emperors and the king carp were all changed face and flashed in front of the snow-capped mountains.

"Take the snow mountain off me from the floating continent!"

"Everyone, go in that direction!"

The six-way super-powerful, while using physical means, slammed into the side of the snow-capped mountains.

"I am the wind, but also the god, it is this day." The creature, like a white jade, slowly spread his hands, and a gust of wind did not know where it came from, accumulated on the snowy mountains.

The six super-powerful giants are like a group of sponges. The strength of the whole body is cut by layers and dissipated quickly...

"No!!" Ziwei Emperor's eyes are round and round.

The mountains of Wanzhang smashed the large array of Xiuxian United University and descended from the sky.

If you really go down like this, even if the students flee from the teaching area, they will be shocked by the aftermath of the shock!

The Emperor of Heaven is integrated into the heavens and the earth, and the sound is like Thunder Tianwei: "The sacrifice of the guardian school all the power! Strengthen everything!!"


Originally used to protect the students' large arrays, quickly integrate into every inch of the earth, so that every inch of the earth is radiant ~ www.readwn.com ~ hard degree instantly increased hundreds of times! !

The Emperor of Heaven changed his mind in an instant. Since he could not resist the fall of the snow-capped mountains, he would try his best to stabilize the land and make it bear the impact of the snow-capped mountains.

The mountain fell.

Power can be shocked by the world.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan quickly fled high altitude. The evacuation of students in the teaching area has been completely completed under the efforts of many teachers. They have escaped the fall range of Shenshan.

But that doesn't mean security.

It’s like a planet hitting the earth, the earth is not dead, but the creatures above are likely to suffer from the catastrophe, extinction...


The violent collision, as if the heavens and the earth were cracked.

The shock wave spread in a circular pattern, and the violent hurricane swept over hundreds of miles. All the surrounding trees were uprooted and rolled up into the sky.

All the teachers, in front of the evacuated students, tried their best to resist the aftermath of the shock.

What surprised Anlin was that the floating continent, after being integrated with the power of the formation, resisted the attack of the mountain and did not become torn apart. Instead, it absorbed the impact of the fall of the mountain and was only sunk. some.

It is precisely because of this, students who have not escaped far away have finally saved their lives.

The mysterious existence in the distance, seeing this scene, there is no slight change in the look, but instead faintly said: "To kill the Terran, start from the destruction of heaven."

When the five great emperors heard this sentence, they suddenly exploded.

"Destroy the heavens, a big tone."

"Let's go!"

"Mom, no matter who it is, you must die today!"

"Do it!"

Even the words that destroyed the heavens were spoken. The five great empires who had been worried about it now, will hesitate now, and face the mysterious existence not far away, and directly rushed to the past! !

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