I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1323: Heavenly Emperor

High on the top, the wind **** with the highest authority, was actually shot by a slap!

At this moment, the air was completely quiet.

Everyone fixed their eyes and looked at the void. A man with a calm and elegant look was doing a swinging posture. The white emperor robe danced like a cloud.

The picture is extremely natural, such as being integrated into the world.

The immortals outside the enchantment looked at it, and the students looked silly.

Invincible in the invincible position of the four heavenly emperors, the wind **** is more terrible and invincible in the eyes of everyone. But at this time, the Emperor of Heaven raised his hand and attacked the **** of the wind. This scene is like a dawn, so that everyone can rekindle hope.

"The wind gods on the top are being slapped, really deflated!"

"The Emperor is handsome!"

"You are the best!"

"Come on!"

Among the excited voices of the immortals, there are seven fairies with beautiful looks, and they are excited to cheer for the men in the enchantment.

As the strongest person in the heavens and even the Kyushu world, the Emperor of Heaven is the most advanced level of power in the world. He finally let everyone see the hope of victory!

Feng Tianshen stabilized his figure in the void and touched his face instinctively. He suddenly smiled: "This kind of attack is really painless."

The Emperor's eyes reflected the sky, and countless tiny charms flashed in the eyelids. There were hundreds of thousands of flashes at a time, and it seems that there are still some fine calculations.

"Oh, interesting, your Shinto is related to the sky, are you analyzing me? Use the power of the sky to analyze me? Hehehe..."

Feng Tian Shen seems to have something very interesting, can not help but laughed: "Are you stupid, I am the day, ask me to deal with me? I allow you to do this?"

After all, it waved with one hand and the transparent wind passed through three thousand miles.

The connection between the Emperor and the sky was completely broken.

But the face of the Emperor did not change in the slightest: "You enter the beginning of the 6th, the power will be weakened. Isn't this what the heavens do? It is the fight between yourself and yourself. I ask you to deal with you. What is impossible?" ?"

"Ha ha ha..." Feng Tianshen grinned, Jin Hao flashed, and scorned, "Is it? You are also worthy?"


It’s like a wind.

A clean and powerful palm suddenly appeared in front of you.

The face of Feng Tian Shen changed greatly, and the Emperor of Heaven came to the front of it like a teleport, which was the limit that it could determine.


The palm is not too big, but it just caught the head of Fengtian.

A force that contains Tianwei gathers on the palm of your hand. Its power is not scary, but it contains an unquestionable absolute force, supreme, and boundless.

"The analysis is completed, the decomposition is destroyed!" The Emperor's eyes looked directly at the wind god, without any feelings, the voice is like the sound of the sky, the mouth contains the heavenly constitution, and the words are life and death.

next moment.

A blast sounded through the world.


The head of Fengtian is crushed directly by the palm of your hand! !


The screams of the wind gods spread throughout the world, the body collapsed, and the **** ring collapsed.

In the end, its body completely disappeared into the heavens and the earth, as if it had never been.

Heaven and earth restored the Qingming.

"Win... win?"

"Great! We finally won!"

"The Emperor is mighty!!"

"Ha ha ha... The **** wind **** is finally dead."

"And it was still spiked, and the Emperor is really the strongest in Kyushu."

The death of Fengtian God has caused the immortals and the teachers and students of the school to fall into ecstasy.

The strength of Fengtian is very unsolvable, and the Emperor of Heaven is already the last barrier of the immortals.

If even the Emperor could not stop it, I couldn’t imagine the consequences of releasing that existence. Perhaps the collapse of heaven and the fall of Kyushu are really not far from the future...

The teachers and students have begun to cheer and be full of joy. It is a joy to finally defeat the terrorist enemy in the crisis of the crisis.

The Emperor stood in the void and frowned slightly: "No, the enchantment has not been lifted, and the idea has maintained a large array of operations. This proves..."

A voice suddenly burst into the wind.

"Prove, I am still alive."

The white wind blade tore the true element of the Emperor's body, running through the heart, blood stained red and white emperor robe, such as **** blooms.


The voice of the wind god, like a nightmare.

The white wind entangled, a head-and-go **** ring, and a white and transparent human figure, once again appeared behind the Emperor, holding a sword that pierced the heart of the Emperor.

Seeing this scene, whether it is the celestial beings outside the enchantment, or the teachers and students in the enchantment, like a hail, a desperate mood is on the mind.

The Seven Fairies yelled at their father, madly bombarding the enchantment with the technique.

"I admit, you can borrow the power of heaven and have the power to hurt me, but it is a pity..." The expression of Fengtian is gradually embarrassing. "I am stronger than you, you will never kill me!"

The white wind sword is so beautiful that it is necessary to break the body of the Emperor.

But at this moment, four different directions, accompanied by extremely terrifying fluctuations.

The Emperor of the Emperor, the Emperor Ziwei, the Emperor of Qinghua, and the Emperor of the Longevity also shot at the same time, and the eyes of the Emperor rushed to the front of the Wind God, and attacked by the Wind God.

At this moment, the Emperor’s backhand is a slap in the face of Fengtian!

Feng Tianshen’s heart was slightly stunned, and his body moved hundreds of meters like the wind, and escaped the attack of the five emperors. But before the five emperors breathe a sigh of relief, Fengtian Shen once again pounced on the five emperors!

In another place, teachers and students have retreated to the edge of the enchantment.

"An Lin, can you really break the enchantment?" Xu Xiaolan looked forward.

"I try to make the strength of the enchantment similar to the power of the protective film covering the snow mountain. You didn't see me cutting a snow mountain with a sword? Snow mountain can cut, then this blue prismatic enchantment, I think this No problem." An Lindao.

"So, please come to Anlin," said Vice President Yuhua.

Anlin no longer talk nonsense, win the evil sword out, a sword smashed away towards the enchantment!

In order to avoid the lack of power to break the enchantment, he still used the black source in an instant, which made the most powerful sword.


The shocking collision sounded.

The blade is on the enchantment, and the sharp and sharp edge cannot penetrate the enchantment.

An Lin’s heart was shocked: “I’m a hard shell, isn’t I using the Excalibur field?”

A cold and tender voice sounded: "No, even if I don't need any field, I have the power to break the rules. You are too weak."

An Lin: "..."

In the face of the teachers and students ~ www.readwn.com ~ said this is really good?

In the meantime, the explosion of terror wind energy suddenly exploded in the distance.

The horrible hurricane blew up hundreds of mountain ridges around it, forming tens of thousands of meters of pits.

The five emperors lie in the pits with blood.


The wind **** stood in the center of the explosion, and the golden wind entwined the whole body, faintly opening.


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