I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1324: stand out!

The voice of Fengtian is not big, but it has spread throughout the world.

At the very center of the battlefield, the wind **** is still standing.

The Five Emperors lost!

The people who saw this scene could not slow down from this scene.

It took a few seconds to complete, and it was difficult for the immortals to set the channel: "Los? The five emperors actually lost?"

"No, this time is really over... The enemy that faced this time is not at the same level. It has become a normal category, not what we can deal with..."

"Does the heavens really die in my heaven?"

Countless angels clenched their fists and couldn’t stop shaking.

The five most powerful emperors in the heavens have fallen, who else can save this? Even if there are more immortals in the ride, what is the difference between a moth and a moth?

Just when the celestial people are mournful and desperate, a sound is heard.

"Go away!!!"

The Emperor of Heaven regained his position, and his head was scattered. The blood had already dyed the emperor's robe, and the injury was extremely heavy, but the flames in the eyes were even more vigorous.

He is like a warrior after the death, to release his last light.

"how come……"

"The Emperor..."

Dozens of celestial eyes outside the enchantment are red.

They certainly know what it means to be called by the Emperor.

What the Emperor can do now is to let the heavens die less. In other words, this time the Five Emperors really want to fall here...

"What are you doing in the same place, go quickly!"

The Emperor of Heaven is like a voice of heavenly anger, coming again.

"Oh, don't do this..."

"No matter what you say, I will never go."

The seven fairies stood outside the enchantment and shed tears. They were obviously scared, but they were decisive.

They have made up their minds, and if the heavens perish, they will be buried with the heavens.

"I watched all the emperors fall, I chose to escape. This kind of decision, I really can't do it, I would rather die." Yang Lan faintly said.

"Yes! I have to fight!"

"Mom, fight with that!"

"Swear to die and live in heaven!"

One by one, Tian Xian stood up and pulled out his weapon.

Even the immortals who have turned the gods are gathered together, but they are jointly performing a combination of arrays, and they intend to fight for it.

After the words of the Emperor of Heaven, in the end, the heavens are all immortal, and no one wants to escape.

In this scene, Rao is the five emperors who can see it.

"You really are... How can Heaven recruit your stupid people!" The Emperor scolded a sentence, but could not help but laugh.

The Qinghua Emperor took out a **** bone and muttered: "Today I am completely ruined, and my soul is destroyed. I have to take a chance for the stupid generations outside!"

The Ziwei Emperor, the Emperor of the Emperor, and the Emperor of the Longevity, also stood up and felt up in the sky, swaying the sky, as if to stand on top of the pillars.

Feng Tianshen smiled: "Why is it like this? I still feel that I can win me? The most powerful force of mankind is just like this. I really don't understand what the Ocean Gods are planning, what are you going to do?"

The war of gold and the war of the war, began to turn into a variety of golden weapons, whistling toward the emperors, the power of each weapon is extremely horrible, but also carries the rules of absolute penetration and absolute armor Power!

An arm of Qinghua Emperor with basaltic blood is a weapon that has been turned into a tofu by Jinyuan.

Nowadays, countless golden glittering weapons are flying. In fact, there are countless handles to harvest their lives. There is no problem that can't be blocked. Only there will be weapons encountered.

Once encountered, no defense will be broken!

The five emperors were not afraid of this, and once again rushed to the wind god.

The last battle finally exploded.

The separated mountains of the mountains, connected to the space gates of the outer world, the creatures of the wind and the magic family reappear. The creatures that emerged this time, each of the leaders has an extremely powerful power.

They have a crown on their head, a purple robes, and a golden pupil. It is enough to wrap the wind of the space around the body. Everything close to it will be weathered into powder.

Ordinary monks only look at those who have a look, they will be scared to go nowhere.

There are nine different purple robes, and each one has a breath of beauty!

After they came out, tens of thousands of powerful aliens followed the back, one by one, and the weapons were cold, and obviously they were hungry and thirsty.

"Oh... the emperor of the Wind Devils has come, you are waiting to die!"

"Death so many brothers, this time you can certainly take revenge."

"I will cut off your flesh and blood, and then dry it to death!"

"killing and killing..."

The interracial people shouted and killed, and the powerful murderous voice formed a wave of sounds sweeping around.

This is the enemy of a new wave of the demon family.

It must be said that the Wind Devils strictly followed the basic cultivation of the villains.

Each time the enemies sent will be one level higher than the previous enemies, and the ladder will become stronger. They will send experience and equipment to the protagonist and exercise the protagonist.

The only thing that is not so good is that after the end of the wave, the next wave is a bit faster.

The creatures of the Wind Devils began to sprint after seeing the teachers and students in the distance.

They have only one command to enter this alien world, which is to kill the people! !

"Xiaolan, can you deal with these people?" Anlin suddenly turned and asked.

"An Lin, you..." Xu Xiaolan clung to Anlin's hand and could not help but tremble.

She already knows what Anlin is going to do.

If it was before, she was very confident in Anlin, she would let Anlin leave.

But now, even the five great emperors have no chance to win, but Anlin has to stand up, which is different from sending death...

Anlin took Xu Xiaolan's hand and seriously said: "We have no retreat, aren't we? At this time, someone must come forward, otherwise there is really no hope."

"I can fight, my sword of victory can contain the rules of the will of heaven, and this power should be used a little for Fengtian..."

"So, my classmates and teachers are protected by you, can you?"

Xu Xiaolan red eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ hold back no tears, gently nodded: "Reassured, give it to me."

Anlin heard a smile and turned and walked forward.

"An Lin, promise me, come back alive!"

Anlin smiled and said: "Do not worry, I will definitely be with you when the battle is over..."

"Oh..." He suddenly thought of something, and immediately stopped the words. This word is a line of pills.

"I will go back soon!!"

When Anlin dropped a sentence, he began to fall into the bricks and flew toward the battle center!


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