I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1328: Sacrifice life

Anlin could hear that the voice that shouted at him was sent by Xu Xiaolan.

Suddenly, the confused brain woke up.

At this time, the golden blade has already slammed into the head! !

So fast, can't hide!

Anlin wants to move, but finds that the body is like a lead, it is difficult to move, only the pain of flesh and blood tears deep into the bone marrow.

At this moment, the triumphant sword in his hand violently trembled and suddenly burst into darkness.

"Yeah?" The face of Fengtian was changed.

A little girl with a round tomb, I don’t know when I have replaced Anlin and took the victory sword.

Sword spirit? Even if the sword spirit is out of the sword, it is too late, and Anlin will die!

Feng Tianshen held the golden wind knife and continued to kneel down.


Unexpectedly, the head of Fengtian was suddenly blown up.

Because the golden wind knife that the inertia fell, was also slapped by the little girl.

Silent, dead silence.

Whether it is the immortal outside the enchantment, or tens of thousands of teachers and students, or the five emperors and An Lin, they are looking at this scene in a foolish way.

"Small... little evil..."

Anlin was shocked and happy, and shouted out the name of the little girl.

He never imagined that in the face of desperation, Xiaoxie actually moved himself, really his intimate little cotton jacket! !

"Ling Tian Sheng Xie, annihilation!" Xiao Xie uses the tender but extremely cold voice to open, the victory evil sword continues to fall toward the body of Feng Tian Shen.

The headless body of Fengtian God suddenly moved, and the speed was faster than that of Xiaoxie.

It clenched the wrist of Xiaoxie with one hand, and the other hand penetrated the chest of Xiaoxie like a blade. The golden wind blade stirred the body of Xiaoxie crazy.

"Little evil!"

When Anlin saw this scene, his heart screamed and he shouted.

Xiao Xie was pale and turned to look at An Lin: "You are not fast..."


It was another explosion.

Feng Tianshen shot the body of Xiao Xie with his hands.

At the moment, Anlin was like a hail, his eyes staring at the wind god, and there was endless anger and hate in his eyes.

Just then, a sudden burst of strength came from his waist and was taken back.

"Xiaolan...you...you let me go, what are you doing here, its goal is me..." Anlin struggled, and the woman who ran with him was Xu Xiaolan.

He was really scared, afraid that he would involve Xu Xiaolan.

Only when you really face the wind gods can you realize how terrible the other party is.

Xu Xiaolan hugged An Lin's waist with one hand, barely licking her lips, and fled away from the distance: "I really can't watch you die in front of my eyes."

"The enchantment has already trapped this world, where can you take me with me?" Anlin struggled with difficulty. "Let me go, I want to fight."

Just then, there was a horrible breath behind him.

Feng Tianshen caught up with the evil spirit sword and smashed hundreds of horrible swords in an instant.

Xu Xiaolan casts a secret technique, blinking in a blink of an eye, and avoiding the swordsman of Fengtian.

"Just use this sword like this, it seems that there is nothing special, it is strange, how can this broken sword open my power rules? Hehehe..."

The wind gods waved their swords and opened their mouths.

In its eyes, Xu Xiaolan and An Lin are two dying ants.

"Quickly let me go, let me go..." Anlin is still struggling.

Xu Xiaolan had been struggling to avoid the attack of Fengtian. When a sharp turn, Anlin twisted his body like a muddy, Xu Xiaolan's hand was unstable, and Anlin fell from the air.

"Oh, Anlin!" Xu Xiaolan was shocked, reaching for it, but grabbed it.

Anlin wished to change the firepower for Xu Xiaolan, but found that his body was completely stopped, the injury was extremely heavy, the function of the body was almost scrapped, and there was a raised stone on the ground.

"噗通!" The violent impact, accompanied by the scene of stone fragmentation and blood splashing.

Anlin was so dead on the ground.

All the immortals and teachers and students saw this scene, and they all took a sigh of relief.

Some have cried and shouted the name of An Lin.

There is only one thought in their hearts, and Anlin, who is alive and well, shouldn’t fall to death like this?

This possibility is great!

Even the shape of the Wind God is a slight meal.

When Anlin was confused, there was a clear voice in his mind.


"Detecting that the host is facing a huge threat, whether it is willing to sacrifice one-fifth of your life, you will have unimaginable power. At present, life is missing two-fifths."

An Lin roared in his heart, and the hang of this system finally appeared.

"I am willing."

Almost no hesitation, Anlin said.

At the next moment, the consciousness gradually became clear, and the wounds of the whole body recovered in a weird manner, and three black sword marks appeared on the forehead.

Anlin stood up, his eyes were dark and deep, his temperament was warm, and he sighed softly.

All the people were stunned, and some did not understand what it was like.

The moon shadows are immortals, the fate of the heavens, the Xuanyuan sincerely, all look at Anlin complexly.

They have seen Anlin use this power.

"The third way..." Xu Xiaolan tightened his hand and muttered.

Anlin seemed to feel a little. Looking at the Tsing Yi woman not far away, she smiled softly: "Nothing."

"It's okay, you are a ghost..." Xu Xiaolan couldn't help but tears, and said with a look of grievances and blame, "I accidentally dropped you on the ground, blaming me..."

Anlin is speechless: "I have to thank you. If the **** of the wind hit me, maybe this thing has not come out yet, I will die. Well, this will not be said beforehand, you give me a long way to go, first Wait a minute and let's talk again."

Xu Xiaolan nodded and flew away.

“Is this awkward?”

The Emperor looked at Anlin, who looked at all the injuries like a strange, confused.

"I don't understand. Anlin's current state is very special. He can't feel the breath at all, but he feels that he should be there..." The Ziwei Emperor, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, looked confused and talked.

The headless body of Fengtian, once again condensed a living head~www.readwn.com~ It scratched his head and looked at Anlin: "I didn't get it wrong, you just said, it means that one minute can take me. solve?"

"It may take only half a minute." An Lin single-handedly, and the evil sword trembled fiercely and flew toward his hand.

Fengtian also clasped the sword of victory and the body was taken away by the power attached to the sword.

"Ha ha ha... I don't know the ants who live and die, have you not found out that I am not dead? Heaven is forever, I am not dead, you will never defeat me!"

Feng Tian Shen laughed, Tianmai fully urged, clenched the evil sword, followed the strength of Anlin and rushed forward, a sword fell!


The crisp sword sounded.

Anlin stretched out a pair of fingers and caught the sword of victory and evil spirits.

Feng Tian Shen’s pupils are shrinking, his face is ridiculous and unbelievable.

"Hey!" A resounding sound of the world, echoing the void.

The wind **** was slap in the face.

The body condensed by the authority of the wind, almost did not stabilize, almost collapsed!


(Three more, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month, no more than no vote~)


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