I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1329: Explosive body VS heaven

The loud slap in the face echoed in the heavens and the earth.

This scene makes everyone's mind a shock.

No one can guess that Anlin, who is standing up again, will be so slap in the first shot! A slap is also considered, the power is still horrible, almost to the body of the wind gods to break up! !

That is a feat that even the five emperors can't do together!

When everyone was shocked, an inexplicable sense of pleasure came to life.

The wind **** is stunned by a slap in the palm: "Impossible, I am one of the powers of heaven. Even if my strength is suppressed, it is absolutely impossible to be slapped and almost smashed..."

Confused and shocked relative to Fengtian.

An Lin is a disappointment: "What, so crisp, I still want to torture you, now think about it."

Wind God: "..."

Everyone: "..."

An Lin, with his fingers pointing at the sword of victory, suddenly burst into a thunderous rainbow like a rainbow.

Lei Guang climbed up the wind's arm along the sword of the Victory Sword and spread to the body of Fengtian, madly tearing its body.


I don't know why, Feng Tian Shen actually felt the pain of terrible horror and shouted.

The victory sword was also dismissed and was retaken by Anlin.

Green light, the invaluable healing power, madly poured into the inside of the evil sword.

"Sorry, Xiaoxie, let you suffer such a heavy injury for me, I will let the other party pay the price..." Anlin said with apologetic apology.

With one hand holding the hilt, the other hand is still releasing the rainbow thunder. The thunder roared and kept hitting the wind god.

The rainbow thunder is not only horrible, but also ignores the rule of the wind god, the power directly to the origin of the wind god.

Because of this, Fengtian Shen felt a very intense pain.

Fengtian did not think that the ants who had been killed before, now have such a horrible and unsolvable power, a kind of emotion that has never been seen before.

"Kill... you must kill you, you can't leave you!"

The idea of ​​Fengtian God suddenly became unparalleled clarity and firmness.

This child must not stay!

It motivates all the forces that can be motivated, and it is full of endless white light. The wind is rolling tens of thousands of miles, like a huge funnel.

At the center of the whirlpool, the wind gods are like a yang, and the white **** ring is even more dazzling than the sun in the sky. At this moment, it has become the supreme god, releasing the endless Tianwei of Huanghuang.

Yes, it is the power that makes the road super power and feels guilty.

The rainbow thunder covering it was instantly shattered by the wind.

Speed, oppression, engulfing, cutting, smashing, annihilating...

Maximize all!

kill! kill! kill!

The Wind God has never been like this, so I want to kill someone.

Its murderousness has even aroused the resonance of the heavens and the earth, causing the vibration of Tiandi Avenue. Everyone’s inexplicable feelings come to the impression that it’s going to kill Anlin!


The horror of the wind has already ravaged the entire campus.

After tens of thousands of square kilometers of land strengthened by the array method, the earth was cracked, the continuous mountains were cut, the house was crushed, and the forest was blown into small wood chips...

This is the power of the complete release of Fengtian, and this world cannot bear it.

In an instant, the space is cracked, chaotic and chaotic, like the end of the world.

That foot can easily kill the genius of the virtual power, frantically surging, sweeping over tens of thousands of teachers and students...

The teachers and students are pale, and even the vice president of Yuhua is also in a desperate color.

They are trapped in the enchantment, there is nowhere to escape for this horrible wind!

That power is the power released by Fengtian, and only how many of the students who have been able to shelter so many students can be sheltered by nearly ten deputy principals such as Yuhua.

Just at the moment of the millennium.

A dark and huge body suddenly appeared in front of them.

It is a whale with four short legs and thick sausage lips. It is like a huge mountain range, blocking the front of the wind.


The wind of the wind kept hitting the black body, and a **** scar on the body was drawn.


The teachers and students saw this scene, their eyes were hot, and they were almost moved to cry. The principals who have never had a sense of existence are now appearing in time, risking their lives and saving their lives with the body!

The whale slammed, leaning over his head, and his body gradually became translucent.

Everyone can see the place where Anlin fights through the translucent body of the whale.

The whale's expressive big eyes are bent into crescents, and the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, a look you know.

The teachers and students were moved to cry again.

"Hey... President Wang, I really touched the good principal of Kyushu!"

"It has been smashed by the wind of the gods, and we still have to remember to meet our military needs. Is there such a thoughtful principal in this world?"

"An Lin, I love you!!"

"Students pay attention to words and deeds, now we are talking about the principal!"

"President, I love you!"


The land of battle.

Fengtian is releasing endless Tianwei.

"You are going to die today."

It speaks indifferently without any emotions, just like the ruling that God announced to all beings, and all sentient beings can only accept it.

At this moment, the wind gods have a certain degree of self-consciousness.

Anlin stood in the distance of the wind god, facing its horrible power, and his face did not change in a slight change: "This is all your strength?"

Anlin feels that he can do everything now. He also wants to see the so-called right of heaven. How terrible is it? Now it seems...

The wind gods are smashing together, and a golden chaotic **** wind is falling like an eagle to Anlin. The speed is so fast that even the eyes of the five emperors cannot keep up.

Jin Mang’s life, the world only has one knife. Undoubtedly, if this strike falls on any of the five emperors, it will be destroyed.

"The first form of evil swords, hollowed out."

Anlin holds the sword of victory and wins the sword. The sword is light and smoke like a cigarette~www.readwn.com~ It seems to be able to open the golden chaos of the heavens and the earth, and it has been split into two halves from the middle.


The horror to the extreme edge, even if it breaks, still falls into the earth, tearing the earth out to an abyss that cannot be seen at the end.

The wind gods saw this scene, and the waves of the ancient wells were more fluctuating.

"The second type of evil swordsmanship, flashing."

An Lin’s body disappeared into place.

Everyone felt that Anlin disappeared out of thin air, except for the **** of wind.

Feng Tianshen's hands pressed against the front, and in a flash condensed thousands of circular wind shields, each heavy wind shield contains the authority of the wind to resist all heavenly rules!

Sure enough, the next moment Anlin appeared in front of the wind god, holding the sword before the victory.

The dark blade touches the tens of thousands of round wind shields, and it is like a broken bamboo to break through all the defenses of the wind shield, whether it is the force of the wind or the rules of the wind, piercing together!

The heavy wind shield was completely broken in less than a second.

Under the eyes of the public, the sword of victory and evil has pierced the chest of Fengtian!

Anlin looked up and stunned the wind and the gods, and smiled and said: "The power of heaven? But that's it."


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