I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1330: What should I do if the door is broken?

No one expected that after the wind gods exerted their full strength, Anlin could still smash the evil sword into the chest of Fengtian.

But this scene is really born in front of them.

The wind **** is shocked, stunned and confused.

It really does not understand that he clearly represents the will of heaven and has the highest authority. How can he not beat a human being?

Where did this human come from? !

The victory sword in the hands of Anlin released the gods, and the black lines spread from the piercing parts to the outside, and covered the body of the wind god.

At this time, Fengtian Shen suddenly appeared, his power has been suppressed, and even the light of the head of the gods is faint, as if it was decomposed by what power.

"This is impossible. My power represents the sky. How can it be suppressed? This is totally unreasonable." Feng Tianshen raised his hand, and his hands were slightly trembling, soft and weak, not to mention counterattacks, even the power can not be adjusted. Do it.

Suddenly, it seems to be conscious of what it is, looking at Anlin with a shocked look: "The power of heaven can not be suppressed unless the other party is higher."

The words have not been finished yet, and Anlin’s sword that has penetrated the wind **** has fallen, tearing its body into two halves. The dark colored swordsman spreads like a black crescent moon, completely swallowing the body of the wind **** without leaving any traces.

A sword and a wind!

Heaven and earth restored the Qingming.

Only Anlin alone stood quietly on the barren land.

"End?" The Emperor looked at the man who was not far from the blood, and muttered.

The other four emperors also looked nervously around, fearing that the wind gods would pop up again.

No way, before the Emperor of Heaven had blown up the body of Fengtian, it could suddenly resurrect and the emperors had to be cautious this time.


A crisp sound suddenly appeared in the void.

The immortal people were nervous and trembled, but looking for the source of the sound, some immortals cried directly.

The blue prismatic enchantment is broken!

This proves that there is no energy to maintain the enchantment, and the invincible wind **** that brought the nightmare of heaven is really killed by Anlin! !


"Wind **** is dead!"

"Really won, finally won"

"Tian Ting has finally escaped this robbery, and An Lin Xiaoyou is innocent as the **** of war in heaven!"

The blue enchantment turned into a piece of blue debris that vanished into the void.

Anlin looked up and looked at the immortal people who were excited to fly towards themselves. The whole body was loose, and the power in the body passed by madly, becoming an unprecedented void, and the body fell directly backwards.

Then, I felt a gentle touch behind me, and I ran into a warm and full-bodied moment.

Sniffing the familiar fragrance, An Lin smiled and said: "Xiao Lan, how are you, I am handsome?"

Xu Xiaolan holds Anlin, his eyes are red, he wants to swear a few words and can't bear it. He has to say softly: "Shuai, very handsome! But I won't do this later, do you know?"

"I know, you can rest assured, there is no next time." An Lin stunned in the arms of the woman behind her, and took advantage of it.

Xu Xiaolan's cheeks were reddish. When he saw that Anlin was so weak, he left the messy thoughts away.

"Xiaolan, I am very tired, take a nap."

"Okay, do you want to sleep in the coffin?"

",it is good."

In fact, compared to the coffin, Anlin hopes to sleep in Xu Xiaolan's arms.

In this way, under the attention of the immortals, Anlin was slowly put into the **** soul, and his eyes were closed and his posture was peaceful.

Many immortals are red, and some are still crying.

“呜呜呜安林道友 is the greatest person I have ever seen.”

"When he was a teacher for classmates, for heaven, he did not fear life and death, he was the most admired fairy!"

"He is the **** of war, the true **** of war in heaven!!"

"I will never forget An Lin's, oh"

A group of immortals shed their tears in the coffin.

The Emperor saw that this face was dark: "Hey! Can you converge on the point, so it looks like a condolence to Anlin, you know?"

The people of the immortality came to this moment and suddenly realized.

Yes, Anlin is not dead yet. This scene is really strange.

They did not speak, but did not leave, full of gratitude and admiration looking at the man inside the coffin.

Lin Biao carefully supported the Emperor and walked toward the coffin. The eye was filled with autumn water and kept looking at the man in the coffin.

The Emperor felt that there was some heart plugging, and the old man was seriously injured. His daughter almost concentrated on the kid in the coffin, which was too hearty!

However, this is understandable.

The fairy glamorous is fascinating, and at this time, it is not as good as Anlin.

She stood beside the coffin, and Meilin looked at the inner Anlin. Suddenly she understood why the 6-pressured king would value this person so much.

I have to say that Anlin can surprise her every time.

"Well, it seems that I have to work harder, at least to mention the degree of refining the gods, I really look forward to what you will look like after you have smashed the gods." Seeing the forgotten smile, there is hope between the beautiful and the beautiful.

Erlang Shen is full of emotions looking at An Lin: "Since I learned that you are violently crape myrtle, called the Heavenly Warrior, I think that sooner or later you will replace the position of my heavenly **** of war, but I did not expect this day to come. So fast ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yang Lan is not a person who can not open, on the contrary he is very respectful of An Lin.

Tianting can have the **** of war like Anlin, and it is the luck of heaven!

At the same time, in the center of the mountains of Wanzhang.

Alien space door.

Two more wind demons jumped out.

"Ha ha ha stupid humans, know the horror of our wind king?"

"kill and kill! Kill them!"

Two wind devils appeared outside the door of the outer space, but they did not see the picture of human blood flowing into the river. On the contrary, it was a barren land.

Tens of thousands of winds and demons have disappeared.

Oh no, there are some broken limbs on the ground.

A four-legged whale with a border, and tens of thousands of teachers and students, turned their eyes to two winds.


The wind demon swallowed silently, his legs were a little soft, turned and wanted to escape the space.


A crisp cracking sounded.

The door of the alien space suddenly broke down and broke the ground! !

Without the support of a certain force, the way to go has been cut off!

"This" two winds and devils have rounded their eyes and they are going crazy.

What should I do if the door is gone? Online, etc., very urgent!

Behind them are tens of thousands of powerful human beings. But how can the wind and the demon who have completely destroyed the entire army of the wind and the demon?

This is already a desperate situation, and it is impossible to live!

"We commit suicide, otherwise it will be better than death!" One of the winds.

"Good!" Another wind demon took out a knife.

At this moment, a thick-eyed man suddenly appeared in the center of the two winds, and he said happily: "Want to die? Not so simple!"


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