I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1332: The big secret of the system

"Hey, my hero of Anlin, just crawling out of the coffin, is very spirited?" Xu Xiaolan leaned back against the door, looking at Anlin, who smiled and watched the two beautiful women dancing.

Anlin was about to applaud his hands, paused in the air, and looked awkward.

"Oh... this, Xiaolan, you listen to me! Xiaohong and Xiaozhu thought that I couldn't live longer, so I gave me a dance..." Anlin explained quickly.

Xiaohong and Xiaogu stopped the dance and looked at Anlin with a look.

"Do we think that you are not living?

"Don't you say that you have lived for a year?"

"Is it yours to lie to us?"

"Ah!! Big bad guy! Waste our emotions!"

Xiaohong and Xiaogu screamed, and the claws fluttered toward Anlin.


An Lin was beaten to the ground by two women.

Xu Xiaolan still leaned on the door, staring coldly and licking his mouth: "Oh, man."

Soon, there was another man and a woman running outside the door.

"Ah...Anlin classmates... How did you become like this?" Su Xiaoyun opened softly, his face worried and panicked.

"The nose is swollen, is this the sequelae after using the secret method?" Xuanyuan believes.

An Lin: "..."

After the secret method of your family is used, will it become a swollen face?

In short, after that, it was an explanation, which made the pets and friends put down their hearts.

Xuanyuan Cheng said: "Our school has a holiday for ten days and said that it is necessary to rebuild the campus. Well, it has now passed three days. We are now in a courtyard next to the Tianting Yaochi."

Xu Xiaolan smiled and said: "The news that you wake up, other people already know. But for your clean and rest, the classmates, and the condolences of the heavenly immortals, I will help you to refuse, otherwise such a large courtyard can not hold them. ”

Anlin nodded and expressed understanding.

He is now the most immortal in the heavens. He cares about him. There are so many people who admire him. People come to condolences incessantly, and he will not have free time.

"However, the Emperor said, if you recover, you can pick a time to come to the Emperor's Palace, and everyone will discuss the next thing." Xu Xiaolan added.

Everyone heard it and it was a burst of exclamation.

They know what this sentence means. In the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, An Lin may have qualified to be on the same level with them!

"Haha, I will talk about it later." Anlin waved his hand and looked very disregarded.

Friends and beasts sit together in a beautiful courtyard, tea, and chat with other things.

"I heard that this time the Tianshen attacked the incident, the heavenly court completely blocked the news. If you can learn about this incident, I am afraid that only the top person who has a good influence with the heavenly court." Xuanyuan took a sip of tea and said faintly, "The rest I also vowed to refrain from revealing this matter."

"This incident does involve a lot of things, and should not be disclosed too much." Anlin nodded and strongly agreed with the handling of the news of the closure of the heavens.

The single God of the Wind, the act of destroying the Terran, may allow the attempted aliens to play the problem and bring disaster to the Terran.

"But ah, a lot of people seem to be very interested in me." A little girl in black, dressed in tea, some helplessly opened the door.

An Lin couldn't help but squeeze her hand to pinch the little evil pink face until she glared at herself, only to stop her hand and smiled. "There are many people who are interested in you, how many more?" I didn't get used to it early."

Xiao Xie turned a little white eye: "Habit? They were fascinated by my looks. Now I am thinking about how to slice me. Can this be the same?"

"Nothing, from the inclination of everyone in heaven, the most you want to slice is not you, but Anlin." Xu Xiaolan comforted a little evil.

An Lin: "???"

Xiaolan, do you say this sentence, will the conscience not hurt?

Xiaoxie was indeed comforted, squinting with big eyes and looking at Anlin with a smile.

An Lin looked awkward.

Xuanyuan Cheng haha ​​smiled: "An Lin classmates go out later, but also carry a victory sword, this is a strong alliance, slice taunts infinite, you can be careful to walk!"

"Squad leader, even you teased me..." An Lin sighed quietly. "I feel the deep malice from this world..."

He said, he turned his gaze to the little evil beside him, and extended his claws: "In this indifferent world, you and me are both secret and can only warm each other..."

The claws are going to fall on the round, tender, tender face, oh yeah, super cool!

"Can't stop it!" Xiaoxie immediately bombed, and when he mentioned the victory sword, he chased Anlin.

"Xiaolan saves his life, sword spirit rebels!" An Lin shouted for help.

"The little evils are beautiful, the men are big pig hooves." Xiao Landao.

An Lin: "..."

Everyone chats in the courtyard, and they are having fun. Unconsciously, the day has passed.

To be honest, when the little evil was seen by the wind god, the whole person was bombed. Fortunately, Sword Spirit's physique is special. After being smashed, it can be returned to the sword to re-culture. After Anlin bursts, he uses a large treatment method, and he quickly cures the evil.

Have a day off.

the next day.

Anlin finally went to the Emperor's Court.

Some things, he has to face it.

Anlin looked at the white and holy attic, suspended above the clouds, and shrouded in glory.

He walked up the steps in the clouds and stepped up the steps.

Anlin felt the wind blowing in the micro-strip, and a finger sticked out. There was a wind entwined with fingertips, and it was smart and awkward, as if it fits the heaven and earth avenue...

He even has the feeling that if the wind of the fingertips is swept out, the wind can even fly tens of thousands of miles in front of the Emperor Court...

This is a secret to him.

A secret that no one knows.

He has the power of the wind god.

To be precise, he absorbed the power of Fengtian!

System interface, exercises section.

The wind system is originally the second most important, but now it has become the ninth!

The explanation of the system is only one paragraph: the ninth heavy wind, the limit of the wind, the source wind, the heavenly authority! !

This is a super big hanging!

However, ~www.readwn.com~ He also tried the power of using the power of the wind, but still not used, the power of the whole person is exhausted, apparently not enough strength to use.

Even so, in the wind, his strength has become extremely scary!

Anlin had long known that his system was pit, but it was very good. However, even the power of the wind gods can be taken away, this degree of bullying makes him a little scared...

Is the system still better than the heavens?

This is impossible! !

So what is the relationship between the system and the heavens?

Does this have anything to do with his physique?

Anlin found that he had a heavy mystery on his body. These mysteries are of great importance. He did not dare to disclose it to other people. Otherwise, he did not solve the mystery and he was first dissected by others!

"Call... In short, let's take a look at the Emperor, what do you find?"

An Lin came to the door of the Emperor's Court and gave a soft breath, and then he pushed in!


Recommend a new book of Xuan Junjun, "The only Koi in the world of comprehension," a sophomore dog, Qin Zong, was forced to become the only koi in the realm of comprehension. .


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