I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1333: The welfare of heaven

Anlin pushed the door of the Emperor's Court.

The scene inside was somewhat unexpected.

There is no domineering decoration, no fairy fluttering scenes.

Some are just plain white spaces, as well as a table and chairs.

Five squats, you can make the big 6 vibrate, so you can hang around on the table, squatting with the melon seeds, and seeing the arrival of Anlin, they all turned around and greeted the friendly.

"An Lin Xiaoyou, come over soon."

"Welcome to our heavenly warrior."

"Anlin Daoyou, come over for tea and give you a taste of my fairy tea."

The great emperors greeted with great enthusiasm.

Anlin did not see it, sitting on one of the chairs.

These emperors and he actually dealt with each other.

The longevity emperor gave him a battle, and Qinghua Emperor tasted his pan-dish at the kitchen **** hegemony. The Emperor of the Emperor helped him through the land in Heze, and he passed the Ziwei Emperor in Xianling Tower.

As for the Emperor of Heaven, he was more familiar with it. The Emperor of Heaven had saved him several times. He also had a lot of money for the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. In short, he had feelings.

"Ham... this tea is awesome!" An Lin sighed a bite at the Qinghua Emperor's bubble, and the taste was excellent, and he felt that his body was comfortable and refreshing, refreshing and refreshing.

In addition, there is a faint sense of tea in the meantime, so that when An Lin recollects, it seems to be in a picturesque fairyland.

The space around the white space instantly turns into a world of birds and flowers.

It is not a fantasy, but a real sense of meaning.

An Lin even felt a fluffy white fox, smashed into his arms, a soft and soft touch, not illusory.

See Anlin’s face in amazement. The Emperor pointed to the exquisite teapot and smiled. “You don’t want to underestimate the tea of ​​Qinghua. The teapot is placed in the teapot by the fairy material. Heavy processing of tea leaves..."

Anlin was really shocked this time: "Make tea with sage materials? Good luxury life!"

The Qinghua Emperor caressed the snow white long haha ​​and smiled. He said: "After I survived, I can understand it. It is a fool to put good things. If that day I am really dead, my good things are not good. Haven't enjoyed it yet, are you gone?"

"Good things, to use them out, that is a thing! In the ring, what is the difference between this fairy material and an ordinary brick?"

After the Qinghua Emperor finished, he took a sip of tea comfortably, and he was like a fairy.

Oh no, he was a god.

The words of Qinghua Emperor made Anlin fall into meditation.

He feels that there are many good things in his martial arts that are not used...

"Haha, I can say that my old bones can survive. I still have to thank Anlin Xiaoyou." Qinghua Emperor sighed and sighed and turned to look at Anlin. His face was grateful.

"The Qinghua predecessors don't say this. I don't have any praise or gratitude for doing this. It is just to save the teachers and students, save the heavens, and save the whole life." An Lin was very gracious.

The faces of the five great emperors were inadvertently pumped.

What do we specially do to thank you for your helplessness, and your embarrassment has risen to the height of saving the people? Also said that nothing is worthy of praise and gratitude...

For a time, the Great Emperor felt that there was a stagnation in his heart, so I wanted to spit it out.

"Oh...hehe..." Emperor Tiandi smiled politely and said, "The performance of Anlin Xiaoyou in that battle can be said to make me wait and be amazing. You saved our lives. Saved the heavens, it’s not too much to say..."

"So, after I decided to negotiate, all the secrets in the heavens, you have the right to enter. And officially give you the title of the **** of war! And, we will also send you a big gift!"

The words of the Emperor of Heaven were powerful and he said that Allen was one by one.

Say good to come here to talk about the things of Fengtian, how can it become a welfare bureau?

But this kind of welfare, hehe... he likes it very much!

"I am finally a **** of war, I didn't expect this day to come so fast..." An Lin suddenly felt a little emotion.

"Right, what about the former **** of war, Erlang, Yang Lan?" Anlin asked again.

"He is not a **** of war. The heavenly warrior can only be the most capable immortal under the Five Emperors. You obviously can beat him. This is still very much admirable for you. The title is also convinced." The Emperor smiled and said. .

An Lin smiled a little, and some of them were guilty.

If there is no systematic explosive power, he thinks that he is not able to beat Erlang God.

Erlang God is always at the peak of the way to join the road. On the level of the Gulong Emperor, the level of the Xiao Dance is almost even more terrible.

Such a presence, how can Anlin, who has turned the gods, played?

However, this feeling of guiltyness is quickly gone.

Anlin thought, after a while, he will return to the virtual, will he be afraid of Erlang God? A veritable heavenly **** of war, hehe!

"What is the welfare of the heavenly gods?" Anlin asked again.

The virtual name sounds cool, but he prefers the actual one.

"You can choose any fairy in Tianbao Pavilion in Tianting." Tiandi Road.

"Oh, how is this so... thank you." An Lin smiled.

"What is this, the welfare that our five emperors united to give you, that is the real precious and incomparable thing!" Ziwei the Great saw the appearance of Anlin, proudly said.

When Anlin heard this, he was excited: "What?"

The Ziwei Emperor laughed and said nothing.

The other four emperors looked at Anlin with a smile and did not speak.

Anlin had some doubts: "What is it, you are saying it."


The Ziwei Emperor suddenly took off his shirt, revealing his muscular proportions and perfect coordination.

"You...what do you want to do? Why are you undressing?" Ann Lin panicked.

The Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Changsheng, the Emperor of Qinghua, the Emperor of the Emperor, all smiled, and the atmosphere seemed a bit strange...

An Lin suddenly felt that he was still ill-considered when he rushed to the appointment. What kind of despair is this surrounded by five powerful men?

"I take off my clothes, it is to let you see a big baby." Ziwei Dadi's mouth swelled, close to Anlin, eyes looked at each other, the evil charm smiled.

An Lin swallowed a sip and said, "Can't you see it?"

"Don't see how you receive my gift?" Ziwei Dajie smiled ~www.readwn.com~ An Lin mouth twitched: "Dare to receive your gift, still have to do this?"

"Yes." Ziwei nodded, then excited, "Look, my big baby!"

He jerked his muscles, his muscles bulged, and suddenly, the dazzling purple light shrouded the entire Emperor Pavilion.

An Lin looked at the Ziwei Emperor and was shocked at once.


(Look, the snail is desperately coded three more, if there is no monthly ticket to feed, the snail will starve to death)


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