I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1335: Anlin’s Tiantian and Haotian

Anlin’s euphemistic answer made the five emperors very wronged. &1t;/

"Sorry, in fact, the power of that special force, I will die if I use more." Anlin explained. &1t;/

The five great emperors heard the words and nodded, and apparently believed in Anlin’s words. &1t;/

"Hey, I want you to join the Tiantian Gang. If Anlin Xiaoyou has figured it out, he can tell me. If you come, you will always have a position for you." Heavenly Emperor said. &1t;/

It was no secret that the Tiantian gang was in the five emperors, so the Emperor said it on the spot. &1t;/

Anlin nodded first. &1t;/

The gangster said that he would stay in the position and give him a position. &1t;/

Why can you see him so much? &1t;/

"Now let's talk about the things of Fengtian." &1t;/

When it comes to the wind god, everyone's look has become serious. &1t;/

"We have probably known about the experience of Anlin Xiaoyou in the West Sea. I also know the existence of Ocean God and its plans." &1t;/

"Through the two things of the sea **** and the **** of the wind, we can know that the self-consciousness of the authority that is born by the heavenly path has a great hostility to mankind." &1t;/

The Emperor of the Emperor sighed: "It is not as simple as hostility. It feels like it is not an affidavit. We must stop us after we have killed the family!" &1t;/

Dr. Ziwei shook his head: "In fact, we can't generalize. We can know that every heavenly authority is independent. Is it possible to exclude human existence?" &1t;/

The longevity emperor shook his head and smiled: "Do you think that after the birth of the purple star, will Heaven still think so?" &1t;/

Ziwei is dumb. &1t;/

"We must do the worst." Qinghua Emperor opened the door. &1t;/

"The worst plan? Think of Heaven as an enemy?" Anlin curious. &1t;/

"Yes, we have no other choice, aren't we?" Qinghua Emperor showed helplessness. "They want to kill us, then we can only swear to resist." &1t;/

“Actually, there are still other options.” &1t;/

The Emperor of Heaven put forward different views. &1t;/

"The reason why Heaven's authority wants to kill the Terran is because they feel that the Terran has a great threat to the stability of the world. Then we will make up for the mistakes of the past and make up for the defects of Heaven. I believe it will change the attitude before. "&1t;/

What the Emperor said, in fact, has always been the idea of ​​the Tiantian gang. &1t;/

The defects in the sky do not make up, not only the Terran will suffer, but the souls of the whole world will be subject to the catastrophe, and the footsteps of the ancient times. &1t;/

"Take the sky..." The Emperor of the Emperor muttered. "This thing is too sinister. It is better to cut all the heavenly authority to come..." &1t;/

"Do you think that the authority of heaven and earth will be cut down? We can't beat others one!" The Emperor said that his face was dark. &1t;/

Said, I do not know why, the great emperor turned his eyes to An Lin. &1t;/

An Lin: "..., big guys, what do you think of me? Keep talking!" &1t;/

"Cough cough... What does Anlin Xiaoyou think about this matter?" Tiandi softly said. &1t;/

The other great emperors looked at Anlin with gaze. &1t;/

Anlin was somewhat flattered and stunned like a new one. &1t;/

"Greaters, what you are discussing, one is to fill the sky, the other is to cut the sky, I will not!!" He shrank his head and opened his face with grievances. &1t;/

"Oh...Anlin Road friends don't make trouble." Tiandi Lehehe said, "I gave a thousand years of peaches and sorrows, and Yimeng told me about the things in the early ancient dragons. I said a sword... ... 牛逼!! You really are the people who are destined for my help!"&1t;/

After the Emperor said, he did not forget to put up a thumb. &1t;/

An Lin’s eyes widened. &1t;/

Xiaolan, your grandfather! ! &1t;/

A thousand years of peaches sold me? &1t;/

This special plastic relatives are not counted! ? &1t;/

"As for the heavens, everyone in Tianting knows, and Anlin Xiaoyou will calmly point it. It will make up the sky, and it will be awkward, so good, what is this good to hide?" Ziwei Dahe said cheerfully. &1t;/

Anlin had no choice but to smash the sword of victory behind him and asked: "Xiaoxie, Xiaoxie, can you make up the day of the 6th day?" &1t;/

Xiaoxie: "No." &1t;/

Anlin is not reconciled: "Why are you? In the early days of the ancient dragon domain, you can make up." &1t;/

"The ruins of the ancient dragons in the early days of the ancient dragons were broken because of their unstable structure, and the external forces forced the opening of the two-lane passage. But the defects of the Taishou 6 were the defects of the heavens. The two are not a concept." , no mercy against the road. &1t;/

"Look, I really won't make up the sky." An Lin collected the victory sword and reluctantly spread the hand. &1t;/

He thought that the five emperors would get this fact and would lose it. &1t;/

Unexpectedly, the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly burst into infinite light: "Good, good, good! It’s really a **** of war, it really can make up the sky!!" &1t;

An Lin: "???"&1t;/

"Complementary structure is a supplement, and Tiantian is also a supplement... Now you can make up the structure. Can you not make up the heavens? What if you can?" The Emperor looked excited. &1t;/

Qinghua Emperor Fushou smiled and said: "Ha ha ha, I am grateful, An Lin Xiaoyou can have a special effect on the sky, we have no way. The sky is the same as talking, you can now speak too early. Then there is a chance to learn the ancient barbaric language! We are different, we are dumb." &1t;/

"Miao!" &1t;/

"Really like!" &1t;/

"The good fortune of heaven." &1t;/

"An Lin Xiaoyou Niubi!" &1t; /

The great emperor kept admiring and sighing. &1t;/

Anlin was shocked, and this can get back, he is really serving! &1t;/

However, Anlin did not say much or argue about anything. Perhaps, when desperation can't find a way out, it is not a bad thing to have such a hope and hope. &1t;/

"Right, the trial of the Fengmo family has ended." Ziwei Dadi said, "It can be confirmed that they are the living bodies cultivated by Fengtian in the early 6th century. Although they are the strongmen cultivated by Fengtian, but those lives are originally It exists on a planet."&1t;/

Anlin understood: "Simply say that Fengtian is collecting the younger brother outside." &1t;/

"Yes, Fengtian is God in their eyes. The most important thing is that those younger brothers have not been weakened by the power of the Taichu big 6!" Ziwei the Great said. &1t;/

Anlin looks a glimpse. &1t;/

This information is very important. The ancient Boss, which was created by the sea gods, was originally rushing to destroy the Terran. As a result, it was killed without the West Sea. &1t;/

The biggest reason for this tragedy is actually the power of the ancient gods. After entering the early 6th, it was strongly suppressed by the heavens. So, as long as it is not the strong created by the authority of the heavens, will it not be weakened? &1t;/

"The power of the wind **** is suppressed by the heavens, but it has not been strong in the past. This is also worthy of our vigilance." &1t;/

Everyone's mood has become heavy. &1t;/

Obviously, a sense of crisis is overwhelming. &1t;/

Then, the Emperor said that he had made arrangements for the changes in the world. &1t;/

After everything was finished, ~www.readwn.com~Anlin just left to leave. &1t;/

"Right, you all have things to do, what do I need to do?" Anlin suddenly remembered that the Emperor did not arrange for him. &1t;/

"An Lin Xiaoyou will go with the flow, it's time to eat, it's time to play. After all, your urgency is useless." The Emperor waved goodbye to Anlin, "Goodbye." &1t;

This statement won the heart of Anlin. &1t;/

Anlin smiled: "Goodbye." &1t;/

The short conversation is over and he will welcome a new life. &1t;/


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