I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1336: Encounter architect

Anlin Yu brick fly back to Xiuxian United University.

The reconstruction of the campus is in full swing.

The immortal construction industry is not only more important in appearance, feng shui and spiritual level.

How to build a more suitable for all things, how to build the ability to gather the heavens and the earth is the most important aspect of the architects of the fairyland.

Anlin flew all the way, and he saw the floating air of the fairy.

Unfortunately, this big 6 has been devastated after a big fight.

"Hey, what kinds of snow-capped mountains are gone?"

Anlin’s towering mountains and mountains are gone, and the other small snow-capped mountains are gone. Some are pits and black cracks.

Suddenly, he saw a golden thing on the ground in the distance.

The huge shell, scattered with unmanned golden light!

The skin is crystal clear and flawless, just like white jade.

The pair of tentacles are in the air, and the eyes are indifferent, just like the gods and the beings.

That extremely powerful gas field, omnipresent reveals a king of tyrants, as if to say, it is the king of this world!

A maverick big snail! !

Anlin excitedly greeted the bricks in the past and said hello: "The celestial sacred monarch, the master sorcerer!"

That's right, the other party is in the early 6th century, and it is the top local architect, the sacred priest and the master sergeant!

The celestial sacred priest was opening his mouth and eating all kinds of building materials. He saw the flying Anlin, raised his eyes slightly, and said a very casual greeting: "Hey, poor and sour."

An Lin almost spit out an old blood: "Have you said hello?"

"But you are in my heart, it seems that only this label is coming." The sacred priest shook his head and said very calmly.

Anlin decided to have a large number of adults, not to compare with the vulgar snails that only have money in their eyes.

"An Lin, you are just right, I finally know why you are so poor." A woman with a red robes and a fork came over, and the slender long legs were looming.

Under the collar, the white chest of the stalwart is extremely eye-catching.

That's right, the f-class strong master monk came.

Anlin curiously said: "What is this?"

The master sorcerer pointed at the whales not far away and said: "It’s the whale, it’s too special. I’m going to do it for 50 million yuan. It’s been cut to 35 million by it! The headmaster of this trick, Can the students taught be sour? Hey, he should be a whale!"

The master sergeant was very angry, and his face was slightly reddish and his chest was ups and downs.

Anlin was shocked a bit, and this time he came back and didn't mind the woman's spit. Instead, he asked: "You can still bargain? Isn't that a price?"

The master sergeant whispered, and after a while, explained: "The squid and salted fish of Wang squid, because it is a powerful environment, has business contacts before, and I have been listed as a senior member. Room for it."

"This is also a bit fierce..." Anlin had some heartbeats. He also wanted to cut the price, and smiled and smiled. "That... Li Xindao friends, see the friendship of the two, the four-ninth fairy, once ordinary How much does it cost to make a discount?"

"Oh..." The master sergeant rolled his eyes, "Three million Lingshi, not the price."

"Don't think about taking advantage of me. I give the king a squid discount, all in order to give the heavens a face. After all, the heavens suffered this disaster, and they couldn't get the money in a short time. Tens of thousands of teachers and students were displaced, and the five emperors were seriously injured and closed... It is extremely difficult! For humanitarian reasons, I can still relax the standards as appropriate..." The master sorcerer said that the face became more ugly.

"This is what the principal said when he bargained with you?" asked Anlin.

Master Master: "..."

The woman flattened her mouth, and some of her grievances nodded, and the pretty face was hard to hide the humiliation.

An Lin praised the heart, the king carp cut a good price!

Obviously, Li Xinyu has also been riddled with a wave.

Then I turned my eyes to the little whales not far away, but I saw the little whales bubbling with a face and doing nothing, looking at the sky at forty-five degrees, deep in the name and name.

"I have eaten the building materials, I am ready to open it. In order to repair the entire floating space 6, please give me away."

The king squid heard the words and evacuated all the people immediately.

The teachers and students have been placed in a temporary shelter in the heavens. The evacuation process is very fast, and several students who eat melons can be removed.


The golden snail shell of the celestial sacred king trembled fiercely, and the golden can be like a yang

The golden light of Shinto spreads wildly from the shell, and you can't see the margin at a glance.

After Anlin stood in the void and felt it with God, the whole person was shocked.

He is now, the scope of the light of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred, has loomed over tens of thousands of square kilometers of floating big 6! This is what the versatile level can do?

Li Xinyu fluttered to the sky, his eyes circulated, his long legs jerked into the void, and the invisible ripples spread into the heavens and the earth: "There is no end to the world, and the dreams bridge!"

The big snail madly shakes the turtle shell and seems to be mixing what is made: "Two worlds are replaced, the heavens are condensed! Ah ah ah oh oh oh oh oh..."

The broken earth was driven by a force, and the deserted land began to grow with flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, beautiful lakes, and re-emerge on the campus.

Beautiful Mt. Moon Mountain, a strange thousand-peak forest, like a scroll of maple leaf gallery...

Not only that, but the campus is also in a place behind, and a new snow mountain has been added.

An Linyi said: "This snow mountain has not been removed."



The celestial sacred priest continued to wiggle, and a beautiful and refreshing teaching building appeared, as well as a delicate antique penthouse.

"There was still some worry. Now it’s okay, it’s still familiar.” A soft, sweet voice rang out beside me.

Anlin turned her head and saw a beautiful and beautiful woman in Tsing Yi. She also looked at herself with a smile. The clear eyes were warm and fascinating, and people were fascinated.

"Xiaolan, you also come to build a house?" Annlin was delighted.

"No, I am coming to see you."

Xu Xiaolan was partial to the show, the blue silk danced, and smiled.

An Lin’s heart trembled and felt awkward.

The sun gradually disappeared into the clouds, and the dim cloud was like a wave of waves, and Yun Shuxia rolled.

There is also a golden cloud floating around the school ~ www.readwn.com ~ a few white cranes flying in the air, from time to time came a few long-distance tweets.

Dim and tranquility is the main theme of this moment.

"Hey! Anlin looks over there!"

Xu Xiaolan slammed An Lin's shoulder and pointed in a certain direction.

Anlin turned his head and an unforgettable scene was revealed in front of him, letting him hold it.


(Snails are three more, at the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket o (╥_╥) o...)


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