I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1340: Unremarkable robbery

The words of Anlin let the snowy sky directly climax.

The rest of the teachers and students and the heavenly courts are also listening to the tides.

A round fat man with a round body shouted excitedly: "Anlin Road friend, don't talk nonsense, show your wonderful Dandao to the foolish world!"

An Lin saw Yin Xi, who was a few laps farther than the snowy day, and had the urge to swear.

Create an atmosphere, not let you lose here!

Yin Xi’s words have already made the immortals and teachers and students hot.

"What is Dan Dao saying?"

"Isn't Anlin so strong, what was originally cultivated is the unprecedented Dandao?!"

"Ah... this explains why, in the end of the battle of Fengtian, he will eventually be as strong as a peony. He is really a remedy, and it is the creation of the body after the cultivation of Dandao. Nedan!"

"It makes sense. This is why he is breaking through now and using Shen Dan."

"Dan Dao Shi is so horrible!!"

The people who were eating melons and brains filled up a large part of the plot in an instant, and they all showed the appearance of a sudden realization, and they looked at Enlin with envy.

An Lin: "..."

Regardless of the people who have been biased, An Lin swallowed the colorful Shinto Dan in the belly of the public, urging the mana to consume Dan Li.


The powerful force instantly fills every corner of the body.

The colorful Shinto Dan has seven distinct powers of yin and yang, and it also incorporates the unique power of the moon. The energy encompasses almost all the attributes of the world.

The body of the **** of war is very fond of the potency of the Shen Dan class. The whale swallows the sea and **** it. It has not yet broken through, and the quality of the **** body has obviously increased.

"Hey! I have detected that the host has completed the realm task, and now it is beginning to break through to the virtual world!"

The sound of the system sounded.


A crisp sound, as if a cockroach was broken.

The vitality has surged for dozens of miles, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles! !

It is clearly the best time for the sun at noon.

The thick black clouds covered the whole world and could not see the end.

"You look at it quickly. After Anlin Daoyou ate Shen Dan, he really broke through. He really did Dan Dao! He is my enlightenment master!" Yin Xi was flushed, excitedly shouting, all over the body. The meat trembled.

He glanced at Yin Xi and couldn’t help but smile: "I don’t know too much about Laojun. I heard what my good wife Yin Xi said when he said this. What kind of feeling would it be..."

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky have already surged like a whirlpool.

The center of the vortex is Anlin.

The thunder of the rumble is like the roar of the ancient wild beasts.

A Tianwei from the sky, descending from the sky, pressed everyone to breathe.

"This... the movement of the peace of mind, is it so exaggerated at the beginning?"

"It’s so scary, even if you watch the battle, you have a feeling of horror..."

"The breakthrough of the white-knife wolf **** and the snowy sky is not like this. I suspect that I was watching a fake robbery..."

A lot of students spit out their own opinions, most of them said that they were afraid, but they were actually excited and not wanting them. They looked at Anlin with enthusiasm.

They all know that the show is still behind, and now it is just warming up!

Sure enough, a golden thunder, like a dragon, tears open the dark clouds and brightens the heavens and the earth.

Tens of thousands of horrible gold sorrows appeared at the same time.

The light of the world, the thunder of roaring.

Anlin is independent of the center of the whirlpool, looking at the sky and the golden thunder, it seems a bit disappointing: "My thunder is on this virtue? Is it too bad? It is not irritating when you are not robbing."

This level of thunderbolt does not reflect his identity.

However, he is not a high-profile person. He will not point to the sky and say "Don't dare to come to the best". It is natural to be able to survive the thunder.

An Lin’s heart was silently vomiting. At this time, a very dazzling golden scorpion thunder descended from the sky.


Earth-shattering noise.

With a terrible burst of sound.

Numerous thunders roamed and raged in the body of Anlin.

"It's down!"

"It's a golden thunder!!"

Everyone saw the thunder above the sky and suddenly exclaimed.

"This first thunder feels very flat..."

"It is indeed too ordinary, shouldn't it be changed, change a property or something?"

"This does not reflect the strength of my peace of mind, I am not satisfied!"

Some students have begun to shout loudly.

Obviously, many students and Anlin’s ideas coincide.

But Anlin wants to ask them not to talk! It’s not a good thing if I can’t be arrogant. Do you have to think that dissatisfaction is a few meanings?


Another golden false thunder descended from the sky.

The horrible Thunder was forging his body and spirit while Anlin was raging, and the An Qilin of the sea was also absorbing the energy of Jin Xulei.

This kind of thunder is very cool! Very useful and not dangerous! !

An Lin smiled, this kind of thunder is a good robber.

At the moment, in the clouds that everyone can't see.

The five great emperors looked at the scene of the robbery in front of them with some surprise.

"It turned out to be an ordinary golden robbery? In addition to the power can be much bigger than the ordinary monks, I feel that there is really no other special..." Ziwei the Great is a bit difficult to understand the situation.

The thunderbolt did not change, and it was even more shocking than the thunder.

This thunder is too normal! !

"No, ah, the last time the robbery of the gods was the golden sorrow, and it was still the golden scorpion and the unicorn. Today, the catastrophe is nothing but the unremarkable gold sorrow..." The Emperor also said that it was difficult to accept.

We are rushing to cheer and cheer, do you show us this?

"No hurry... 九九八十一金虚雷~www.readwn.com~Where is this, after that, there are many variables..." Qinghua Emperor soon accepted this fact, Fu With a beard, he smiled at the development of the event.


A terrible gold false thunder tears the void and falls into the body of Anlin.

Anlin can feel its purely powerful thunder energy, and can feel the power of the space that escapes when the golden false thunder breaks the void.

The special space power, integrated into the body, actually resonates with the body, gradually adding a sense of space! It is not the kind of sense of space that is usually said, but the feeling of a real and real space.

The seventh sense after six senses, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and gods.

Space! !

The world is different.

Anlin can perceive the existence of space, as if jumping out of a dimension, as if to get some kind of new life, like a blind person, reopened his eyes and saw the light.

That is a brand new world!

"Space, it turned out to be like this..." An Lin smiled slightly, his fingertips were light and empty, and the space fluctuations were like a slap in the air, spreading infinity and blending into the heavens and the earth.

Space is within reach of Anlin!


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