I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1341: Last 1 Thunder

Anlin is immersed in the joy of gaining a sense of space.

With the golden false thunder, it kept falling.

His perception of space is getting deeper and deeper.

The use of the power of space has gradually begun to grasp.

Everything was very smooth, and it seemed that it was not in the robbery, but in the practice of borrowing thunder.

"An Lin is really a person who is in the air, and even God helps him to cultivate. It is really amazing..." When he saw the joyful appearance of Anlin, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Probably because the master also knows that An Da fool can control the thunder, so simply give up the struggle, and just admit defeat?" Yuhuai's jade rabbit eats potato chips, and then guesses.

嫦娥美眸一亮, nodded: "Xiaoyu you said it makes sense!"

at the same time.

Panlong Peak.

An Lin is independent in white, facing the horrible golden scorpion.

The ninety-eighth-one golden squad has now resisted seventy.

Above the sky, the horror of Jin Xuan Lei Wei.

Everything can easily break the void and shine in the dark clouds.

But for Anlin, who is a god, it is still a piece of cake.

You must know that the body of Anlin's God of War, even if it is lying on the ground, so that the greatness of returning to the virtual world can be cut, it is not always possible to cut his thick skin.

"An Lin, he was very successful in robbing, and he was ordinary, and ordinary people would be fine, and he didn't have to be earth-shattering." Xu Xiaolan saw Anlin, who was happy to rob, and he breathed a sigh of relief. meaning.

She felt that nothing could match the safety of Anlin.

It is the most ideal result in her heart that she can successfully succumb to it.

The golden scorpion is getting more and more horrible. When it is more than 70 times, it has already made many people who are guilty of guilty guilty and even have difficulty breathing.

Unconsciously, the 80th Thunderbolt fell.

The horrible thunder can make the Erlang **** and the scorpion change. The only aftermath of the bombing of Anlin’s body is to cut the peak of Panlong Mountain by hundreds of meters.

The breath of Anlin has become extremely majestic and embarrassing, and the doubles have become a glass of sky, reflecting the world.

Jinmushui, fire, earth, wind, thunder and yin, nine kinds of vast and deep powers, flowing between the gods, absorb the golden sacred thunder in the body, and purify the body more pure.

He is not afraid of thunder and robbery, and even the thunderbolt is useless. He is completely resistant to thunder by his own strength, and thus resists the last thunder.

"Come on, let me see, the power of the last thunder!" Anlin looked up at the sky and muttered.

In the cloud-filled sky, tens of thousands of gold-thousand thunders tore the thick clouds, revealing its sharp and horrible minions to the world, and the bursts of Lei Wei poured down, making people feel scared.

An incomparably thick golden sorrow, like the king of the golden sorrow, as soon as the appearance of the golden leiman is like a big day, illuminating the dark clouds.


The void of a square kilometer is cracked because it cannot withstand the power of this thunder!

Everything in the heavens can not help but **** a swig of cold.

If this thunder falls on them, then there is no doubt that the power below the realm of the late dynasty will be wiped out!

"Oh... this is the style of the enchanting robbery..." The Emperor's eyes brightened.

Anlin is also excited. Although it is a good thing to be safe and peaceful, he always feels that something is missing. Now he knows, yes, what is missing is the feeling of passion!

The thunder of being able to threaten his life is the real thunder! !

But this is only to threaten him, he still has the confidence to survive this robbery.

"Ha ha ha... Come on, let me see and see your power!" An Lin laughed, his expression was heroic, and his war was high, as if the **** of war was standing proudly in the foothills.

Above the sky, the king of the Golden Thunder roared and roared, the thick thunder condensed and shrunk, but the power was even more terrifying and terrible...

Just when everyone was holding their breath and looking at the thunder above the sky.

The last golden **** is moving!


It travels through the void, with the wrath of the heavens and the endless Leiwei descending from the sky!

At this moment, Anlin got up all over the goose bumps.

Heaven and earth seem to have only the color of this thunder, whether it is the sky or the earth, it has been endlessly golden!

Whether it is Anlin or the people who eat melons, they are extremely nervous at this moment.



A voice.

It seems like something leaks.

The golden false light that was born from heaven and earth suddenly disappeared out of thin air.


All the people who saw this scene were stunned.

An Lin also stunned, and suddenly, the scene in front of him was confused.

The King of the Golden Thunder is gone, but the power of the unique space, somehow, has enveloped the whole body of Anlin.



Anlin’s body disappeared.

On the top of the Panlong Mountain, the original figure that stood proudly was gone.

Everyone on the field is a glimpse.

The air is suddenly quiet.

After a while.

"An... What is Anlin’s senior?"

"God, how did the gods disappear?"

Tens of thousands of teachers and students have widened their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them.

Not only the students and teachers are so arrogant, even the celestial beings of the heavens are utterly stunned.

"What happened, where did Anlin Daoyou go?"

"Oh... it won't be ruined by Jin Xulei?"

"Don't say, Anlin Road friend is a **** of war, how could it be like this?"

"Yes, Anlin is a **** of the gods!"

The immortals were hotly debated, but they were still confused and could not be discussed.

"But it's really gone, Anlin shouldn't really be..."

"Will not!"

"Anlin will not be a problem!"

A woman in Tsing Yi, who looks beautiful and dusty, said firmly.

In the eyes of Xu Xiaolan, there is an unquestionable firmness, pointing to the robbery cloud above the sky: "When the person who is robbing is dead or the end of the robbery, the black clouds of the robbery will dissipate. Now the robbery is still there, indicating that Anlin is still In the robbery! He is still not dead!"

Xu Xiaolan’s words made everyone wake up.

The hanging heart is finally put down a bit.

"So, is Anlin being thundered to other places?"

"As everyone knows, Jin Xulei can break the void, but the ability to take people to other places, I will see you for the first time!"

"Unheard of!"

"So the question is coming, where is Anlin going?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone fell into silence.

No one knows the answer to this question, including the five heavenly emperors above the cloud, in the same state of arrogance.

"It has long been said that Anlin will not be so simple, now I know it!"

"I thought that his robbery would be spectacular~www.readwn.com~ The result was that my face was hit at the beginning, and the whole process was a normal thunder. I thought it would end in an ordinary way, I didn't expect it to last. And hit my face again, he actually disappeared out of nowhere!" The Emperor of the Emperor stunned his face with some helplessness.

The Emperor sighed: "Anlin is a spectacular event of the robbery, and lived a wonderful event..."

"It's really different, what about others?"

Qinghua Emperor took the Orb and deduced, and finally shook his head with some regrets: "This is the power of the sky, I can't see it. Now I can only pray that he succeeded..."

In a fascination.

Anlin’s consciousness blurted in an instant, and opened his eyes again!


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