I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1342: Jin Jinglei

Anlin opened his eyes and a very strong sense of weakness hit the whole body.

His legs were soft and he almost fell to the ground.

"This is... I... I became a mortal?"

He felt the state of the body in amazement, soft and weak, and even the sense of sensation of the heavens and the earth was gone.

Anlin turned his eyes around and found that he was standing on a large suspended rock, surrounded by a gray piece, with numerous swords on the bottom and a sharp knife with cold light.

"Where is this, I am not in a robbery, how can I appear here?"

“Is this a dream? Or is it a fantasy?”

"Maybe I was fainted by the Thunder, so did this illusion happen?"

Anlin muttered and took out the sword of victory and smashed his arm.


Blood splashes.

Splashing Anlin’s own face.

"Oh... painful..." Anlin took a cold breath and rubbed his injured arm. The painful pain made him understand that it was probably not an illusion!

"Welcome to the extraterrestrial space." An extremely indifferent and full of vigilant sound, suddenly coming from the top of the sky, without any trace of emotion.

Anlin’s face changed: “Who are you?”

"I am Jin Xulei." There was another voice in the space.

An Lin’s face is dark: “Golden Thunder will speak, become fine?”

"Cheng Jing? I am the most original source of Jin Xulei, born from the sky, the birth of a unique consciousness, you understand this, it is not wrong." Above the space, the voice answered very calmly.

The most fundamental source of gold deficiency?

Unique awareness?

Anlin was shocked: "I... how come I came here?"

"Because your thunder is me." The voice came from the space.

An Lin: "..."

Do you want to be able to see me so much, I am just an ordinary monk! ! Why did the golden swindling that was smashed into a fine robbery come to the door? Do you want to be so exciting? !

"As long as you pass my trial, you will be successful in the robbery."

Anlin forcibly suppressed the vomiting impulse in his heart and asked: "What trials should I pass?"

"You just have to choose it naturally..."

The sound of Cheng Jinjin’s thunder is getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappears.

Anlin counts the acceptance of Jin Xulei. After all, there is strength to make him lose all his strength. The strange existence that is inexplicably transmitted to other places is definitely not a common thing.

Suddenly, the sound of the golden sorrow of the fine gold appeared again.

"Tell me, why do you want to be promoted to return to the virtual world." Jin Xulei's voice is indifferent but full of majesty, as if the question of the gods.

Anlin heard a word, this question makes sense, there should be countless kinds of open answers, right?

"In order to pursue longevity, to ask for immortality, to see more scenery." This link should be a "question" link, and Anlin replied very honestly.

"Oh... It’s a simple and selfish idea. It’s nowhere in the world. It’s no good...” The indifference came with a scornful voice. At the same time, the emptiness of gold and mans flashed, and there was a gold deficiency.

An Lin was so scared that he was in this state, and the bombardment of a gold-deficient thunder would definitely vanish!

He immediately added: "Golden Thunder, I haven't finished talking yet! The reason why I did this is to strive to become stronger, punish evil and promote good, save the world!!"

"Good." The voice of Cheng Jinjin Xu Lei was pleased.

An Lin: "???"

Listening to the tone, it seems that the other party is very satisfied with this answer?

Is this fine Jin Ruilei so upright?

"Since you have saved the hearts of the world, then you will give you a trial called ‘rescue’...” The voice of Jin Xulei appeared again.

Anlin is a bit stunned, and the name of this trial sounds a bit weird.

Still have other things to do in the future.

Another burst of space has come.

Over the gray space, suddenly there were two huge suspended stones.

Thousands of people stand on top of suspended stones, revealing a faint color.

"Here is... Where is this?"

"Oh wow... Mom, I am so scared..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mom is here..."

"Ah! Look, there are a lot of knives underneath!"

The humans saw this scene change face and cried in panic.

An Lin’s face has changed. He can perceive that these human beings are not fictional fiction, but a living human!

The suspended stones that Anlin stood were in the middle of the two huge stones, but the humans could not see him and the presence of the stones.


Another burst of clear cracks came.

Two huge suspended stones suddenly began to crack.




The people above the stone saw the stone under the foot rupture, scared and screaming and crying. If the stone was completely broken, then the one waiting for them would be the knife under the cold.

"Give me a hand! What do you mean by this?" An Lin looked angry at the sky.

In the gray space, there was another voice.

"The total number of humans on the suspended rock is 10,000. It is the mortal who I randomly transferred from the mainland in the early days~www.readwn.com~ Among them, there are 6,000 people on the left and 4,000 on the right... ... suspended stones are exploding due to lack of energy..."

A slate suddenly appeared in front of Anlin.

There are two circular holes in the slate, and a blue bead appears next to the slate.

“The suspended rock is expected to completely rupture in one minute.”

"You now have a chance to save this group of humans. Put the blue beads into the hole on the left, then the suspended stones on the left will gain capacity and heal again..."

Anlin’s heart was not good. He asked: “If so, what about humans who have suspended stones on the right?”

"The stones that lose strength will collapse and the humans will fall."

Cheng Jin Jin Xu Lei, the words that do not contain a trace of emotion echoed in the void.

An Lin: "..."

Choose one, can only let one of the humans...

"You **** playing me?!" Anlin snarled angrily at the sky.

"There are still forty seconds." The sky came with a dull voice.

The suspended rock is on the verge of collapse, swaying violently, and the gravel falls below, and it is cut into several pieces without any suspense by the knife below.

"There are still thirty seconds." The voice of Jin Xulei came again.

Anlin took the blue beads and looked at the suspended slate, his hands shaking.

There are 6,000 people on one side and 4,000 people on the other side. It is sure to save a lot of people!

On the stone, 10,000 human despair and crying voices came.

Anlin took a deep breath and held the hand of the bead and put it to the left.

"There are ten seconds..."

If you don't choose, you have to die here, he has to make a choice.

At least, save most of the humans first!

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