I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1343: End of salvation

"Nineteen eight seven six five four three..."

The sound of the fine gold and thunder is like a reminder.

Anlin is now only a mortal body. He can't do anything. The only thing he can do is to save one of the humans on the suspended rock.

Yes, he has to make a choice.

And this choice does not actually have the difficulty of choice.

"Two, one..."

Anlin gritted his teeth and snorted, placing the blue beads in the hole on the left side of the slate.

He chose to save the six thousand people! !


The suspended stones carrying 4,000 people burst into pieces.

Four thousand people screamed and fell to the sky, and then they were penetrated by sharp knives on the ground.

When Anlin saw this scene, he was trembling with anger, and his heart was full of embarrassment.

After carrying the energy of 6,000 people, you can finally continue to float at high altitude.

But after the rest of the robbery, fear still shrouded the remaining six thousand people.

They cried desperately and helplessly, clamoring, crying...

Of course, there are also brave people who stand up and call on everyone to unite and find ways to escape this strange space.

But Anlin knows that if there is no permission for Jin Xulei, this is simply impossible.

"I have made a choice, you will send the other people back!" An Lin yelled at the gray space.

"Don't worry, the story has just begun..."

Cheng Jin’s Jin Xu Lei has a secluded opening.

"Oh..." is another sound of a broken stone.

The huge suspended rock suddenly split into two halves and kept moving away.

Six thousand people were divided into one left and one right.

There are 4,000 people on one side and 2,000 on the other.

What Anlin seemed to realize, widened his eyes, his breathing began to rush, his fists clenched, his nails fell into the palm of his hand and he stabbed his hand but he didn't know.

He sent out a beast that was generally low: "You...what do you want to do?"

Above the gray space, suddenly the poisonous fog was lowered.

Six thousand people were in pain in the end, struggling with their necks and mourning.

"Good... so painful..."

"Help, who will save me?"

"To die, I feel that my body is rotting and my body is being torn..."

Painful mourning, echoing in this space.

The voice of Jin Xulei came again: "Then I will save the savior of the life, and you have the opportunity to save the suffering mankind..."

"These six thousand people are poisoned. They will die in pain after a minute, but you have a bottle of antidote. If you break it, you can save all the humans on one of the suspended stones..."

Say, a crystal blue medicine bottle floats on the void.

At the same time, slabs with two holes also appeared in front of Anlin, floating quietly.

One left and one right.

Obviously, in which hole the vial is placed, which side of the human being can be saved.

An Lin collapsed, pulling out the evil sword behind him and frantically slashing toward the suspended slate.

"You are playing with me, I cut you!!"


The violent collision sounds, but the slate does not move.

"There are still fifty seconds..."

The gray space, the words of indifference.

"Come on, Mom, come out and single-handed! The golden sorrow of the dog's day, there is a kind of thing to roll out to Laozi, I killed you!" Anlin took out the sword and shouted at the gray space.

His words did not receive the slightest response.

"Forty, thirty-nine..."

The countdown is still going on.

Anlin frantically cut the suspended slate, cut the medicine bottle, and cut the ground, but it didn't have any effect.

The screams of the pain of six thousand mortals still kept echoing in their ears.

Finally, by the time the time is coming.

Anlin made the choice and saved 4,000 people with a larger number.

He can't see all the people dying, he can only choose to save more people!

Detoxification of the syrup as a mist, the toxicization of 4,000 people.

The remaining two thousand people were poisoned alive...

Desperate, horrible atmosphere, let the remaining 4,000 people on the verge of collapse.

Just then, the suspended stones broke again...

Human beings are divided into two thousand people and three thousand people.

Above the sky, a silver needle suddenly began to start.

There were many huge umbrellas in front of Anlin's body, which could be propped up and blocked one of the suspended stone spaces to block the killing silver needle.

This is actually a good choice, isn't it?

In this way, he chose 3,000 people.

He couldn't make four thousand people die, and he couldn't make 3,000 people die and let a thousand people live.

Reason tells him that he can only abandon the small and keep the majority.

Three thousand people were saved by Anlin.

The surviving human beings, pessimistically think that this is hell, but also optimistic, as long as you overcome this difficulty, you will be able to escape this space!

Then, the suspended stones under their feet cracked again.

Anlin silently raised his hand and continued his journey of salvation.

"I saved two thousand people."

"I saved this thousand and five hundred people."

"I saved this thousand people..."

Keep on choosing and keep saving.

Finally, on a suspended stone.

There is only one grandmother holding a little girl.

The little girl cried in horror, and the grandmother kept holding the little girl and comforting the child in her arms.

"Oh... Grandma, I am so scared, will we die?"

"Oh... hey, don't cry, close your eyes, and once you open it, you will be home."

In front of the suspended stones.

Anlin stood on the edge of the suspended rock and looked at the two remaining people. Both hands could not help but tremble.

A scream came.

The little girl and her grandmother were forcibly separated by a force.

The suspended stone was also torn into two halves~www.readwn.com~ Grandma! Grandma..." The little girl burst into tears.

"Hey, sunny, don't be afraid, grandma is here, don't be afraid!!" Grandma snorted comfortably.

When Anlin saw this scene, he suddenly felt that his heart was like a knife.

"This is the last choice. You can save a person. That person can return to the original world..." Cheng Jinjin Xu Lei suddenly began to speak.

Anlin heard a shudder and looked at the little girl and the old lady.

It’s a multiple-choice question, and it’s about choosing who to save...

"One minute time." Jin Xudao.

Anlin extended his trembling hand and pointed to the little girl: "I will save her."

The old grandmother is near, and the child is still young. He chooses to give the child a hope of living.

In this way, the grandmother cried in the scream of the little girl, the rock under the foot broke, the body fell to the ground, and the knife passed through the body and died.

"Hey... Grandma, you are dead, how do we live..." The little girl kept tears in her eyes, her face was gray and her eyes were hollow, as if she had lost all her colors.

She walked to the edge of the floating rock and looked at the grandmother on the ground. She smiled sullenly: "Grandma... It doesn't matter, I came to you..."

What Anlin seemed to realize, the pupils shrank, and shouted and shouted: "No!!"

The little girl did not hear.

A petite body jumped and fell into the endless sea of ​​swords.

Blood splashes, the ruthless blade penetrates the petite and thin body...

An Lin trembled and looked at the scene in front of him.

The indifferent but pleasant voice of Jin Xulei appears again in the ear:

"Congratulations, you are committed to saving the people, implementing the concept of the housekeeping family, and finally killing all human beings!"

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