I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1344: Who is wrong?

Jin Xulei’s words seemed to be blasting in An Lin’s mind.

An Lin trembled, recalling the scene before that, and was in a sluggish state.

"I... I killed them?"

"No, no, I obviously saved them!"

"I want to save them!!"

Anlin squinted his head and shook his head, shouting.

"Save them?" Jin Xulei faintly said, "Let's see, there are countless people on the ground who are pierced by sharp knives. They are all people who have been abandoned by you."

Anlin turned his eyes to the bottom of the floating stone. An individual was pierced by a knife, his face was stunned, and his death was terrible. The scarlet blood stained the knife and covered the earth.

This is like a slaughterhouse, like a hellish scene, appearing naked in front of Anlin.

Despair and death envelope the entire space.

"This... is this all for me?" Anlin muttered.

"Yes, these are the people who are 'rescued' by you..." Jin Xulei’s voice whispered like a devil’s whisper. “You made this result with one hand, and you killed this million!”

"No! It's not for me! This is definitely not for me!!"

"I obviously don't want to do this..."

"Their death is not caused by me..."

Anlin saw the tragic person on the ground, his heart full of guilt, his eyes red, and his tears could not stop flowing.

"You are also giving up while you are saving, so in the end, you can't save anyone. You press the buttons of killing one by one and make a murderous choice. You killed them all!" Jin Xulei laughed.

"Do you know how painful they were before they died? Do you know how desperate they were before they died... Do you want me to feel it for you?" The sound sneaked into the ear of Anlin.

In an instant, countless pains and negative emotions suddenly poured into the mind of An Lin.

An Lin hurts and rolls, crying and crying.

With the mortal body, suffering from such a huge amount of pain and negative emotions, individuals will collapse.

Anlin felt that the whole person seemed to be about to collapse, his mind became unclear, and his heart was full of self-blame and painful struggle: "They all died because of me? I killed them? Ten thousand lives." ...I...damn it!"

He took out the sword of victory and he was going to give himself a self-discipline.

Suddenly, he realized what it was, and his eyes gradually recovered.

"No, the culprit to kill them is you!" Anlin looked up and looked at the gray void, his eyes full of anger. "You put humans there, forcing me to choose. I have no choice at all." I just want to save them, they will definitely understand me!"

"They will understand you?" Jin Xulei's laughter echoed into the void. "Well, I will let you see. They know that after you made all these choices, will you understand you... Come out, die." Human resentment!"

During the time, countless souls floated from the body.

After they learned that they had become the truth of this, they all rushed to Anlin.

"Oh, it's you, why are you giving up on me? Just because I am standing in a small number of places, should I be abandoned by you?!!" The soul rushed to Anlin, and the suffocating body was like the essence.

"Why do you make choices on behalf of my life and death? I don't want to die... Why are you so worried..." The female ghost came quietly and stretched out sharp claws.

"You killed me, I want you to pay for it!" The evil spirits rushed to Anlin, and they were fierce.

The dense grievances, freely release their emotions, and rushed to Anlin.

Anlin rolled around and was caught in blood.

"Big brother..." A crisp voice sounded.

Anlin looked up and found a little girl standing in front of him.

This little girl is the one he chose to come to the end, the one who wants her to survive.

The little girl stared at An Lin and suddenly smiled.

"Big brother... You are really good or bad. I am so willing to let so many people die. Even my grandmother is killed by you. You really... **** it!!"

The girl raised a dagger and slammed into the chest of An Lin!

"A devil like you, you should not live in the world, give me to die!" The girl was fierce and grinned.

There was a tearing pain in An Lin’s chest, and his eyes were full of confusion and remorse.

"Hahaha...Look, all the creatures hate you, what do you do for them? Are you trying to save them? They don't think so!!" The golden sorrowful, sly smile As if celebrating something.

"Yeah, no one will be grateful to me, they all think that I am damn, but what can I do?" Anlin smiled, and his eyes shed tears.

"You actually have a choice." Jin Xulei suddenly said.

"What...what choice?" Anlin looked over the void and shivered as if he wanted to grab a redemptive straw.

Jin Xulei’s voice is smiling: “We can choose... don’t save them from the beginning, let them all die!”

Anlin’s heart trembled: “Let you all die?”

"Yes, human beings are like this. They don't understand your intentions at all, and they don't understand your painful struggles. If it's your operation, let them die, then they will vent all their grievances on you. ”

"But if you don't do anything, then their death, at most, can only blame God, how can you blame your head?"

The words of Jin Xulei made An Lin’s heart have a special emotion.

"The more you make mistakes, the human beings, there is no value to be saved, isn't it?" Jin Xulei's indifferent tone became very tempting.

"The value of human beings not saved..." Anlin's eyes blurred, repeating the words of Jin Xulei.

"Yeah, let them all die there."

"To save one party, you must become the wicked person on the other side, and you will become a wicked person. If so, is it natural to be natural?" Jin Xulei said.

"It makes sense. Anyway, the result is dead at the end~www.readwn.com~ Why should I be a fool, be a savior... At the end, I will not be thankful, they will become a grievance to kill me... "An Lin laughed and coughed up the blood of the internal organs."

A burst of golden light and lightning fell from the sky, tearing all 10,000 souls!

The scarred Anlin, looked up and looked at the golden thunder in front of him.

The golden thunder is not thick, only half a person.

It is small but very spiritual and extremely flexible to twist the waist.

A high-ranking Lei Wei is distributed in the void, making people look at it as if they are facing the whole world, and feel that they are small.

"You are the only source of heaven and earth, Jin Xulei?" An Lin muttered.

"Yes, I am very happy to reach a consensus with you." The voice of Jin Xulei is full of charm. "Humans are always going to be extinct. If they die, they will die. There is no value to be saved. If you are not thankful, let them go to die..."

Anlin didn't know why the topic of discussion would become like this.

But he doesn't know why, but the bottom of his heart is inexplicably thinking that Jin Xulei's words are very reasonable.

Jin Xu Lei was turned into a human form and extended his hand: "An Lin, you are not human, you belong to us, let us go."


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