I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1347: Cracked sky!

The robber clouds above the sky disappeared faster and faster.

This time, even the students who were not high on the ground were aware of the abnormalities.

“The robbery cloud began to dissipate. Why did An Lin’s classmates still not appear?”

"how come……"

"No, Master Anlin will not have anything to do..."

Some students, their eyes are red, and they are watching the top of Panlong Mountain.

There is no one there, but all of them are hoping that there will be a white figure again.

The existence of Anlin is not only an object worthy of worship for them. He is more like the most important light indispensable in the minds of students.

Only when Anlin is still there, then it can break through all the difficulties and darkness, and will never despair.

But in case, this light has disappeared...

The robbery clouds slowly dissipated, but their mood was like a hail, and the colder.

Just when everyone is sad and sad.

The sky suddenly trembled fiercely.

An indescribable force has shrouded the world.


"What happened?"

Everyone turned their eyes to the sky.

Above the sky, it seems that there is a terrible force coming.

The robbery clouds in the sky seem to encounter any special power and surged.


What suddenly broke open.

The people have not yet returned to God.

A huge golden thunder like a sword, tearing the sky, straight through three thousand miles! !

The dark clouds were torn into two halves by the thunder, and the Lemmons of the world were more dazzling than the sun, smashing everything and spreading to infinity.

The horrible thunder light not only brightened the eyes of tens of thousands of teachers and students and the heavenly courts, but even the five heavenly emperors saw it and felt shocked.

"This is a golden thunder that can tear the sky!"

"A terrible golden sorrow, it gives me the feeling that it is like a monarch who is on the top of the sky. It is supreme and strong, and the power is unlimited."

However, it is also at this time.

A figure appeared in the center of the thunder.

Whether it is the extremely horrible Jin Xulei, or the billions of Thunder in the robbery cloud, they bowed to the figure, trembled, and dared not continue to growl.

It is a scene that is extremely earth-shattering, and it has become static as a scroll.

One person is now tens of thousands of surrenders, and the sky is silent!

"This... is this a god?"

Someone looked at this scene like a miracle and muttered.

"No, that figure seems to be somewhat familiar..."

Yan Meijing stared at the figure like the King of Lei, and whispered.

"An Lin!!" A pleasing but excited call came.

Seeing a young man in Tsing Yi, Xu Xiaolan, who was already excited to fly to the sky, had tears in his eyes and a very happy smile on his face.

The man above the sky swung with one hand, and the thunder wrapped around his body dissipated, revealing Junxiu’s face with a warm smile.

He smiled and said: "I am back."

After that, he has already embraced the Tsing Yi woman.

"An Lin, how do you get into a robbery so scary? Scared me..." Xu Xiaolan buried his head in Anlin's chest, holding his hands tightly and whispering.

When Anlin disappeared, she showed her firmness in front of outsiders. She was convinced that Anlin would return, and her heart was afraid to die. It can be said that she was the most worried about Anlin.

Now that An Lin came back safely, Xu Xiaolan finally couldn't help but cry and let out his heart.

"Okay, it's okay, look, I am not good now?" An Lin smiled and patted the woman's back, softly comforted.

At the moment, under the thundercloud.

All the people were shocked, followed by ecstasy and cheers.

"It's Anlin! It's really Anlin!"

"Haha, I said that the gods are invincible, how could they lose to the robbery."

"Whenever it appears, let Wan Lei surrender. This is really shocking and ancient, and it is amazing!"

"I don't know the extent to which Anlin's friends are at this moment. I just feel the guilty when I see those thunders. He can make those Thunders become well-behaved. This is really a horror."

"I really don't care about my master, oh my god...he...he just got a day!!"

Snowy days waving small wings, excited all the soft white hairs are all erected, like a hedgehog, can not even speak idioms.

The five emperors who were waiting quietly stood up at the moment and looked at An Lin with a shocked look.

"This feeling……"

"It can't be wrong, there is a similarity between the power and the power of the wind god!"

"Is the same power..."

The crack that was torn out above the sky gradually healed.

The thunder ring on the head of Anlin also began to disappear, and a golden smock turned into a white coat.

Anlin is still the original Anlin, but his breath is already uncertain and unpredictable. No one knows what kind of scene he will be all about.

He Xu Xiaolan slowly fell on the Panlong Mountain.

"Let's go away." An Lin took a shot.


The sky robbed the clouds as he waved, and the smoke disappeared.

The sun once again scatters the earth, warming the earth and living things.

The people have not yet gone to congratulate, and they have been shocked by the hand of Anlin.

"An Lin, you...what did you go before, I am worried about it." Xu Xiaolan looked at An Lin and looked curious.

"This is a long story. I was taken to a place called Heavenly Heaven by Jin Xulei. Later I seized its ability and used its ability to forcibly break the barriers. This is safe again. Details Let's go back and talk." An Lin said with a smile.

"Oh, yes, it seems to be a little bit worse. After all, it is necessary to return to the nine hundred and eighty-one thunder. The last mine, I don't seem to bear it in this world." He suddenly took a shot with his hands.

"Hey?" Xu Xiaolan looked at An Lin.

Anlin thought for a moment, the **** ring appeared on the top of the head, and waved at the clear sky that had vanished.

"Come back," he said.

In the meantime, the sky is looming.

An extremely large golden scorpion thundered the void and crashed into Anlin's body.

Anlin opened his arms~www.readwn.com~ absorbed the golden deficiency and energy, and the color of the face was enjoyed. The last flaw was finally made up in this mine.

"Okay, you can go."

An Lin is taking a shot.


The sky robbed clouds and disappeared.

Tens of thousands of teachers and students are sluggish.

The heavenly courts seem to have seen ghosts.

Even the five emperors of the heavens are facing each other as if they are seeing something that is not in line with common sense.

"Is Amrin just recruiting another robbery?"

"When you wave, you will be robbed, and then you will be robbed by a shot. Is this still a human?"

"The day of the robbery listens to An Lin's friends, and turns into a baby who is ready to go." You said that Anlin is still not a person? Certainly not a person, he is a god!!"

The immortals were amazed. I don’t know what to say to describe the scene I saw at the moment. I can only use the **** to describe him.

In the early days of the mainland, Tianting Xiuxian United University.

Anlin robbed and returned to the dynasty in the Panlong Mountain, swallowing the authority, cracking the sky, and witnessing the success of the immortals!

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