I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1348: How strong is I?

"the host!"

"Ange! Wang!"

Big white, Xiaohong and other animal pets, rushing to congratulate.

Xuan Yucheng, Su Shaoyun and other good friends also came to congratulate.

"An Lin, are you really back to the virtual world now?" Xuan Chengcheng's eyes are bright, looking up and down the look of An Lin.

"It seems to be no different from before." Su Xiaoyun squinted his head, and the blue-eyed dreamy eyes reflected the face of An Lin, softly said.

"How is it different? Just like the way of playing the Golden Thunder as a toy, how handsome and more shocking!" Xu Xiaolan smiled and bent his eyebrows, holding Anlin in his hand, very happy.

"That is, I am so bully, even I am afraid of myself." An Lin smiled happily, a little fingertips, not far from the void will crack like a spider web, and the silky white thunder.

From a distance, it is like a giant snowflake solidified in the void.

"Wow, it’s so beautiful." Su Xiaoyun’s blue eyes are shining.

"After entering the virtual, you can manipulate the power of space so skillfully. It is really the most enchanting genius in Kyushu." Vice-president Yuhua admired and smiled.

The little whale swims around Anlin and excites the bubble: I am grateful, my Tianting Xiuxian United University is proud of Anlin today!

He came to the moon and smiled with a shallow smile on his face: "This time I really didn't come out, your robbery is really wonderful."

"This is still thanks to the **** Dan you made for me. If you don't say anything, Shen Dan tastes really good!" An Lin gave a thumbs up.

"Dan Dao's teacher, ask for a signature, ask for a photo!!" Yin Xi opened his arms and excitedly threw himself at Anlin, which seemed to eat the other party.

An Lin said nothing, facing Yin Xi is a volleyball palm, and he flew like a snowy sky.

A group of immortals and students and teachers from the heavenly courts came to congratulate.

Lifeline Jianxian put away the crystal of the picture, and the body could not stop shaking. It was the expression of excitement and excitement: "Great, every time Anlin's robbery is great!"

"Video on the crystal, I have to watch it for a hundred times!"

"Not a hundred times is not enough, such a good-looking robbery, I have to watch 10,000 times!"

The fate of the sword is laughing, as if to get the child of the treasure.

The five great emperors of Tianting also sent a blessing to Anlin. They are more and more unable to understand An Lin, but they also know that it is not the time to discuss them. In short, An Lin can successfully rob, everything is good.

Panlongshan became extremely noisy.

Wang Haoyu also proposed that the whole school should hold a commendation meeting for the whole school tomorrow, only to recognize Anlin alone, and commend him for his good example for the cultivation of Xiantian in Tianting and Xianlian University.

When Anlin heard it, he felt too much trouble, and then he thought about rejecting it.

However, the proposal of Wang Xiyu was approved by the teachers and students of the whole school. The proposal was unanimously adopted. In theory, Anlin still has a veto power. After all, the protagonist of the award is him.

However, because Xu Xiaolan voted in favor, Anlin’s vote was invalid.

"Hey, I obviously want to be a low-key cultivator." An Lin was stunned.

"Ang, you said this and Sun Wukong said that you want to be an honest person is not credible, Wang!" Da Bai looked disheartenedly at the mouth of An Lin.

Accepting the blessings of everyone, Anlin began to return to the small attic.

He needs to slow down now and take care of the current state.

Inside the small attic.

Pan hot pot party was put up, Xuan Yucheng, Tang Ximen, Xu Xiaolan, Luo Ziping, Yao Xiu and others, as well as a group of beast pets gathered together to celebrate the promotion of Anlin.

After drinking, An Lin ate a nine-yang fruit.

This is a precious and beautiful fruit that is given to him by the sun tree guardian Yili on the top of the sun tree. It is very powerful and has extremely pure yang energy, which can greatly enhance the purity of the user. And have the effect of comprehending the meaning and stability of the realm.

Recently, his strength growth is really too explosive, and he urgently needs to stabilize the realm. This one fruit fairy fruit just comes in handy.

When Anlin smashed the nine-yang true-yang fruit, he began to meditate and stabilize the realm. The bursts of firepower like a dragon hovered around the whole body, and the fire illumined the entire small attic.

"Ang's even the special effects of meditation have become so exaggerated? Wang!" Dabai was shocked.

"It's so powerful that I only feel the fluctuations. I feel that it is very difficult to press him under my body." Xu Xiaolan held the toon, and the clear eyes flowed on Anlin's body.

"Is this saying that you have pressed Ang's underneath? What kind of posture?" Dabai glanced at Xu Xiaolan, his mouth slightly raised, revealing the smile of the old driver.

Xu Xiaolan: "Big, don't think that your master is amazing, you can float, I can't help Anlin, you are more than enough!"

Dabai felt a chill of infiltration, and the dog's body trembled and immediately squatted on the ground for mercy.

At this time, Anlin did not notice what happened outside.

He closed his eyes and looked inside.

I want to be at the beginning.

In the early days of the ancient times.

Absorb ten golden world crystal sources, get the prototype of the **** of war ~www.readwn.com~ absorb one hundred golden world crystal source, get the body of the **** of war.

Today, the body of the **** of war, Xiao Cheng, in just two years, has been tempered by the body, not only a variety of high-level exercises, a variety of high-level Xiandan Xianguo Shen Dan fusion, but also experienced numerous life and death battles, the so-called God of War Xiaocheng has been forged by him to the limit of Xiaocheng.

I just don't know, I can give him a big assignment when he is.

Look at the system exercises, Jinmushuihuo, Fenglei, Yinyang, there have been two cultivation to the limit, respectively, the wind system and the lightning system, are the ninth weight, the realm of the power of heaven.

When he turned the gods, he could not use the power of authority.

Now that he is promoted and returned to the virtual, he is finally able to use part of the power of the heavenly authority. However, it is used in the early mainland, and the restrictions are very large. It is impossible to reach the height of Fengtian and Lei Tianshen, but it is still no problem in loading. of.

Don't look at the golden sorrow that he used to use the thunder's authority to rob the robbery. He called it to go, and it was very prestige. It was because the ferry was his own thunder, and Lei was well controlled. If he is replaced by someone else's thunder, he can't do it, otherwise his business will be expanded again.

There has been a major breakthrough in the practice.

There is also a very significant comprehension in the space, and nothing else, now his perception of space is still very powerful, which is positively related to the intensity of the soul.

As for the power of his soul, in the realm of the gods, it will be comparable to the late stage of returning to the virtual. Now he is advanced to the virtual, the power of the soul does not say anything else, at least in the return to the virtual world, absolutely can not find a stronger than him! !

Such a combination of these.

How strong Anlin is now, he does not know.

But it really started, he might even be afraid of himself! !

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