I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1349: The news of returning to the virtual

Deep in the West Sea.

A shrouded island.

Lan Xiaoni held a secret newspaper in his hand, and the majesty of the former lord disappeared. Instead, he was like a little girl who smiled and smiled.

"Great! The boss of Anlin finally broke through to the virtual world. I know that a genius like him has not broken through a few years in a few years!"

She took the secret report and sat on the high throne. Her delicate body lay on her side and looked at the face of the man on the secret newspaper. The blue eyes were slightly curved and full of smiles.

"I heard that he also removed the self-consciousness of the heavens with the authority of the wind. My boss is really not the average day. Xiao Ni has to work harder!"

"The forces of the West Sea Alliance have spread all over the West Sea, but there are still a few hostile forces that are hostile to the Terran. They don't want to be attached. It seems that it is time to start with them."

The woman on the throne whispered, her eyes gradually becoming firmer.

The southwestern part of the Kyushu border.

On the endless black soil.

There is a fairyland with a completely different style of painting.

There are green mountains and green waters, there are all kinds of spirits and fairy fruits, and more Ruiyang is transformed into thousands of colorful clouds dancing in the sky, and the vitality is turned into a fairy fog floating on this land.

If the ordinary monk is practicing the gas forging body here, it can be several times faster than the outside world.

The three great sons of the blood family, now in the face of the statue of the blood ancestors, realized the meaning.

Cocosty fiber refers to a circle in the void, a drop of blood follows her fingers, and it has become a blood ancestor statue that has been turned into a stone without special rituals. I don't know why, at this moment, I am going to move.

"Sure enough, the blood ancestors wanted the blood of our Lord's Lord. We used to absorb the blood of the Lord, and the blood ancestors responded to us." Cocosti's look nodded indifferently, for what happened in front of him, There are not many accidents.

"The Lord has now returned, and our plan can speed up." Taber smiled slightly, his face was clearly defined, and his eyes were full of gods, as if there was endless war.

"I don't know if the blood will be more delicious after the Lord's return." Coco's face is fascinating, the red lips are light, and the little bit of blood sticking out to the fingertips .

"Uh huh oh"

The land of the blood ancestors, swaying the voice of Cocosti.

In the forty-nine cents.

The banner of the celebration is filled with the entire sect.

Banners such as "Congratulations to Anlin's ancestors to break through the virtual environment of the Anlin sect, and Hong Fuqi Tian'an Lin Zongzhu is one step closer to the rule of the world" can be seen everywhere.

Bai Ling, a white skirt, is beautiful and beautiful, and looks very beautiful. Just like this, he stands on the podium, organizes the sects of the sects in an orderly and orderly manner, and organizes celebrations in full swing.

"Sun Xiaodie, don't be lazy, hurry up, the sovereign has been a sect for five days, we want him to see a new sect!" Beilian took out a luminous crystal and knocked on the branch. The girl’s head is a little angry.

"Hey, I know that there are still five days."

"I don't know if there is any big draw, I will definitely take a good practice next time!"

"I don't think so much. I just want to see the handsome face of Anlin Zong again." Sun Yuluo of Jiange has different ideas.

"Hey, this is a good thing, you still have to stay with the lord to say no?" Liu Qian illusion saw a face-faced Sun Yuluo, only to feel a tremor, goose bumps are up.

"Hey! Winter Jane!! You stinky fox, and painted a cat face on the face of the Lion King, I want to tear you off!"

"Hey, chase me, catch up with me, I will."

The core disciples of Zongmen, while laughing and joking, prepared a celebration of Zongmen. The carefree, relaxed and natural atmosphere makes them feel that they are not in the Zongmen, but in a relaxed paradise.

Kyushu World, Xiuxian United University.

A burst of salute bursting in the sky.

The whole campus is a joy and joy.

Teacher, the students gathered in a huge square.

Today is the campus commendation conference, which rewards Xianlian University and has made outstanding contributions to the cultivation of Xiantian in Tianting and Xianlian University, and has played a good example.

The commendation meeting was originally organized by the principal in recognition of Anlin. However, it was felt that the performance of the teachers and students in the Battle of Fengtian was extremely good. Simply come to a welfare show and commend the teachers and students of the whole school!

In the commendation meeting, there are tens of thousands of rare fruits, thousands of implements, hundreds of spirits, and 20 pieces of spirits. Basically everyone has rewards, and their performance is extremely excellent, such as Ming Yuan Jian Xian, Xu Xiaolan, Xuan Yucheng, etc. There is a spirit to take

Because of this, the atmosphere at the scene was extremely warm.

"The following is the opening speech of our principal, Wang Xiyu, to be a commendation meeting!" Vice President Yu Hua said with a voice.

In the warm applause.

A round-footed black-painted four-legged whale slowly wandered in the void and came to the stage, screaming in the air.

The scene was quiet.

The teachers and students were watching the whales spit in the air.

There are golden fonts on the bubble: Today is a good day, we are gathered together to cultivate the Xianlian United University in the previous period ~www.readwn.com~ faced the biggest crisis since the establishment of the school, but the teachers and students face almost invincible enemies, Still resisting, killing tens of thousands of aliens and achieving great victories

Anlin and the classmates watched the gold characters on the bubble together, and they were absorbed and exposed.

This may be the most special headmaster that Anlin has ever seen. There is no sound in the audience. They are all watching the principal’s speech bubble, and they are also very solemn and solemn.




One by one, the bubble rises to the sky.

Finally, there is a golden font on the bubble: I finished my speech, thank you teachers and students for listening.

Oh la la! The scene immediately gave a warm applause.

"Good! The principal is awesome!!"

“The word is beautiful and thought-provoking!”

"This is the most shocking speech I have ever heard in history!"

A girl said with a tear in her face, looking at the four-legged whale on the stage.

The boys are also shining with eyes, and they are extremely excited and fighting.

Anlin looked a little embarrassed, the headmaster spit a few bubbles, are you excited to be like that?

His eyes did not flash through a white mans, only to find that the four-footed whale secretly sneaked on his own bubble, using a trace of Shinto power to outline a small array, which made the gold on the bubble become sacred and solemn. It is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and becomes extremely easy to incite emotions.

The headmaster was also afraid that his bubble mode speech would be cold.

Poor world principal, in order to protect his dignity, let the students listen more and even sneak in the speech.

However, it is useless to maintain your image.

You must know that its face has just appeared, and when it spits on the students, it has already been thrown away!

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