I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1354: Weird rules

Anlin didn't talk, they didn't talk.

The street is very quiet.

Everyone looked at An Lin’s eyes as if he still had other emotions.

An Lin’s black question mark, he was the first time he encountered such a strange scene. According to the truth, this worship is over, not doing everything, looking for each mother, what are you doing here?

The buddies over there, the faces you eat are cold!

There is also the chef who cooks, the dishes on your pot are all gone! !

One or two eyes are looking at me. What kind of situation is this?

Just when there was some stalemate in the situation, there were a few strong breaths that were close enough in the distance.

"Bold people, what are you doing here, want to give us troubles? Don't want to be blessed by the immortals, I will give you, take a quick roll!" A man with a majestic appearance and a gorgeous robe Angrily screamed, one hand, and a burst of energy turned into energy on the street.

"Ah, it is the Yangzheng Lord!"

"Thank you for the blessing of the city!"

"Yangzheng Xianren Tiandi is the same life, the sun and the moon are the same!"

The people on the street absorbed the energy of the energy and thanked the flying man.

The crowd finally dispersed after this.

Anlin saw this scene suddenly realize that after the worshippers were worshipped, would the worshippers also pay the welfare to the worshippers? This rule is too realistic...

When Anlin slightly perceived it, he found that the Yangzheng lord was the strongest person in the realm of the gods. The followers behind him were the cultivation of the spiritual realm.

"The immortal is coming, there is a far-reaching welcome, but also hope to forgive!!"

When Yang Zheng saw An Lin, he was so excited that he slammed down and bowed his head.

Anlin was shocked and immediately lifted Yang Zheng, and said softly: "The city owner does not have to be polite, please pick it up!"

Even the city owner saw him, and he bowed his head and bowed. This really surprised him. At the same time, his heart was also sighing how strange the rules of the Shenyuan continent were.

The Yangzheng lord and the followers behind him stood up and looked at Anlin with anticipation.

An Lin: "..."

Anlin thought for a moment, imitating the tactics of the Yangzheng master, taking advantage of the strength of the heavens and the earth, forming his own unique energy, and then pouring it into the body of several people in front of him.

"Ah... comfortable!"

"Good energy, I realized, I have to realize!!"

"Thank you for being blessed!"

"On the heavens and the earth together, the sun and the moon are the same!!"

Several people absorbed the strength of Anlin, the satisfaction and happiness of a face.

The Yang Zheng was very respectful to get in front of An Lin and asked: "The younger generation Yang Zheng, may I ask the immortal because of what happened to my Yongyang City? If there is a need to help, please let me know!"

Anlin had some surprises. For a stranger, Yang Zheng’s performance was too enthusiastic.

Even if he had just exposed the space of the empty foot, he was alarmed and the other party was not so respectful. If this is in the early mainland, there will be a return to the virtual power, and the tempered city owner may not even have a bird's mind.

"Well, I have been retiring for tens of thousands of years, and I have only recently gone out. I don't know much about the world. Just tell me about the current situation in the world." Anlin took his hands behind him and looked down at Yang Zhengdao.

Yang Zheng heard not only no doubts, but more respectful: "It turned out to be an ancient fairy, you and I moved to the city of Wangfu, I will come with you slowly."

Anlin nodded slightly and, under the leadership of Yang Zheng, flew toward the center of the city.

The center of Yongyang City is a mountain.

There are clouds and mists, mountains and rivers, and cranes flying like a singularity.

Anlin came to a delicate and gorgeous pavilion on the mountainside, looking at the bustling scene under the city.

I have to say that from the perspective of living folklore, this place is very similar to the Kyushu border.

A woman with a delicate face and a graceful appearance, wearing a red strapless skirt, personally makes tea for Anlin, elegant movements, flowing.

"Ha ha ha ... Anlin seniors, this is the little girl Yang Lingqian's burning spring tea, she is in the tea, but the crown of Yongyang City." Yang Zheng smiled and opened his face.

"Predecessors please drink tea." Yang Lingqian stretched out his hand, holding a cup of tea in his hand, carefully handed it to the front of An Lin, and there was a bit of eager anticipation in his nervousness.

Anlin took the cup naturally and saw that the tea was red. It seems that there are flames like elves dancing in the water. It looks good.

He sipped a sip, the tea was fragrant and refreshing, and it was mixed with the enthusiasm.

"Good tea, this tea is not only fresh and natural, but also because of the special inflammatory power, it becomes extremely unrestrained. It is good as a refreshing tea." An Lin sighed and turned his eyes. The woman in the red dress next to her, smiled. "That is the inflammatory power that is unique to Yang Lingqian girl?"

The woman in the red dress was blushing and flustered. Something was flustered: "Well, it is the power of a small woman! If you make tea without permission, you will forgive the predecessors and hope you can forgive!"

An Lin laughed and said nothing, and picked up another cup of tea. After pouring the tea, the star magic appeared from the fingertips, such as the star-falling tea, and swayed a starry sky.

"Your tea has the power to blend in with tea, but it lacks a certain degree of artistic harmony. Try this cup of tea."

"Oh... yes, senior!"

Yang Lingqian was somewhat flattered to take over the tea ~www.readwn.com~ sip a sip.

"Ah...!" Suddenly, her face was red and there was a fascinating color.

The snowy and delicate body is undulating under the red skirt, and the breathing has become rushed.

"The fire burns the stars, so beautiful, as if people are addicted!" Yang Lingqian couldn't help but scream, and the voice was moving.

Yang Zheng looked at his daughter with a shocked look.

He was the first time he saw his daughter drinking tea and revealed this look.

"The tea ceremony of the predecessors reached the peak, and the little daughter admired the five bodies." Yang Lingqian once again greeted Anlin with respect and looked at Anlin's eyes differently.

If it was said that it was in the fear of Anlin's identity, then it was convinced by his tea ceremony.

"It’s just a little trick, it’s not enough.” An Lin waved his hand indifferently.

This scene made Yang Zheng’s fear in the heart even worse. An Lin was an ancient fairy, and he immediately convinced the first tea ceremony master of Yongyang City.

"Okay, we will not chat, you will tell me about the changes that have been going on for more than a thousand years." An Lin said faintly.

The Heavenly Shards fell into the Divine Continental 10,000 years ago. The changes in this period will definitely involve clues to the fragments of Heaven.

"Well, I will say this. Before the retreat of the predecessors, the Shenyuan continent should be the era of the nine kings and thousands of countries?" Yang Zheng asked.

"Yes." Anlin nodded, and at the same time, what is the ghost of the Nine Emperors?

Yang Zheng’s look is awe-inspiring: “But now, we only have one king, one supreme king. His appearance makes the era of the thousand years history, and the kingdom is the kingdom! The dogs are under the throne!”

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