I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1355: Supreme fairy king

When Anlin heard the words of Yang Zheng, his face changed slightly.

Judging from the words of Yang Zheng, is a fairy king born out of the world, unified the thousand countries, and included this world under his throne?

"The fairy king is so powerful, I don't know what strength he is?" Anlin curiously said.

"What strength is he is not known to us..." Yang Zheng looked at the sky and whispered, "But the king of the king swept across the thousand kingdoms, the nine emperors, the entire continent, and thousands of descendants of the virtual level. It is his enemy of triads, he is in the Shenyuan continent, is the supreme supreme!!"

"Since then, there is only one empire in the world, that is the empire of the gods. The palace of the celestial palace he established is in the center of the empire of the gods. It is the only super sect in the world. Anyone who sees the palace of the celestial palace must have It’s no exception, even if it’s a sin.”

Anlin frowned: "So crazy?"

"Oh... now the whole world belongs to the rule of the Imperial Palace. All the resources are also vested in the Imperial Palace. Whoever refuses to accept it will die. It is as simple as that." Yang Zheng shook his head and sighed.

"Why did this fairy king become so strong, have you ever had this character before?" An Lin asked again.

"Xian Wang is the king of the Kunlun Empire, the wind is boundless!!" Yang Zheng looks respectfully.

Anlin pretended to be amazed: "It turned out to be him!"

"Yes, it is him! Once a war of war, there is no end to the wind that has swallowed its ambitions. Ten thousand years ago, a meteorite fell in the kingdom of the Kunlun Empire. Since then, the world has changed dramatically, the heavens and the earth have skyrocketed, and the heavens and the earth have changed. More intense..."

"The realm of the spirit of all things is easier than ever, and the wind is boundless, and after a thousand years, it has broken through from the realm of returning to the peak of the peak, reaching a realm that has never been reached!"

Yang Zheng witnessed the color of longing: "The realm, he named the fairy kingland! From then on, there is only one supreme under the sun, that is, the fairy king wind is boundless!"

An Lin’s face has changed again, and it’s not a way to make a breakthrough. This world really has a super power of the level of cooperation, this time it is a little tricky...

"All this may have been caused by the meteorite outside the sky. How much do you know about the meteorite?" Anlin asked for a cup of tea.

Yang Zheng shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. I only know that the meteorite is stored in the secret room of the Imperial Palace. Xian Wang uses it to cultivate."

"In the past 10,000 years, it has not been the case that no strong person has glimpsed the meteorite. There are even a dozen of people who are extremely terrible, but I don’t know where they came from, and they went to the fairy palace. But without exception, they were all Killed, hung in front of the Imperial Palace, warning the rest of the strong."

An Lin’s face was a bit heavy, and those who were strong in strength were probably the returning powers of the son-in-law and the moral goddess, but they all failed.

Just chatting.


A loud and loud bell rang.

Yang Zheng stood up and nervously said: "This is the bell of the coming of the Xianwang Palace... Yes! Today is our Yongyang City, the day to pay the fairy to the Palace of the Immortals!"

He said, he apologized to An Lin for a sigh: "An Lin Shang Xian, the old man first lost, and now have to go to prepare to cultivate resources."

Anlin nodded slightly and didn't say anything more.

He just wants to meet the people of the Palace of the Immortals.

On the welcome hall of the main residence of Yongyang City.

A man in a golden robes, sitting in the Lord's position with pride.

The city master Yang Zheng and his daughter Yang Lingqian saw the messenger and immediately bowed to the ceremony.

"Being a good job."

"Yang Lingqian."

"See the emperor of the king."

The man casually used his own strength to give the two people on the ground, and then faintly said: "Get up."

"The gift of the Xie Xianwang messenger!"

Yang Zheng said with a grateful statement, this stood up.

Anlin used the stealth technique to stand by and eat melons. I saw this scene slightly a little surprised.

This immortal king messenger is only the cultivation of the spiritual environment. The Yangzheng lord is a sacred god, but his posture is so low. It seems that the imperial palace has a strong deterrent.

Yang Lingqian also stood up, the man on the main seat, saw Yang Lingqian's off-the-shoulder red dress, charming and enchanting appearance, his eyes slightly bright.

Yang Lingqian saw his head slightly lower, and his heart felt a little bad. She used to wear Anlin Shangxian, and she was more open, but now she has forgotten to change her conservative robes.

Yang Zheng immediately handed a naint to the messenger, respectfully said: "This is the resources that Yongyang City has provided this year. Please look over."

The emperor of the king of the king retired and finished the refinery, and glanced at the treasure inside. He also nodded with satisfaction, and a smile appeared on his face: "The Yangzheng city owner completed the submission very well and is commendable."

Yang Zheng took a bit of nervousness and politely said: "It is an honor for us to be a **** of the gods!"

"You understand this truth, it is good for the king of the king, it is indeed the mission of every **** source of the mainland..." The emperor's messenger smiled.

Later, he set his sights on Yang Lingqian: "The city owner, I see your daughter Yang Ling Qian Fangfei charming, there is a posture of the city... Xian Wang is now recruiting the world's best fairy, to be a fairy, three thousand, your The daughter is already in line with the standard, this is a step to the sky, she will follow me to the fairy palace."

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of both of them changed.

"Xian Wang messenger, my daughter is still young, she is not ready for anything now..." Yang Zheng hurriedly said.

Just kidding, how many rumors are there, how can you step into the sky? Is it difficult to make three thousand heavens? When I was left cold, ~www.readwn.com~ How could my daughter be happy?

"I have recently encountered bottlenecks in cultivation, and I need to retreat and practice. I really can't walk away. I am afraid I will miss these rare fairy tales. I hope that the ambassador of the celestial king can understand..." Yang Lingqian is slightly blessed and hopes to borrow For this matter, avoid this.

The man's face was completely cold: "The king wants to be stunned, how dare you refuse? This is a disrespect for the king of the king!! Blatantly disobeying the will of the king, believe it or not, then report it to the palace of the king, see you as the city owner. Can the government still exist for a few days?"

The man’s few clear words, scared Yang Zheng face pale, Yang Lingqian is more delicate and tremble.

They know that the messenger is not scaring people. This kind of thing is too common in the Shenyuan continent. Once the will of the rebellious king is destroyed, it is not uncommon for the whole door to be destroyed.

"I... I am willing to go!" Yang Lingqian bit his lower lip and finally made a decision.

"Qianer...you..." Yang Zheng’s hands were shaking and he wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what to say.

"Hey, I am leaving, you have to take more care, maybe I will be back later." Yang Lingqian squeezed a smile, but the tears in his eyes could not stop.

"Haha, I have done it. Going to the Palace of the Immortals is your great blessing. What do you do when you are alive?" The man smiled. "You, let me go."

Said, he will first step out of the hall.

A huge gryphon, holding a house behind it, squatting outside the hall.

The man led Yang Lingqian into the house, the lion screamed, his wings fluttered, and the wind rushed into the clouds.

The emperor of the king of the king forcibly took away the daughter of the city owner in a few words.

Anlin looked up at the direction of the lion's departure, and for a moment, the body disappeared into the same place.

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