I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1362: No one knows my secret and can still live.

When the wind was not stroking the two women, Anlin accidentally glanced at his crotch.

Then, Anlin was shocked to find that there was no sign of bulging in the windless pants.

What does this mean?

This can not help but make people fall into meditation.

Anlin felt that it might not be possible yet, so he continued to observe it secretly.

The two women were stroking their breath, their faces were flushed, and the delicate white body was moving on the bed, but the king did not have the next move, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

A quarter of an hour, half an hour, an hour...

After a cloud of rain.

The three finally settled down in bed.

From the beginning to the end, the wind did not take off his pants.

The look of the two beautiful scorpions is very stunned. I always feel that something is wrong. Did the original legend go to bed?

No, certainly not like this, this is obviously not the same as written on Xiaohuangshu!

"The Emperor Xian has been pampered with you. From now on, you are the woman of the Emperor of the Immortal! You have given me a swear by the heart, do not leak out tonight!" The wind is faint.

Where the two nephews dare not, they immediately swear to keep secret, and they also know that the most distinguished man in the continent seems to have problems...

After swearing, the wind is boundless to hold two beautiful women, and start to sleep.

Anlin, who was secretly observing, had already set off a storm in his heart. The speculation in front of him seemed to have become a reality. He really discovered the secret of the fairy king.

He knows that once this secret is revealed, the world will be sensational!

Yes, the king of the king who ruled the whole continent, suspected of impotence! !

Anlin still feels shocked until now. He clearly understands that the skills of rehabilitating the broken limbs should come at hand. Even if the younger brother is cut off, he can be born again. Why can't he?

This is not true at all! !

Somehow, he thought of his own system.

Is it because of some kind of force majeure that caused the physical defects of the fairy king?

An Lin is still confused, since his younger brother can't stand up, and the Hougong Royal Girl is three thousand. What is the picture? Is it still a feeling to play like this?

No one can answer Anlin’s doubts, unless he personally ran to ask the wind for nowhere, and asked directly: Brother, your little JJ will not work, why should you open so many harems?

But even if you do this, I am afraid it will not work. The wind is boundless, it should not be answered honestly, but it will go to find him desperately...

Just when Anlin was still thinking about it.

The wind that has been resting in bed is boundless, and suddenly there is a double glimpse. In an instant, the ghosts are crying, the wind is roaring, and countless black lotuses bloom in the void! !


The two scorpions lying beside him screamed and screamed, and the body was swallowed by the black yin in a flash.

Anlin’s face changed, and an extremely dangerous feeling came to her mind.

"I said that when I was in the middle of the road, why did I always feel something wrong..."

The wind was unknowingly open and sat up from the bed.


A condensed sound sounded, and the void around Anlin produced black ice crystals.

The wind looked at Anlin’s lurking direction, and his eyes shook slightly: “I didn’t expect that there are still people in this world who can lurk in front of me. You are very good... but no one knows my secret, but Live it!"

Anlin’s heart jumped. He knew that this time it was not a swindle. He was really discovered!

"Dead!" The wind is boundless and one hand.

The black ice crystals exploded with the power of the ruined ice.


The earth is shaking.

The cold force decomposes the entire palace.

There is no confidence in the wind, and his one-handed attack can crush a returning sin.

Suddenly, the flames dazzled like a big day, tearing the frozen power of the wind.

A flame smashed through the sky like a meteor, and crossed the night sky.

"Want to escape?!" The wind was cold and screaming, and the body vacated and chased the flames.

An Lin, who showed the fire of the sun, saw the man chasing him behind him, smiled lightly, and displayed the body of the Peng Peng. The whole person, like Dapeng, spread his wings and thundered three hundred miles! !

The wind is in the air, and he has never seen anyone whose speed is as fast as Anlin!

The sudden fighting shocked the entire Imperial Palace.

Countless people turn their eyes to the flames of the night sky.

The flames are so dazzling, anyone who looks at the night sky can see the flame that seems to illuminate the night sky for the first time.

One by one, the immortals fly to the sky and look to the sky not far away.

Chunhua Palace has long heard the volatility of the battle, and the scorpions reacted faster, and they have already turned their eyes to the dark night sky.

"Look, who is the fairy king?"

"God, who is going to break into the Imperial Palace, and even forced King Xian to personally shoot?"

"Looking for death, no one can survive from the hands of the fairy king."


When it is hot.

The wind has no footsteps on the black lotus, like slow and fast to the extreme, once again catching up with An Lin, a palm shot on An Lin's body, in an instant, the void freezes, everything is quiet.

When Xian Wang was shot, all the immortals felt a horrible force spreading.

No one dared to face the attack of the fairy king. They seemed to be able to see the dazzling yang figure, and the scene of the smashing bones of the king.

The figure was not afraid, and rushed to the king of the fairy, the same palm shot.


Black ice and hot fires burst at the same time.

In the night sky, it seems that the sun is exploding, and the light is igniting the eyes of the spectators.

The void of ten miles, such as the cobweb collapsed, the wind that was set off was the madness of the entire fairy palace.

"The power of horror!!"

"God, that person is not dead!"

"Oh... impossible, that person actually picked up the fairy king a trick?"

"This is definitely the top level of the fairy!"

Anlin was only retreated by the wind for a thousand meters, but the body did not see the injury.

One of the old monsters who lived in the Imperial Palace for a long time, opened their eyes and looked in the direction of the battle.

They know that this one suddenly provoked the strong king of Xian Wang and deserves their attention.

No one knows the identity of the strong, they are all curious.

Except one person.

Yang Lingqian red dress ~ www.readwn.com ~ standing on the roof, looking at the white man on the night sky, excited face flushed, close to the small hand.

"It’s Anlin Shangxian, he turned out to be Anlin Shangxian...!"

She thought that Anlin was just an ordinary immortal, but did not expect that the strength of Anlin turned out to be the top level!

Originally, Yang Lingqian was shocked and delighted by the strength of Anlin, but soon her face was replaced by the color of worry.

"How do you fight it, how can he really fight it?! With such a strong strength, why should you provoke the king..."

Yang Lingqian was very anxious, but did not know how to help the man.

Suddenly, she recalled what Anlin had said to her, saying that she had a chance to fight with the so-called Xian Wang. She was very perfunctory at the time and she did not care.

It seems to be...

Anlin is going to play really! !

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