I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1363: I will say it when I hit it again!

The first time that Anlin and the wind had nowhere to fight, both sides showed a shocking color.

The wind was shocked and said: "I don't think you are so powerful!"

Anlin shocked: "I was so arrogant?!"

People who eat melon: "..."

The wind is boundless, it is really true and harmonious, and the power is unpredictable and terrifying.

Anlin was the first time to cooperate with the super-powers at the joint level. He had already prepared for being hit hard. I didn’t expect to take a move, but it was unscathed...

It is no wonder that he will feel that he is arrogant, which is not unreasonable.

The wind has no face and completely sinks down. An extremely large black lotus condenses under the feet, and it keeps spinning. The heavens and the earth are like a cold winter, and it becomes cold and cold.

Yan Ji and the criminal dragon have already appeared on the void of the Imperial Palace at the moment, and there are four other extremely terrifying existences beside them.

They are only standing above the void, and the void is slightly trembled by the pressure that cannot withstand them.

These six people are the top powerhouses of the famous mainland, and the Kunlun Six Gods, the Dragon, the Ghost, the Spike, the Poison, the River God, and the Flame Ji.

"That is the black lotus Shinto. When the black lotus blooms out of the light, the world will obey the command of the king. The king of the king began to be serious this time." The dragon with a colored armor is faint.

"The fairy who broke into the Imperial Palace is very strong, and the strength is probably equal to us. But he is too mad, and he does not know the horror of the fairy king..." A pair of golden trees is a tree, and his voice is hoarse.

"It’s a pity that this body is repaired... So a good-looking little brother, it’s going to be fragrant and jade.” Yan Ji stretched out the delicate jade finger and gently touched the pink lips. The color.

At this moment, Anlin above the sky, felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

"Is it serious?" Anlin stepped on the footsteps.

Not only the big day inflammation broke out from the body, but even the star magic inflammation, the moon inflammation, the virtual air inflammation, the blood phoenix inflammation, Jin Longyan, Suzaku holy fire, also appeared! The six holy fires began to erupt, as if to burn the entire sky.

The fire is skyrocketing, boundless, and the wind is burning.

If there is a large array of protections in the Palace of the Immortals, I am afraid that the Palace of Immortals will instantly become a sea of ​​fire.

"The flame is good, but in this world, I have the final say!" The wind has no step in the footsteps, and the huge black lotus at the foot suddenly bursts into the darkness of the light.

The **** of light was born from the black lotus, it is the light of the infinite wind of the Shinto, it is like a raging wave of hundreds of miles, extremely arrogantly swallowed up all the flames, and rushed toward Anlin! !

An Lin was shuddering, and it was an excitement of tremor. When a real opponent hits, it seems that every inch of skin, every cell is eager to try.

The five elements of the wind, thunder and yin and yang, the nine major exercises are complete, melted into the body, and the golden emptiness of the body, the robbery of the road, the body of the **** of war can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful.

At this time, Anlin just needs an extremely powerful enemy to verify his strength! !

"Give me a break!" On the head of Anlin, Jinlian flashed, and a fist hit the light of the infinite wind.

The fist slammed down, the power of the mighty earth, carrying a direct force to the source of the avenue to the black lotus light.


This collision is like a twist on the earth.

Gold and black energy collide with each other.

All onlookers can feel the power of destruction that comes with a collision.

Even if they are guilty, they know that if they are at the center of the collision, they will be strangled by the power of terror.

That is already the power to detach from another level.

Anlin’s punches couldn’t last long, and they were shattered by the black lotus light and then hit the gods.

In an instant, a force that seems to freeze blood and chill the soul is surging. With the defense of the gods, it is impossible to completely resist it.

Anlin snarled a few kilometers by strength, and the corners of his mouth ooze blood.

Seeing this scene, Yang Lingqian could not help but tighten the small hand: "Flee away, why do you have to fight, depending on your strength, you can't escape..."

In contrast, the immortals of the Immortal Palace have been shocked to say nothing.

The Kunlun Six Gods will not be able to believe their eyes.

"He blocked it?" Yan Jimei was very beautiful.

"Xian Wang used the power of the Black Lotus Shinto, the man can actually block it?" The criminal dragon also showed the color of horror.

"Well, how can there be such a strong immortal?" A flower skirt, dark skin, but the appearance is extremely delicate poisonous flower god, faintly open.

The giant wolf with silver hair sneered aloud: "How strong is it, it is not the goods that our king used to sacrifice the heavens. For thousands of years, the top of the fascinating celestial celestial beings has been reduced. Wang Weiyan, no matter who it is, can't escape the blood of the palace...."

The wind has nowhere to see that Anlin has even blocked his power of the Shinto, and his face can't help but change again. He is trying to cast a more horrible technique.

Anlin suddenly shouted: "Stop!!"

The wind was not at a glance, and then sneered: "Want to beg for mercy? It’s too late, you have violated me, you must die here today!"

"You must let me go!" An Lin looked at the wind and nowhere, loudly, "If you don't let me go, I will take you Yangshuo, say it!"

The air suddenly stopped.

The voice of Anlin, although separated.

However, on the Xianwang Palace, which one is not a high-level living creature, how could it not be heard.

Even in Kunlun City, there are monks who are not far from the Imperial Palace.

So everyone was shocked and looked at the two people in the sky silly.

"Yang... Yangshuo?" Yang Lingqian opened his mouth and suspected that he had got it wrong.

"Xian Wang adults Yangshuo?" Kunlun Liushen will **** a big mouthful of cool air.

The high is on, the Megatron is the only one who dominates the entire Shenyuan continent.

The fairy king wind is boundless, actually it is Yangshuo? ! !

The fairy kings were all immortal, and the three views were completely smashed again, and some were picked up.

"Impossible, this must be filthy..."

"The man didn't say that if he didn't let him go, would he tell the story of Xianyang Yangshuo? But he said it now?"

"Maybe he didn't expect it at all~www.readwn.com~ Xian Wang will let him go..."

The eyes of the immortals looked at the two people in the sky intricately. They thought it was a normal thrilling battle, but at this moment the painting seems to have begun to crack...

"Don't dare to filthy me..."

The endless winds of the wind have become dark, and countless black lotuses bloom in the void.

"you wanna die!!"


The power of the Shinto at the joint level is fully released.

The sky is shaking, and the world is resonating.

This is the moment that Anlin waits, giving the most deadly blow when the enemy is most angry!


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