I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1364: Fairyland in white

? Black qi source!

The darkest and deepest mist lingers around the body.

Anlin’s breath has skyrocketed to the peak of the mid-return!

The sorcerer's sword in his hand was entangled in white wind, and the dark sword body became illusory, uncertain, and the body disappeared in the same place.

It was a faster way than the Thunder, and the electric Flint was not enough to describe his speed.

Clearly separated by a few kilometers, Anlin instantly came to the front of the wind, and the evil sword was stabbed to his heart at a very horrible speed!

Anlin didn't even think about running away. What he wanted was to kill the windless opportunities! !

All the monks who watched the battle, their hearts jerked, and were shocked by the horrible speed. No one on the field could keep up with the speed of Anlin!

The wind is boundless and angry, and the heart is affected by anger. The reaction is slow and half-shooting. It is too late to block the sword. It can only look at the blade and reach the chest.

But at this time, his chest actually gave birth to a black lotus.

The black lotus in the thorns of the evil spirits, such as stabbing on the hardest things, the sword is actually alive, then the aftermath of the sword has torn the bottom of the earth into a gully of 10,000 meters long!

An Lin’s face changed again, and apparently did not expect his sword to be blocked.

The wind has nowhere to laugh: "My Shinto is not only the Black Lotus Shinto, but also the Heaven and Earth Black Lotus Shinto! It is born from the heart, but it is derived from the heavens and the earth. Heaven makes me not die, can you help me?"

He has great confidence. In the Shenyuan continent, he is the sky, a symbol of invincibility!

Just like now, he didn't keep up with the speed of Anlin because of his intentions, but the heavens and the earth will still help him to defend against the invincible black lotus against the attack of Anlin!


The crisp cracking sounds.

The wind was infinitely diminished, and he found that the black lotus on the chest was slowly cracked under the spur of the evil sword, and there was a sign of collapse.

He immediately put his fingers together and condensed into a sword, stabbing Anlin's heart.

Anlin stabbed him with a sword, then he returned with a sword.

This sword, which is made up of the heavens and the black lotus, is better than any weapon of the gods, and can instantly freeze and destroy everything.

"Dead!" The wind has no face and no sorrow.

The world is frozen, only this sword, piercing the chest at a terrible speed.

Anlin can feel the boundless chills covering the whole body and deep into the bone marrow.

He stared at him, and there was a wind wing behind him. He suddenly slammed, and his body broke open the frozen void, and he retreated several kilometers. He defeated the evil sword and ran across his chest.

The windless swordsmanship is like a shadow, piercing the void for a few thousand meters, falling on the blade of the evil sword. After the fierce swordsman burst, the body of Anlin flew tens of thousands of meters.

"The attack of the fairy king was blocked again!"

"God, who is he?!"

One monk was shocked.

Just when everyone thought that Anlin would continue to fight back, he saw Anlin, who was 10,000 meters high, and turned decisively and fled the Imperial Palace at a very fast speed.

"Don't want to escape!" The wind saw nothing and shouted, and immediately chased it up.

This time, Anlin used both the black source and the wind spirits. When the speed and the previous escape, it was simply a difference. The speed of the wind is not comparable to him.

The distance between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

Their trace disappeared into the night.

No one knows what happened later.

But after a few minutes, the fairy king wind returned to the fairy palace without a step, and his face was gloomy.

The crowd of immortals already know the result...

The mysterious fairy, and the king of the fairy fight, and finally managed to escape! !

Yang Lingqian, standing on the roof overlooking the night sky, has not recovered from the previous battle. She did not think that she had been together for so long, and she thought that she liked to brag, and there was no shelf in the fairy. It turned out to be a top-ranking strongman who could fight against the mainland's first strongman and survived!

It turns out that he is not bragging, it is really arrogant! !

Yang Lingqian was a little embarrassed, recalling the little bit before, especially when she was uncontrollable and threw down Anlin, and the scene of kissing, the white face could not help but be red.

Even if she offended Anlin, Anlin was not angry, and she would not take the opportunity to bully her. She was especially good at speaking. It was really like a big brother next door. I couldn’t see that he was close to the level of Xianwangfeng. A peerless powerhouse.

So, what kind of person did she know?

Yang Lingqian looked at the stars in the sky and stayed up all night without sleep.

The next day, the Imperial Palace released a high price reward.

Anyone who provides a clue to the portrait, depending on the value of the clue, rewards one million spiritual stones to one hundred million Lingshi!

And that portrait is exactly what Anlin looks like!

The battle last night had already sensationalized the entire Kunlun City, and it was impossible to hide the news. Almost everyone knows that a mysterious strongman was born last night, and he lost with the celestial wind, and then managed to escape.

Don't underestimate the word "successful escape".

For thousands of years, no one has ever escaped in the hands of Xian Wang. I can imagine the extent to which the mysterious powerhouse has been terrorized. Also because of this war, he was faintly known as the first person below the world king!

Anlin has also been given countless legends.

In the portrait, the white robes and the handsome face have fascinated thousands of monks.

The man is nameless, but he has been given a very romantic title.

Named "White on the fairy".

I can't find a white dress on the fairy. I also said that it is a fact that the celestial wind has no limit on the world.

The continent that became dead under the rule of the wind and the high pressure, because of the appearance of the fairy on the white, the faint glow of life.

In addition, when Bai Xian was in a battle with Xian Wangfeng, it was said that the wind was boundless, and it began to spread in the market...

Whether it is true or not, this is a point of explosion.

Although many people do not believe that this is true, after all, the celestial kingdom is not known for its ruthlessness in the whole continent. Which of the beautiful ladies in the harem does not fall into the country? How could it be impotence?

But in the Chunhua Palace ~www.readwn.com~ quite a few blind people know that this is true...

They have been "fortunate" by the wind, and naturally know, but unless they don't want to live, they really don't dare to discuss such things.

A fairy in the Chunhua Palace, holding a portrait of a wanted night, smiles warm and bright, like a blooming lotus, beautiful and moving.

"The night sky is like a sun burning, and the white clothes are the celestial beings. This white sacred fairy can be described as a fame. He finally made me see different colors in the deep palace..."

Immortal leaned against the railing, holding the toon, looking at the sky, recalling the figure that made her stunning last night, smiled slightly.

The wind is boundless. I don’t know that there are a lot of jealousy in the Chunhua Palace. They have this portrait in their hands. They look at the portrait and look at the sky. I don’t know what to think...


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