I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1370: Immortal, you are green.

The eternal war book of Xian Wangfeng has already come down.

The whole continent is rising with the wind.

However, as the protagonist of the event, the celestial celestial being, did not express his position in the public to accept the battle of the king.

The top ten tops of the Imperial Palace, went to the Wolf Teng Wangfu to search for the traces of the white clothes on the fairy for ten days, still nothing.

Even the place where the 20,000 women went, they could not find it. It is conceivable that the perfection of this thing in white clothes is not only perfect, but it is really protecting the rights of all persecuted women!

The world’s perception of the fairy on white has changed again.

At the moment, Chunhua Palace is in a triangular building.

An Lin, who is dressed in white, is making tea.

Yang Lingqian personally teas for Anlin, the small face is full of curiosity: "An Lin Shangxian, Xian Wangfeng endless battle, will you go?"

An Lin said: "Why, have you always thought that I am fighting with the wind and fighting the stone? How can I feel that I will go there to die?"

Yang Lingqian sneaked a little bit of a small mouth: "I admit, I was a little stunned before, you really have the strength to compete with the king."

"Although, you don't seem to be able to beat the king, but I have a kind of fascination for you... and, you may not believe it, you are now carrying the hope of our entire continent..."

"Call! Stop!" Anlin stretched out and said, "I am not a savior. All I have to do is a very ordinary thing..."

"Is it a very common thing to dig two thousand corners of the king?" asked Yang Lingqian.

An Lin: "..."

Anlin suddenly had some words and right words. He could only cough a bit and transfer the topic: "Now, the public opinion environment has been established, confidence has been laid, and the two thousand people's strategy can enter the network phase!"

He can naturally kill the king of the sage first, and then save the scorpion. But doing so will make the public think that they are just saved, and the value will be much lower.

In doing so, it is far less sensational than the risk of his life to save the crowd.

There were no words in the hands of two thousand three hundred dice, and suddenly two lines of words were lit up again: I am back, are you willing to follow me? I will take you away from Chunhua Palace and go to a place where you can live in a paradise. You will also be able to return you a real freedom!

If you like, drop the blood in the blank space.

Yes, Anlin still has a **** on the letterhead!

One by one, who lived in the deep palace for a long time, his heart trembled again, his eyes glaring at the words on the letterhead, and some excited.

I chose to stay in the Chunhua Palace and be used as a plaything.

Still adventurous and escaping from this place in white?

In the deep palace, they lived like a pool of stagnant water, but there was a man who appeared in the night sky, so dazzling, so fascinating.

In fact, in the battle of the Imperial Palace, the figure of the fairy on white was already branded in their minds, and the subsequent event of the Wolf Teng Wangfu made his image more three-dimensional and vivid.

Which girl does not fantasize, will there be a hero who will pick her up in the colorful clouds and take her away from the suffering of today?

Now, this is like a fairy tale scene, it happens to yourself, who will not be moved?

A drop of blood dripped on the snow-white letterhead, like a blooming plum, dazzling.

An Lin closed his eyes and accepted the information conveyed from nearby. He opened his eyes for a long time and smiled. "It became, there were 2,160 people, and decided to escape from Chunhua Palace with me!"

Yang Lingqian held the toon and looked at Anlin with a gaze. He smiled and said: "You are wrong, it is 2,161 people, and decided to escape from Chunhua Palace with you."

Anlin heard a glimpse of it and looked at the charming red dress woman in front of him. This was a return to the gods. Some of them nodded. "Well, you are right."

For a moment, all the women who dropped blood on the letterhead saw a line of words: At noon five days later, I concentrated on the white jade dance stage of Chunhua Palace. I will take you away!

All the blinds saw a keyword: you!

The implication is that, besides her, are there other nephews and white escaping to escape together?

This is reasonable. After all, the white singer said that in order to save the persecuted woman, how can she only save her?

The nephews were more convinced of the news in the letter, but they always felt more inexplicable.

The hero of the world is indeed coming from the colorful clouds, but it is not her, but a group of women...

Sure enough, there is always a gap between fairy tales and reality.

Soon, there was another news that quickly swept across the continent.

On the white, the immortal promised the endless battle of the fairy king, agreeing to have a one-on-one decisive battle at the Sendai station at noon five days later! !

This news has sensationalized the entire continent.

The real wave began to rise.

Countless people have turned their eyes to the Tianshan Mountains in the eastern part of Kunlun City.

One strong man began to leave, broke up and flew toward the legendary 斩仙台.

They don't want to miss this world war!

Kunlun City, a large dance hall.

Yin Xi used the power of the Kunlun Empire to refine it into an elixir, swallowed it into the belly, and then tore the space and disappeared into place.

The five-day agreement is coming soon.

Tianshan in the east of Kunlun City.

Now there are millions of strong people.

They are either driving a variety of powerful beasts or arranging all kinds of instruments.

As long as people look up, they can see that the stream of light in the sky keeps moving, and there are no signs of severing. Before switching to it, they may not see so many powerful people in this life!

Nowadays, the strong people of the mainland are gathered here. What a grand event?

Tianshan is up to 100,000 feet and leads directly to the sky.

The Sky of the Sky is a naturally formed gladiator called Daisentai.

The square of Shenxiantai is ten miles wide, surrounded by a faint blue enveloping package, which can isolate the aftermath of internal battles. If there is such a natural enchantment ~www.readwn.com~ the million strong people on this continent, I am afraid that few of them dare to watch the battle.

The imperial king wind has nowhere to stand in the enchantment, hunting in a black robe, eyes are like electricity, the gods are full, obviously the state has been adjusted to the peak, waiting for the most powerful gesture to defeat the opponent.

The fairy on the white has not yet appeared, but everyone knows that since he has already received the battle, no matter what the face is, he will not go out of his way. This is the dignity of a superpower.

Millions of strong people are waiting for the appearance of the fairy on white! !

Just then, the melody of the fairy king suddenly lit up.

The wind has no brows, but it is still connected to the notes: "What?"

In the notes, Flame Ji rushed to the urgent voice: "You are green, you are green!!"

The wind is boundless: "???"

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