I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1371: The wind of anger is boundless

?仙王大人, you are green.

This sentence is heard from the notes.

There is no such thing as the wind is not expected to be said by Yan Ji. The whole person stunned.

Since the mask was not used, some of the monks on the scene heard the conversation, so those people were paralyzed and the air suddenly quieted down.

"You... do you know what you are talking about?" The wind felt no way to blow up his head.

"That's true! King Xian, you calm down first, I am slowly saying..." Yan Ji is estimated to be quite shocking. The tone is a bit excited and rushing. Continued, "Today my maid went to visit the daily life of each nephew. Life... and then I found that the heart of the fairy has disappeared."

The brows of the wind are not wrinkled, and I feel that there is still room for recovery. I feel like I am going to go to the palace of other nephews.

"My maid thought that she was going to other dice rooms, so she didn't care very much and continued to patrol the lives of other nephews..."

"But, the maid went on, and went to the 16th palace, and found that there were only five people. She finally noticed something wrong and immediately launched all the people to search!"

The wind is infinitely short of breath, and asks: "How is the result?"

Yan Jidao: "We searched the palace of 3,520 scorpions and searched the entire Chunhua Palace. We found that 2,161 people were gone!!"

The wind had nowhere to take a swig of cold air, and looked at the sky and shivered. It seemed that some of the emotions could not be restrained. For a long while, I bit my teeth and asked: "Is there something?"

"There were some things that were found, in the room of the missing nephew, there were almost all newspapers about the white sin... and in the room of a few scorpions, there was a white letterless letter that seemed to be missing. ”

"I looked for the great elder, Fu Yucang, who was good at God. I found a familiar force left in the letter. On the night of the Palace of the Immortals, the power of the fairy on the white is 99%...that is Say, all this is likely to be done in white clothes!"

"So, Master Xian, you are very likely to be..."

The wind is boundless and shouted: "Stop!"

A loud noise, a hundred miles of sound, such as the wrath of the sky.

The notes were instantly shaken by the screams of the wind! !

Millions of mainland powerhouses are exposed to the hustle and bustle.

The wind has no end of the mood has exploded, roaring into the sky: "The beast! I am looking for you to fight, but you secretly took away most of my harem!"

"I have no wind and no swear, ah...!!!"

The darkness of the light goes straight into the sky, covering the world.

Many monks changed their faces and fled in the distance.

The light is black, but the millions of onlookers seem to see the green light of the sky.

"Flee, what are you doing here stupidly? Don't you die?"

"But, the duel between Xianwang and Baiyi is not yet started yet?"

"Stupid!! Now, in this case, will two people still fight here? The white singer has put more than 2,000 green hats on the king. This is absolutely necessary for the king! We know this, this news Do you think Xian Wang will want us to take it out?"

"You mean... now we are likely to be ruined by the king?"

"Yes! So run away!"

One monk does not want to flee in the distance.

They are not stupid, knowing that this time to go to the count, otherwise it may be the anger of the immortal king to become the object of venting anger.

"Dare to spread this thing...dead!!" The windless roar rang through the clouds.

The black light of the gods turned into the most sharp and bloodthirsty arrow falling like rain, covering the land of a hundred miles, and all the places that pass through are destroyed! !

One monk died tragically under the arrow of Shinto.

Many of them are the strongmen who came to the Xianwang Palace to cheer for them. This is simply a map cannon that does not distinguish between me and the enemy. If you are lucky, you will die.

A fat man crushed a sacred arrow that was shot at him, and looked at the man who was raging in Sendai. His eyes were full of shock and endless admiration.

"Dan Dao's teacher is really a Dandao ancestor. Whether it is an idea or an action, it is far from what I can imagine. I thought he was fighting, and the hall was just coming to fight with the king. I can help him in the side..."

"Unexpectedly, this move was actually to tune the tiger away from the mountain, let the fairy king come to visit Sendai, he secretly sneaked away most of the harem of the king of the king... Niubi! Really!!"

This fat man is also Yin Xi.

He is now obsessed with An Lin Pei called a five-body cast, shocked to heaven! !

On the stage of the fairy, the wind has no end and red eyes, almost to be enchanted.

Yin Xi was shocked: "The attacker first attacked the heart, and Dan Dazu's master attacked Dafa. It really broke the heart of Xian Wang... Yes, really good!"

He did not dare to stay in place for a long time and began to flee in the distance.

The celestial king wind has no anger, and directly releases the sacred arrow. There is no difference in killing the tens of thousands of monks, but there are still more than 900,000 strong men who have fled the Tianshan Mountains.

The surviving monk, with great hatred of the king, began to spread the matter.

In this way, the whole Shenyuan mainland knows that the celestial singer has put more than two thousand green hats on the king.

Xian Wang said that anyone who dares to spread this thing will die, but he can't kill all the creatures in the mainland. After the news came out, Shenyuan mainland once again set off a huge sensation! !

Everyone was flashed by the singer of the singer in white.

Originally, the imperial king's wind had no time for Yangshuo, and it was aroused. Now that his harem is overtaken by the white robes, it is even more shocking.

No one knows no one before the wind is in the air, but nowadays, he is even more unknown, but the direction seems to be somewhat biased.

The people suddenly discovered that the once supreme King of the Kings seemed to be not so inviolable and unattainable.

He still has many of the same distress as the common people.

For example, he will also be impotence and will be cuckold...

On that day, it is said that Tianshan was stunned by the raging fairy king wind.

The next day, there was news released in Kunlun City.

In the white, Xian Xian claimed responsibility for this matter, and in order to save the majority of the persecuted women as their own responsibility, this is the only way to do this. As for the battle, the next day.

Chunhua Palace.

The most prosperous palace in the ~www.readwn.com~ wind nowhere face gloomy sitting on the throne.

Yan Ji and Xian Hou Yan Shuqin are kneeling on the ground and dare not make a sound.

"Talk about it... What do you think is going on?" The wind rubbed his fingers.

What can be done? Isn't it just the lack of charm, is it madly digging the wall with a fairy on white? Yan Ji thought silently in her heart.

Yan Houqin lowered his head: "The missing 2,161 scorpions seem to have been forced by various means by the emperor of the king, and the Chunhua Palace that entered this is not a voluntary palace."

"Oh? Being forced into the palace, you can escape at will, sweeping the face of the king?" The wind laughed indefinitely. "The order is passed down. Anyone who escapes, no matter what power, lick its nine!"

Yan Shuqin stunned and bowed: "Yes."

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