I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1380: I have to save

In order to save most people, Anlin killed all the people and finally endured the pain of being bitten by various grievances.

At that time, Lei Tianshen said that it is not necessary to save, let it be natural...

Which side to save will become the wicked person on the other side.

This sentence is very vicious, but it really reflects the facts at the moment.

Anyway, no matter how he chooses, he is wrong. No matter how he does it, he is a nephew who is infected with the blood of hundreds of millions of souls...

"Why, why should I bear these?!" An Lin looked up at the sky, and asked with anger. Unconsciously, the eyelids had turned red, full of unwillingness and despair.

The wind looked at Anlin with a blank face: "Would you like to kill me?"

He thought that Anlin wanted to kill him and could not kill. He was forced to cry.

Anlin never thought about abandoning this responsibility. He didn't want to destroy the mainland in the early days, and he didn't want to destroy the Shenyuan continent. He wanted to find a way to achieve the best of both worlds!

Just as he was about to be forced to collapse, the victory sword behind him suddenly lit up.

A clear, cool, tender voice came: "Hey, fool, isn't it a day? I forgot how I made up the sky when I was in the early days of the ancient dragons?"

An Lin was trembled, and then it was the color of ecstasy. Excited: "Xiao Xie, you mean, can you make up this day?"

"The sky of Shenyuan mainland is only worn by a brute force, but it is not a broken sky. Why can't I make up?" Xiaoxie faintly opened his mouth, and his tone was unparalleled confidence.

"What are you talking about?" asked the wind without eyes.

"Shenyuan mainland and the early mainland, I will save!" Anlin haha ​​laughed.

The wind is boundless: "Hey?"


A sword was inserted into the chest of the wind.

The wind is boundless: "???"

He widened his eyes and looked at the sword on his chest, his face full of incredible colors.

"You... are you going to die?"

The wind looked at the Anlin in front of him, almost screaming and shouting.

He did not expect that he would be killed by Anlin with a sword.

Once he dies, who will save the devastating crisis of the gods?

"Forgot to tell you, my sword spirit will make up the sky, you don't need it. Say it again," Anlin pointed to the blue barrier on the Sendai. "My strength is exhausted and I can't break it." The big battle, I won’t kill you, I can’t go out.”

The wind is boundless: "..."

It seems to be very reasonable.

"Do you have any last words?" Anlin asked again.

However, from the aspect of combat, he still admires the wind and the endless. As the first superpower that is defeated in his hands, he needs to give some welfare to the losers.

The wind has no end to feel the sword of the heart inserted into the heart, is constantly swallowing the essence of his life, knowing that he really can't live, can not help but smile, said: "The world only knows that I am bloodthirsty, but I do not know that I am for the whole world. The heart of the fists..."

"Do you say these last words to disgust me?" asked Anlin.

"...," the wind sighed in nowhere. "Do you know that the heart of heaven actually has attributes? It is a chilly and secluded, representing the darkness of the world, and because of this, it is only with my heaven and earth. Lian Qihe can borrow strength and me. But the so-called yin and yang are also the same. When I got the heart of the sky, my own positive force was suppressed by the heart of heaven, swallowed... cough..."

The wind is not bound, and it has coughed up a few blood, and the breath is extremely weak.

"So?" Anlin asked.

He really didn't understand how the last words of the wind were so strange. A lot of words are inexplicable, but they are still very valued...

"Do you know... A person, especially a man, is the core of the convergence of Yang's power? It's the kidney! It's my little sister!!" The wind has no face and grief and indignation, "I am not really impotence, It’s just that my little sister was suppressed by the heart of heaven!!”

Anlin was shocked.

The wind is still inextricably talking, as if returning to the light, the dance is full: "I am free from destruction for the mainland, even if I lose the dignity of the man, I still have to use the heart of the sky to fill the sky! If it is not all I have to pay, Do you have any chance to stand here and fight with me? It has long been destroyed along with this continent!"

"Okay, I understand." An Lin stunned his eyebrows. "You are doing this for the whole continent. I will explain it to you."

"It’s not impotence, it’s suppressed! Keke...” The wind is not in a hurry, and the blood rushes and spits out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"I am still very curious about it. Since you can't do it, why should you recruit the beauty of the world as a harem?" Anlin looked puzzled.

"Oh, huh..." The wind smiled indefinitely, meaning profoundly. "Those peerless beauty, I can't go on, why can someone else? I don't give them a chance!"

Anlin once again opened his mouth in surprise.

At this time, the singular sword of the wind that has no end of the wind is shining, and the extremely powerful light with the power of annihilation instantly breaks the body of the wind!

"It's disgusting." The little evil voice is cold and cold.

An Lin has not yet started, Xiaoxie will make up the last knife, obviously it can't be heard.

Anlin saw a helpless sigh, and said nothing else. This last word is the most wonderful last words he has ever heard. However, since the wind is bound to be so persistent, he can still try his best to clarify the matter about Yangshuo.

An invisible force seems to have drifted into the sky~www.readwn.com~ The blue barrier of Sendai has disappeared.

Above the sky, suddenly there is a piece of black lotus petals falling, covering a thousand miles, beautiful and desolate, while the extremely strong vitality is stirring in the void, so that countless creatures have a bit of growth, and some even feel the mood, Seemingly enlightened.

The power of the road can be degraded, the gods will disappear, and the world will be sad!

This time, the king of the celestial wind is really dead. Even though most of these million monks are stunned by the fall of the king, but in this situation, their hearts still have sad feelings.

Perhaps this thousand miles of lotus petals and the remaining true meaning of the Tao is the last gift he left to the world...

The place where the wind has no body to disappear.

An invisible crystal floats in the void, constantly changing shape.

Sometimes it is like an entity, and sometimes it disappears into the void, as if it has never been.

Anlin was a little curious. He grabbed the crystal into his hand and found that his hand had passed through the crystal, just like everything in front of him was air.

"Well? What happened?"

He was puzzled and even caught several times, and the results were all emptied.

"Okay! Is this not accepting me?" An Lin snorted.

The guy who is in the wind and the impotence is accepted, and he does not accept me?

Wait... The wind is boundless, as if it was accepted by the Heavenly Shards, is it Yangshuo?

An Lin was shocked, and even retired two steps, and he was relieved.

"God, fortunately, the Tiandao fragments did not accept me, I really want to accept it. What should I do if I am impotence?" Anlin secretly thanked a wave.

Forget it, what is the Tiandao fragment, or let the Yinxi brothers take it back...

Anyway, his master wants to take it back as an apprentice. This rhythm is right!

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