I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1381: Surprise in the heavenly debris

Anlin is entangled in the handling of the Tiandao debris.

Millions of monks have just witnessed the fall of the fairy king, and now they are feeling a thousand.

They also saw the fragments of heaven, but no one dared to peek at it.

After all, it should belong to the new first person of the Shenyuan continent, and Xian Anlin in white!

The Kunlun Six Gods will be mournful and unbelievable. They look at the black lotus petals that are scattered all over the sky, as if they are seeing the King of the Kings bidding farewell to them.

Yan Ji Su opened his hand and wanted to take over the petals that landed in the sky. I didn't expect the petals to pass through the hands, just like a dream bubble.

Her almost impeccable face has a faint sly color: "The era of the eternal kingdom is endless."

The river **** kept smearing tears: "Hey... The big king of the king is very kind to me. In my heart, he has always been invincible. How can he lose?"

The long gun in the handshake of the dragon, Shen Sheng said: "White Fairy has just experienced a big war, it is the most weak time, we can take the opportunity to kill him!"

When the words of the criminal dragon came out, the faces of the other five gods were changed.

But when they looked at the figure of the proud stand of Sendai, they hesitated.

Before the battle of Anlin, the invincible figure, has already stunned them.

"Weakness is weak, but the dead camel is bigger than the horse..." The poisonous flower pointed a little, a delicate violet bloomed in the fingers, and then quickly withered. "I pushed it, if we six people attacked the white at the same time. On the immortal, the probability of winning is no more than five percent."

"In order to avenge the immortal king, why do you die?!" The wolf's teeth revealed his fangs, and looked at the white sly figure with fierce eyes.

Ghost vines shake the dry tree, and the voice is hoarse and hoarse: "When the battle of Sendai, whether it is the fairy king or the white fairy, it shows the power far beyond our imagination... If it was before, I still have the confidence to ambush with you. He, but now..."

It hasn't finished yet, but the rest of the gods will know its attitude.

Yan Ji couldn't help but smile: "The white sacred fairy is now inside the Sendai. As long as we enter one of them, there is an enchantment barrier to form a one-on-one battle mode. Together, you are besieging? You are here. Dreaming?"

Spike: "..."

The gods will all face each other, they said a lot, they were directly beaten by Yan Ji.

"I want to say it..." Yan Ji’s voice was soft and soft, and she said, "We still have to flee to the deep forests. Now that the sky has changed, if we still can’t escape, then the forces will be liquidated, you and I still have Is it alive?"

Her remarks finally made the Kunlun gods fluctuate again.

"Whether you can't go, I will leave. I can't let my thousand wives and wives become widows at a young age..." Yan Ji smiled and singled out a flame circle in the void. The space door appeared in front of her.

Flame Ji left, and the other five gods will know that it is impossible to fight.

The era of Xian Wang, their era has already ended...

"Let's go, your life is tight."

"Oh... stay in the green hills... everyone treasures!"

One **** will begin to bid farewell.

At the same time, in the Chunhua Palace in the territory of the Imperial Palace.

Yan Hou Yan Shuqin is playing a war song with Xianqin. The slender and white fingers quickly move on the seven strings. The sound of the piano is agitated, such as the waves of the waves, and the collision of stars, the impulsive meaning in the burst.


A tight tat to the extreme, then the sound of the break sounded.

Xianqin's string was broken, and the blood was stained with Xianqin.

Yan Shuqin's fifteen fingers, a trace of blood appeared, and then dyed his hands.

The breeze blew, and the leaves outside the window rustled.

Her white skirt fluttered, her face was quiet and sorrowful, and she gave a gift to the distant sky: "French, all the way."

Inside the black square building of Comet Secret.

Yin Xi can't find where the Tiandao fragments are.

He was a little annoyed, and suddenly he noticed that the black lotus in the middle seemed to have a wave of energy fluctuations. It lost the maintenance of some kind of power, and the energy was constantly flowing.

"What is this stuff?" He worked in the body of Dan Li, slamming his palm to the black lotus.

The black lotus was shattered directly by the palm of the hand, and it was so fragile that it lost its energy.

However, Yin Xi was still happy in the future, and the red light column rushed from the ground to the sky, bursting the top of the black building and directing it to the sky.

Yin Xi opened his mouth in shock and said: "Is it wrong?"

He suddenly discovered that there was a shocking crack in the sky, and the destructive power of chaos began to fall into the world, as if to destroy everything.

The earth shakes and the void breaks.

The Imperial Palace began to suffer from the catastrophe, and countless souls began to flee around.

The elders and the Kunlun gods who were only going back to the Imperial Palace to evacuate, and seeing the cracked sky above the sky, looked at it. The general picture of the last day made them somewhat unrequited.

Yin Xi’s legs are a little soft: “It’s over, it’s a disaster, I seem to be breaking the sky?”

On the Sendai stage ~www.readwn.com~ An Lin also noticed the change in the distance.

"After the death of the king, the sky is breaking, I have no time..."

"But when I left, I left the debris of the heavens, what if I was taken by someone else?"

Anlin was a little bit annoyed. He found that the fragments of Heaven did not even bird him. No matter how he caught it, he seemed to be caught in the air, as if it did not exist.

Shen Jianshu!

Heavenly debris, the material form of the defects of the heavens in the early days.

The explanation is simple.

But Anlin knows that the simpler things are explained, the bigger the bar.

It seems to have been touched by the rupture of the sky, and the fragments of the heavens are flashing rapidly.

A small white solid pellet appeared in the center of the heavenly debris.

"Is this a joke?"

Anlin was a little curious. He stretched his hand to the small ball, and it was cold, and the palm of his hand gave a very comfortable feeling, and there was a wonderful feeling that swept through the body.

As if holding it, it holds the whole world!

After Anlin took the small balls, the white crystals still flickered in the void.

Meatballs should not be heavenly fragments, what is it?

Shen Jianshu!

The seeds of the heart of the world, born of the seeds of the world, contain the seeds of the world's vitality, and can be known to have the effect of deriving or repairing the heart of the world.

Anlin was shocked. He seemed to get something that was incredible.

The heart of the world in the early days of the mainland is complete, but in the world of mirrors, does not have the fragments of the heart of the world? With the seeds of this world heart, can we make the fragments of the world heart in her mirror world become the heart of the whole world?

Anlin suddenly looked forward to it, and he took the seed to the ring.

At this time, the Tiandao fragments seem to be stimulated, and suddenly they rush to Anlin!

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